Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Dangers of the Midrash without the Holy Spirit

Genesis 1:1-2; Isaiah 42; Acts 3:21;2 Chronicles 3:22, 24:27; 2 Peter 1:20; Mark 7:13; Matthew 23:13; Luke 11:52; Acts 10:38; Matthew 12:18; 1 John 2:27; Acts 6:3, 11:22-24; 1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:7-9; Numbers 12:6; Jeremiah 23:16; 1 Corinthians 12:27-30; Acts 13:9-12; 1 Corinthians 14:6; Galatians 1

We are walking in today:  The Dangers of the Midrash without the Holy Spirit

Witness lead to truth throughout the Bible:  H5148 nachah  to lead, guide, bring & H571 'emeth
firmness, faithfulness, truth, sureness, reliability, stability, continuance, faithfulness, reliableness Psalms 43:3; Titus 1:1

This morning Fiveamprayer we will be looking at the midrash.  In some cases, it has been used in Judaic circles as a substitute for the Holy Spirit.  There are many congregations that have drifted from the Holy Spirit led teaching of the scriptures.  Those who still teach scripture have focused on man's commentary as authorized over the Holy Spirit.  In every move of the Holy Spirit there is chaos and opposition where the light of truth invades darkness and error.  Some only seek traditions and rituals of men.  This is a move from the gatherings that Yahweh's people walked in scripture, originally.  Merely making the inclusion of any and all things Jewish that can push out the Holy Spirit.  So what is the midrash?According to scripture midrash can be interpreted as a root of taught or to study, exposition, story, writing or translation, possibly a narrative.  Related to drash which means to seek and inquire or study.  The traditional view of midrash for scripture interpretation was begun by Jewish refugees.  These discussions and writings would later become the Talmud.  This method thrives in Judaism and popular in many Messianic congregations--but should this method be used?  Focused on legal or non-legal view from the exiled Jews from Babylon.  The desire to have the Torah centralized and uniform begun this process to keep the surrounding people from blending in their cultures with them.  This is the time frame that many of the Mishnah was written and compiled. There are three uses of the midrash--how to read and interpret a biblical verse, also refers to a book on the study of scripture and the interpretation of a particular verse.  With the varied understandings of this word and how it can be used needs to be understood.  They are to hold on to the truth and not lean to our own interpretation.  The mystical insight that was only available to some makes for a breeding ground for misunderstanding.  This altering of the plain and simple meaning was lost and not effective in their lives.  This is the correction that Yeshua brings to the Pharisees who were upholding man made laws over the Torah of Yahweh.  Without the Holy Spirit, the man made doctrines that oppose the plain simple meaning of scripture.  This nullifying of the scriptures and making them to no effect in our lives.  Intended purpose of the midrash in messianic congregations, the popular version is an hybrid of the Judaic version.  Some may call it a brainstorm session--some may have a moderator to guide the discussion.  This can be very destructive as other man made inventions.  With so many voicing opinions of the scriptures that is void at structured teachings--can cause those who are new or seeking spiritual food to only hear these arguments.  When there is destructive elements of this midrash, how can it  be corrected?  Yeshua is our example--He proclaimed the Father's truth which requires an anointing for all men who teach or become congregational leaders.  They are to proclaim His truth with His authority!  Saul who later became Paul was to learn the correct  interpretation--as all prophets are to do.  It is by getting understanding directly from Yahweh which is confirmed and agree with His word.  There are those who are false that also teach and do not agree with the scriptures but operate in a vision of their own heart.   We are only to harken to these who are speaking according to scripture.  The Torah has to have the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit has to have the Torah!  To hear this teaching again click here. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Men of Torah--Meat In Due Season

Proverbs 31; Matthew 24:45; Luke 12:42; Psalms 104:27, 145:15; Proverbs 15:23; 1 Timothy 4:6; 1 Corinthians 10:4; Proverbs 31:15; Gen 49:27; Jeremiah 31:31-33; Ezekiel 20:37; 1 Corinthians 3:1; Romans 8:7; Psalms 45:14, 111:5; John 6:55; Luke 22:19-20; Hebrews 13:20; Leviticus 16:14-15; Exodus 24:8; John 6:53,15:10; 1 John 2:6; 2 John 1:9; Deuteronomy 5:29, 6:2,8:6;  Psalms 112:1; Ecclesiastes 12:13; Acts 9:31, 10:34-35, 13:26; Psalms 85:9; Colossians 2:19; 1 Kings 7:10; Hebrews 6:1-2; Revelation 14:12, 22:14; Matthew 7:24; Luke 6:48; Colossians 1:27; Galatians 4:19; Song of Solomon 6:9; 1 Timothy 4:6

We are walking in today: Men of Torah--Meat In Due Season

Witness in due season throughout the Bible:  H6256 'eth  time (usual), experiences, fortunes, occurrence, occasion
Leviticus 26:4; Numbers 28:2; Deuteronomy 11:14; Psalm 104:27, 145:16; Proverbs 16:23; Eccleasties 10:17; Matthew 24:45; Luke 12:42; Galatians 6:9

Fiveamprayer, we have appointed times that are given to us by our Lord Yahweh where we are fed.  This food feeds our spirit-man.  This our meat in due season.  With this studying and seeking out His word in its entirety, we are no longer in need but provided for lavishly when we meet at His direction and timing.  As we look back from our transition from the church and the Greek mindset that focused solely on the 'new' or second portion of the Bible, we have to go back to get and uphold all of His word.  This action, desire is seen clearly by the Proverbs 31 woman that she gets up early to give meat teaching and living her life according to His word.  With her obedience her family are fed to do the same and she gives a portion to her maidens. Upon closer review we find that the maidens are those who come in late to the instructions and are not moved to obedience to His directions for our lives.  At some point we all fell for the lie that we know better how to live our lives than His commandments and ordinances.  Remember that He with His words set all things in motion, creating the whole world?  This shifting from Yahweh's days and appointed times shifts us out of receiving the meat and drink indeed that Yeshua speaks about at the Passover with His disciples.  With us being out of Yahweh's timing we were missing the meat we were to receive to sustain us!  What appeared to be a small change here and there to better suit our needs led us to a spiritual malnutrition that will cause an emaciated spirit to be stricken feeble and weak.
So these feast days of the Lord are just that, His days appointed for us.  There are spaced at His timing and direction and when we follow in them we have how what we need to satiate us and keep us going.  This is meat in due season!  These spoken words that we have received from Yahweh we are now getting meat.  This moving from milk to meat, from the simple to the complete--positions us for that which He has set forth for us.  This is what many have failed to understand that we are not going to set the determination of what and when.  That was all set up from the beginning!  In our growing maturity they will allow for correction and redirection led of the Holy Spirit.  The distance and time from the original causes us to place things in a lower regard.  We will have that which we are to obtain at His timing, the revelation of His plan and our purpose that He ordained from the beginning. 
What other qualifications are needed for those to obtain this meat in due season?  It is for those who fear, revere, obey and honor Yahweh!   For those who walk in those attributes will follow all of His commands, statues, and ordinance--unaltered to the best of their ability.  These actions align with meeting at His appointed times for meat in due season!  The salvation that Almighty God has for us is tied to our fear or revering, obeying His commandments.  We have been rescued out of what held us bound to live a better and free life in His teaching and instructions.  This is the answer to' I am saved, now what'?  For far too long there was not an sufficient answer that would bring direction into many lives.  This affords us increase in Yahweh in our lives.  This meat has to be in the proper time or season.  This perfectly timed meal gives us direction, revelation of Yeshua, defines our purpose, as well as the characteristics that we are to cultivate.  The closer we look through the Hebraic lens at scripture we come closer to the original understanding and intention of Yahweh's holy word!  To hear this teaching again click here.