Friday, August 2, 2024


Genesis chapter 1

Today we are walking in: Leadership Attitudes to Cultivate

Today we look to the word-LEADER- H5057 nagiyd-- leader, ruler, captain, prince; excellent thing, (chief) governor, leader, noble, prince, (chief) ruler.

The Torah Testifies.............................


The prophets proclaim...............

Isaiah 55:4 - Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader H5057 and commander to the people.

The writings bear witness.............

2Chronicles 32:21 - And the LORD sent an angel, which cut off all the mighty men of valour, and the leaders H5057 and captains in the camp of the king of Assyria. So he returned with shame of face to his own land. And when he was come into the house of his god, they that came forth of his own bowels slew him there with the sword

Leadership Attitudes to Cultivate

You become what you think.

The subject of leadership has been studied and researched by many people throughout history. Social psychologists have, from the outset, made
leadership a primary focus of their research. One of the most consistent findings by historians, sociologists, and empirically oriented social psychologists is that the nature and type of leadership exhibited depends on the particular situation, the tasks to be performed, and the unique characteristic of the leader and his subordinates.

Leaders must possess a combination of attitudes that embrace a spirit that reflects the heart and image of the Creator. Leadership is both simple and difficult because it demands an integration of the following:

1. a belief in oneself

2. a passion for one’s assignment

3. a love for people

4. a willingness and capacity to walk alone

5. a sense of satisfaction from the success of others


As we have discussed throughout this series, attitude is the key to the manifestation of your true leadership potential. It is defined as a mind-set based on your beliefs and convictions, and it motivates your behavior. Your attitude arises from the fundamental beliefs, convictions, and opinions that you have about yourself, your abilities, your world, and others, and it is manifested in your degree of selfconfidence.


Your attitude can be transformed by the discovery of your true self-worth, your true potential, and your commitment to achieve. The leadership attitude is more concerned with fully expressing itself than with attempting to prove itself to others.

In addition to the ten attitudes described in this series, true leadership requires a number of other attributes that are indispensable for the effective fulfillment of vision in the twenty-first century. The following are what I call “Leadership Attitudes-to-Be,” or “The Leader’s ‘Beattitudes.’” They describe the mind-set that every leader must embrace, cultivate, and exhibit in his or her exercise of leadership.


1. THE SPIRIT OF RESILIENCE—the ability to see failure as temporary and a necessary step to success.

2. THE SPIRIT OF COURAGE — the ability to trans form one’s fear into a motivator for action and change.

3. THE SPIRIT OF PATIENCE—a belief in the potential of change and the ability to wait for it.

4. THE SPIRIT OF COMPASSION—a sensitivity to the worth of others.

5. THE SPIRIT OF SELF-VALUE—a belief in one’s importance to the world.

6. THE SPIRIT OF SELF-CONFIDENCE—a trust in one’s inherent abilities.

7. THE SPIRIT PERSEVERANCE—the ability never to give up or surrender to the context of a situation.

8. THE SPIRIT OF STRATEGIC THINKING—the ability to plan rather than panic.

9. THE SPIRIT OF TIME MANAGEMENT—the conscious application of time to goals.

10. THE SPIRIT OF HIGH TOLERANCE FOR DIVERSITY—a belief in the beauty and strength of variety.

11. THE SPIRIT OF SELF-COMPETITION—the practice of never comparing oneself to others but only with what one has been or done before.

Leadership is both an art and a science: It is innate and yet learned; it is inherent and yet must be developed. True leadership is the hope of the future of our world and will determine the success or failure of our homes, communities, cities, nations, and planet. If we are going to discover the true leadership potential that resides within us, we will have to consult and refer to our omnipotent Creator for the true revelation of our leadership capacity and reconnect to the true essence of our leadership assignment.


Leadership is truly our past and our destiny and is the only thing that will fulfill our natural passion for greatness. I challenge you to spend time with the Creator of your leadership spirit and discover the awesome joy it is to receive the power and spirit of dominion available through an intimate relationship with him. I encourage you to submit to the Authorized Dealer whom he sent to reconnect you to yourself and to his purpose and plan for your life.


You were born to lead—settle for nothing less. Your generation and your world await your manifestation. Do it for the unborn generations who are meant to build on the foundation of your success as a leader. Remember, the difference between a follower and a leader is attitude. We must posses the attitude of leadership. We must think, talk, walk, dress, act, respond, decide, plan, work, relate, and live like leaders. You have the leadership spirit; now you need the attitude of leadership.

We must cultivate the same attitude that eighty-fiveyear-old Caleb had. Forty-five years earlier, he had been one of only two men, among the ten spies sent to scout out the land, who believed that the Israelites could defeat their enemies and enter the Promised Land. When the Israelites finally did enter in and the land was being distributed, he could have chosen the easy life on the plains, but he chose the heights of the mountains. In addition, he chose the very land of the descendants of Anak, of whom the other ten spies had said, “We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.” For forty years, as the Israelites wandered in the desert, Caleb’s spirit of leadership was so strong that he apparently planned to take on the toughest and most fearful adversaries in the land once he had the opportunity.

Here was Yah’s response to Caleb, and I trust that this will be his response to you after you have reread this series and begun to develop the spirit of leadership in your own life:

Because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it.
It was his attitude that made the difference. Make it yours, too.


To become the leader that you were born to be, you must discover who you are, your purpose in life, and the Creator’s design for your existence. Remember that a true leader learns from others but never tries to become them. You must be true to yourself. The ingredients and essence of leadership cannot be taught. They must be discovered and learned through experience and development. This capacity to learn resides within each of us, and it is now up to us to decide whether or not we will become the leaders that the Creator intended us to be.

The point is not to strive to become a leader but to discover and become your true self. Genuine leadership is the discovery of one’s purpose and assignment for life and the inherent gift and abilities that come with that assignment. It is the commitment to serve your gift to the world in order to enhance the lives of many.


Simply put, true leadership is serving oneself to the world. Therefore, it is not measured by how many people serve you but by how many people you serve. The spirit of leadership was defined over two thousand years ago by the most influential and effective leader of all time, a young master teacher, who, when asked how to become a great leader, responded, “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,...just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

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