Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Torah Portion Vayechi--He Lived, Genesis 47:28-50:26

Genesis 47:28-50:26; Matthew 4:18-20; Psalm 65:7; Isaiah 17:12; Revelation 17:15; 1 Kings 12:24; Luke 21:24; Ezekiel 37:15-28; Genesis 17:3-7

We are walking in today:  Torah Portion Vayechi--He Lived, Genesis 47:28-50:26

Witness he lived throughout the Bible:  H2425 chayay  to live, have life, remain alive, sustain life, live prosperously, live for ever, be quickened, be alive, be restored to life or health
Genesis 21:20-21, 47:28; 1 Kings 3:6; 2 Chronicles 17:3; Psalm 49:18

Joseph took care to have his family to come to Egypt during the famine to be saved.  Once they came into the land, were separated from the people in Egypt and resided in Goshen (where we also find the descendants of Jacob in the book of Exodus).  This is similar to Abraham being called out and he crossed over and went to the land that Yahweh would show him.  Also the selection of wives for Issac and Jacob were also not from the local women in the land, but from Abraham's home land.  Again the crossing over and having a change of status is Hebrew by definition.  At the close of Jacob's life he blesses Joseph's sons as his own.  In this manner Joseph is doubly blessed in the blessing that is placed on his sons--who have equal standing and rights with Ruben and Judah.  With the dimming of Jacob's sight in his later years, Joseph places his sons before him for a blessing.  Jacob crosses his hands in blessing them that the first born blessing goes to Ephraim, the younger.  When Joseph tries to correct Jacob, he let's him know that all things were done correctly and Manasseh will become a great nation also.
The blessing that Jacob places on Ephraim and Manasseh recalls the blessing that Abraham received from Yahweh that is repeated to both Issac and Jacob of a people greatly multiplied upon the earth.  We find in this blessing on Ephraim to be doubly fruitful and the later division of the house of Israel--the scattering of the house of Ephraim to the rest of the world was all apart of Yahweh's plan being accomplished.  This leading out and the awakening of Ephraim to understand and return to their Hebrew roots--their position from the beginning.  We are returning home and being drawn out of the nations to a understanding and deep desire for Yahweh.  That we continue to seek and search His word and coming to understand His scripture from the correct context and setting.  Click here to listen to more of this awesome teaching on this weeks Torah portion

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Testimony Tuesday--What Does Yahweh's Word Say About Your Situation?

Isaiah 61; Leviticus 25:8-10, 23; Exodus 34; Deuteronomy 16; Leviticus 25:12-14, 25: 39-43, 25:11-12; Matthew 11:28-30; Psalm 95:11; Hebrews 4:6-11; Daniel 9:24; Psalm 16:9, 66, 68:10; Lamentations 3; Psalm 40:1-4

We are walking in today:  Testimony Tuesday--What Does Yahweh's Word Say About Your Situation?

Witness endure throughout the Bible:  `amad H5975 to stand, remain, endure, take one's stand, be in a standing attitude, stand forth, take a stand, present oneself, attend upon, be or become servant of, to stand still, stop (moving or doing), cease, to tarry, delay, remain, continue, abide, endure, persist, be steadfast
Exodus 18:23; Jeremiah 10:10; Ezekiel 36:6; Joel 2:11; Malachi 3:2; Psalm 72:17, 102:13; Proverbs 12:7; Lamentations 5:19; Daniel 4:31; Matthew 16:21; Mark 8:31; Luke 17:25; 1 Corinthians 10:13, 13:7; 2 Corinthians 1:6, 12:12; 2 Timothy 4:5

According to the Hebrew calendar we are already in 5775, as the world prepares for 2015--let us take stock and inventory of our lives over the past months.  There are some changes and shifting that is going to take place.  Will you be ready?  Are there still things still unresolved lingering?  Situations or people that need to be addressed?  We have to have those hard conversations to get out of our own way.  In some cases we are blocking others blessings because we are causing the hold up.  Those doors that Yahweh has closed for His purposes, cease banging on them to open! He has other plans for you and if you persist in being stubborn you could miss the next step in His plan for you, in this season.
From the weekend meditation through yesterday we have been looking at His feast days, appointed times which is being layered for our understanding that He is in control. He sets the times and seasons in motion at His design.  Daniel 2:21 And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding.  Fiveamprayer this understanding that He controls the seasons is that He certainly has our time in His hands.  When things will turn round in your business, marriages or with your children--He knows it all.  The time in particular that we at looking at today is the Jubilee-- the counting of seven times seven years for a total of 49 years.  The 50th year is to be set apart, a time of liberty being proclaimed throughout all the land.  In the Torah we have further details of why we should know more about this.  This was the retuning of land that may have been sold to cover bills, would now return to the original owner.  Those who sold themselves into slavery were set free and could return home.  Since all of the possessions of the children of Israel belonged to Yahweh, they were done with as He wished.  The promise that He gave His people was for them to have land and it could not be taken from them nor used by anyone outside of the people of Israel.  The family members of the person were to purchase the land and keep the land within the whole house of Israel.  While we are not currently under slavery as the ancient Israelite were, are we so different in debt and poverty that affects so many of us in this country?  Would a time of rest from these plagues of our finances and worry in our minds--be a rest for our souls, as the Jubilee was for them?!  Was there a plan in place to relieve or prevent what some of us are experiencing?  A 50 year cycle of liberty and consolation where all the people in the land were to receive bountifully from what Yahweh produced from the ground, the people were not to work but allowed more time to study and the return of what was temporarily lost.  In dealing fairly with their brothers and sisters fostered community and trust in Yahweh first and then each other.  There was reduced competition for there was no one elevated above the other for in this year of Jubilee, no man could boast from this outcome.  All were allowed to eat freely of all the fields for that meal and return as often as necessary.  This reminds us of the manna that fell from heaven.  That each person could eat to the full and would have to go out daily except for the Sabbath.  That is how much Avinu Malkeinu loves and cares for us, He has times of refreshing, comfort and liberty for His people.  His all-seeing vision knew we would need it--that our soul's would cry out for it.  This lack of understanding of the Bible from a Hebraic mindset truly sets us at a disadvantage for obtaining the benefits and avoiding the curses.  Can you imagine to continue to toil in the season that Yahweh has given us to rest and be restored?!  How awesome is our Elohim!  He upholds and strengthens us and prepares all that we need in the time that we need it!  Hallelujah and Praise His holy  name!  Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheniu Melech HaOlam!  To listen to this again click here. 

Monday, December 29, 2014

Why Keep The Sabbath?

Exodus 20:10; Genesis 2:3; Mark 12:28-34; Isaiah 11:9; 1 Corinthians 1:18-19, 1:26-29; Romans 9-11; Mark 2:27; Luke 14:26-28; Hebrews 4:9

We are walking in today:  Why Keep The Sabbath?

Witness favor throughout the Bible:  H2580 chen favor, grace, elegance, acceptance
Genesis 18:3, 19:19, 30:6, 31:42, 33:10, 39:21, 43:14; Exodus 33:12-13, 33:16-17, 33:19; Numbers 6:25; Deuteronomy 25:1; Judges 6:17; 1 Samuel 1:18, 2:26, 2 Samuel 2:5-7, 14:22, 16:25; 2 Kings 13:23; Isaiah 30:18, 61:2, 66:2; Jeremiah 26:19, 31:19; Micah 7:9; Psalm 5:13; 25:16; 26:11; 27:7, 30:6, 30:8, 30:11, 31:10, 56:2, 57:2, 84:12, 85:2, 90:17, 106:4, 119:29; Proverbs 3:3-5, 8:35, 11:27, 12:2, 14:35, 18:22; Daniel 7:22; Luke 1:25, 1:30, 2:40, 2:52, 4:18-20; Acts 7:46; Ephesians 6:6; 1 Peter 2:20; Revelation 2:6

Fiveamprayer, can one day of rest really be that important?  We can see in the Bible the direction that Yahweh has given us for His appointed times or rest and restoration.  This is the 7th day, set apart in rest and trust of Yahweh to provide for His people.  Ancient Israel were all to rest, including their slaves on this day.  This rest was not only physical but also mental.  This was a ceasing from work and relying on His provision and protection.  This practice was a community mindset that took care of each other knowing that He was keeping them in His teaching and instructions.  The sad truth of our current status--a decreased value of community and the upholding of the individual led to the damaging effects on families--which are more fractured now than before.  These 'improvements' come as many other proficient changes are made in either ignorance or arrogance of who knows better, us or Yahweh.  When studies of countries that observe the 7th day Sabbath of rest reveal that the rate of heart attacks are much lower.  The ties of the people in the community was much stronger.  Which builds on other community benefits, sharing the work or benefits that the whole group is prospering and protected in this larger group minded thought process.  Whereas we find in many places in society that the opposite mindset is in operation and has no concern about others as long as the individual is satisfied.  This is a sad state of affairs.  When many of us in our youth knew our neighbors, could even go next door to borrow a cup of sugar, or where the children could play safely outdoors because so many in the neighborhood were upstanding and would protect and guard them.  Their was a sense of knowing your where you neighbors worked and family background.  Sadly now many of us don't even know who our neighbors are nor their occupation.
Yahweh gives us this example of rest on the 7th day to show us how we are to follow His pattern.  This is a gift of rest and ability to trust Adonai, which has been overlooked--even altered to our great unrest and worry.  As Yahweh has taught Israel while in the wilderness for 40 years, to delight in the Lord's Sabbath.  This is a set apart day by Yahweh, so this day is not only for Jewish people but to all who serve and call on Yahweh as our Elohim!  He set this pattern as a time with Him and for our restoration.  He is the all-knowing, all-powerful, all-seeing Lord God of the Universe!  We must not allow our intellect to suppose that we know better--what it truth?  So is there a way to keep the Lord's Sabbath any day that we choose?  Was that His instruction?  Did He rest on the 3rd or 5th days?  So who can change His appointed time as our pattern to rest on the 7th day?  Yeshua who taught and led the new group who followed the Torah and believed on Him to be the anointed King, Christ Jesus--ever change the day of rest?  This shift was not done until a later day, by the religious and political leaders in Rome.  Due to this blending and combining of Adonai's word with other things over the years is where we stand today.  Would Yeshua and Paul recognize what has been attributed to them yet scripture tells us otherwise?  Can the opinion of man supersede the validity of scripture?  To listen to this awesome teaching again click here.  

Friday, December 26, 2014

Weekend Meditation--No One Knows The Day Or The Hour

Matthew 24:1-35; Daniel 12:10, 9:27; Matthew 15:24, 8:11; Zechariah 14: Luke 19:10; Daniel 7:13-14; Ezekiel 34:11, 20:45, 21:7; John 1:47-48; Genesis 17:8; Zechariah 3:10; Hebrews 1:1-2; Colossians 2:16; 1 Samuel 20:5; Ezekiel 46:1; Isaiah 66:23; Psalm 89:37; Leviticus 23; Matthew 18:18-20; Acts 15; Colossians 2:17; Exodus 12:6, 12:3; Numbers 33:3; Deuteronomy 19:15; Revelation 11:3

We are walking in today: Weekend Meditation--No One Knows The Day Or The Hour

Witness be willing throughout the Bible: H14 'ava to be willing, consent, yield to, accept,
to desire
Genesis 24:5, 24:8; Isaiah 1:19; Psalm 110:3; Luke 22:42

This arrangement of the 613 principles, the law of our Lord God Almighty, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is from the book by Rabbi Ralph Messer, Torah: Law Or Grace? Kingdom Principles For Kingdom Living.  This book can be ordered online here or in the store if you are in the Denver area here.

The Second Commandment-Exodus 20:4-5 You shall have no other gods before Me.  You shall not make yourself a carved image nor any likeness of that which is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the water beneath the earth.  You shall not prostrate yourself to nor worship them, for I am the LORD your God--a jealous God.
171. You shall not accede to one who entices you secretly--Deuteronomy 13:9 But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people.
172. You shall not harken to one who entices you secretly --Deuteronomy 13:9
173. You shall not take pity on one who entices you secretly --Deuteronomy 13:9
174. You shall not be compassionate to one who entices you secretly --Deuteronomy 13:9
175. You shall not conceal one who entices you secretly --Deuteronomy 13:9
176. You shall not allow one who entices to do such an evil thing again in your midst --Deuteronomy 13:12If you hear someone in one of your cities, which the Lord your God gives you to dwell in, saying,
177. You shall burn in fire completely the city that worships the gods of others --Deuteronomy 13:17 So none of the accursed things shall remain in your hand, that the Lord may turn from the fierceness of His anger and show you mercy, have compassion on you and multiply you, just as He swore to your fathers,
178. You shall not rebuild a city destroyed as punishment for idolatry --Deuteronomy 13:17
179. You shall not take anything from a city that worships the gods of others --Deuteronomy 13:18 because you have listened to the voice of the Lord your God, to keep all His commandments which I command you today, to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord your God.
180. You shall not plant an idolatrous tree--any tree--near the Altar of the Lord --Deuteronomy 16:21 You shall not plant for yourself any tree, as a wooden image, near the altar which you build for yourself to the Lord your God.

The question that we must ask ourselves today, Fiveamprayer is this--why must we keep His feast days?  We have been given in His word the description and timing of major events.  The disciples ask Yeshua when these things will happen, what are signs that we can look for?  In Matthew 24, He gives the answer and from the Western mindset we hear and understood that no man knows the day nor the hour, only the Father knows.   Returning the text to it's Hebraic context we find that this idiom or figure of speech well known to the disciples and much of Yeshua's audience would have understood from previous teachings in the Tanakh.  There would be two settings where no one would know the day.  The first is for the betrothed bride who awaits the return of her bridegroom to take her to the home that he has prepared for her.  This time frame was only designated by the bridegrooms' father.  The second the we will look at in detail is the beginning of the month, marked by the new moon.
The Hebrew calendar is lunar based instead of solar based like the Gregorian calender that is used by much of the world.  We have to remember when reading the words of Yeshua that He is Jewish and lived and raised in the Jewish culture.  This fact would better help us understand and return scripture into it's proper context.  The audience would have this framework for understanding that which He was teaching or referring back to.  
As the moon and the stars were given to us for times and seasons we find that there were two witnesses appointed to watch and give report of the new moon or Rosh Chodesh, meaning head of the month.  This task was of great import that if the new moon happened on the sabbath, they were allowed to come in to Jerusalem riding a horse which would otherwise be prohibited.  This allowance was waived for the importance of knowing the appointed time for His feast days and holy rehearsals.  The two witnesses appeared before the head of the Sanhedrin, questioned separately and once confirmed to be true the new month was begun with the declaration of 'sanctified'.   With this being the set point to begin the counting of the days for that month, to each feast days and the weekly Sabbaths.  The most important month to be calculated is the month of Tishri when the new year began Rosh HaShanah, the head of the Year.  This was a great celebration but was not able to be observed until the new moon was seen and confirmed.  Thus no man knows the day or the hour for it was only beheld in the sky--Genesis 1:14 (NKJV) Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years.  
The Hebraic culture that Yeshua is speaking to would have memorized large portions of the Tanakh and when He referenced the law, the prophets and the writings they would have understood what He was talking about.  This combined with the other Jewish writings that lead daily Jewish life and was set forth by ancient Rabbi's writings--gives us the detail that was observed in determining the appointed times that were to be observed by all forever.  These feast days or holy rehearsals are appointed by Yahweh, these are His days that He has given us!  This is not just for Jewish people, alone but all who are studying the truth about our Messiah and what was set forth from the beginning!
Without an understanding of Hebrew culture and idioms we miss the point of much of the text found in the Bible.  These faulty interpretations are compounded when we continue to build on the this base with more misunderstood scriptures and resulting in many conflicts and confusion.  Thank You Yahweh for giving us the question on Tuesday--what is truth?  That should be our question when reading scripture and listening to sermons.  For all that He speaks is true, if you find lies involved then it is the father of all lies, at hand.  Remember that He is the word made flesh to walk among us and will never disagree with Himself!  These feast days were so important that even Yeshua observed them, as was His custom--Luke 4:16  (NKJV) So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read. 
Just as we have earlier in Daniel who prayed three times a day facing Jerusalem with his windows wide open was his custom, we have Yeshua in the synagogue on the Sabbath according to His custom.  That seems like something that we can over look, but with a western mindset combined with less understanding of history, customs are not as highly valued as they were in the past.  It used to be that the customs of a people would tell you what country that they came from.  With the great melting pot of America those customs are not so easily seen.  The Hebraic mind is focused on custom which is part of the instructions from Yahweh:

Deuteronomy 6:4-9  (NKJV) 4 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one!  5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. 6 “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. 8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Joshua 1:8-9  (NKJV) 8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Exodus 12:25-27 (NKJV) 25 It will come to pass when you come to the land which the Lord will give you, just as He promised, that you shall keep this service. 26 And it shall be, when your children say to you, ‘What do you mean by this service?’ 27 that you shall say, ‘It is the Passover sacrifice of the Lord, who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt when He struck the Egyptians and delivered our households.’” So the people bowed their heads and worshiped.
They were to speak of His instructions that they got at Mount Sinai to their children, while walking along the road and in there homes at night. As He admonished Joshua for the book of the law to always be in his mouth and for him to meditate on it day and night. That when the time comes that the children will ask why do we do these things--the parents would teach them what Yahweh has done and the appointed memorial of His power and love for His people. This all leads back to the Hebraic mindset of custom. That which was learned, rehearsed and taught to future generations that the custom or ways would not cease.  When the church allowed the identity and culture of our Messiah to be purged of all traces of Judaism--it was to our detriment.  Without that context of the culture the understanding of scripture is not seen. As Paul warned us not to worry about those who judge you in new moons and other festival days was letting us know that Paul's audience was still observing those days.  It is not until later that we had the days changed--this was also warned in Daniel 7:25 against those who would dare to change the times and the law.  Why would these warnings be needed if there was not something that would come against His appointed times?  That we would cease in our rehearsals?  Why do we need to rehearse?  Could there be something that we need to practice over and over again for understanding?  Is the repetition done to show importance and value?  To hear this awesome teaching again click here. 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

5 Smooth Stones --Genesis 21: Why Is the Promise To Abraham Relevant To Us Today?

Genesis 3:8, 13:14-16, 1:14; Psalm 104:19; Galatins 4:4; Mark 1:15; Romans 5:6; Ephesians 5:10; Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23; Luke 1:34; Matthew 1:21; Romans 4:19; Luke 1:34-35; Matthew 3:16; Galatians 4:28-31; Genesis 4:14; John 14:1; Romans 11:33, 9:7-9; Ephesians 2:12

We are walking in today:  5 Smooth Stones --Genesis 21: Why Is the Promise To Abraham Relevant To Us Today?

Witness idol throughout the Bible:  H4656 miphletseth horrid thing, horrible thing, from the root word fear
1 Kings 15:12-13; Isaiah 48:5, 56:3; Jeremiah 22:28; Zechariah 10:17; 2 Chronicles 33:6-10, 33:15; Acts 7:41; 1 Corinthians 8:4, 8:7, 10:18-19

This chapter shows us more of how this promise of Abraham to be blessed with seed and in him all the nations were to be blessed--was fulfilled.  Why do we need to know this?  Because this effects the whole world!  His offspring was to be blessed and over the years and generations--we see the blessings of Yahweh on a vast group of people.  This includes believers and not Jews alone.  As history is traced back and more of us have the blood of the blessing in our veins.  In His great wisdom, Yahweh allows for those who come to understand and follow the ways of father Abraham are also blessed.  Fiveamprayer, we have to see in this chapter we are not to assist Yahweh in fulfilling His promises.  As Abraham did with Ishmael at the instance of Sarah who believed her child bearing years were over--yet is there anything too hard for Adonai?  Will the King of the Universe deliver on all that He has spoken?  Can His word fail?  All that the king speaks must be upheld in the Earth, how much greater for He who created all things?  The birth of Issac which was the son of the promise to Abraham, through Sarah.  It was Abraham's obedience that he was blessed with the promised son--to bring out a lineage of people to serve Him.  Ishmael was Abraham's son of the flesh, where Abraham and Sarah were helping Yahweh out.  In Isaac, who was named by Yahweh before his birth, came forth the blessing as promised to Abraham.  Isaac learned from his father all that Elohim had done, and that he would continue to walk in all that was promised.
9 points where Isaac is the foreshadow of Yeshua
1. they were both promised births and both fulfilled
2. there was a long interval from the promise of these births being fulfilled
3. messengers of Yahweh come to announce the births to both Sarah and Mary for these promised sons
4. both sons were named before they were born
5. the births occured at Yahweh's appointed times--both Isaac and Yeshua's names have a connection to passover
6. they are miracle births
7. both sons were the joy to their fathers'
8. both sons were obedient to their fathers' unto death
9. Isaac is a picture of Yeshua's resurrection

To listen to this teaching again click here. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Torah Portion--Parashat Vayigash-And Came Near Genesis 44:18-47:27

Genesis 44:18-47:27; Ecclesiastes 1:9; Isaiah 11:11-13; Genesis 31:4; Isaiah 45:5-6; Hosea 3:5, 11:2

We are walking in today:  Torah Portion--Parashat Vayigash-And Came Near Genesis 44:18-47:27

Witness came near throughout the Bible:  H7127 to draw near, to approach
Genesis 19:9, 27:27, 33:3, 33:6-7, 37:18, 43:19, 44:18, 45:4; Numbers 36:1; Deuteronomy 1:22, 4:11, 5:23; Joshua 17:4; Judges 20:24; 1 Kings 18:30, 18:36; Jeremiah 42:1; Daniel 3:26, 8:17; Acts 9:3, 21:33

This portion we find Joseph as the second in power, in Egypt and dealing with his brothers, who do not yet know who he is.  They are in the middle of a discussion regarding Joseph's directive given to them to purchase food for the family back home.  Judah is now taking a leadership role in his charge to protect the youngest son, Benjamin.  Where the elder brothers failed in their leadership roles here Judah is now in a protective role over his younger brother and to preserve his father's feelings.  Recall that when Joseph was sold as slave at the idea of Judah to not kill him but to make a profit from his life--he also participated in bringing Joseph's coat soaked in blood as proof to his death, to their father.  The stance that Judah takes in protecting Benjamin and letting Joseph know that he even pledged his life to guarantee his safety at the comfort of their father.  This bold and unrelenting position to keep the younger brother safe is now in effect as it could have been when Joseph was in peril.  With Joseph being sent ahead to Egypt in the manner that he was--all orchestrated by Yahweh's hand to deliver out the whole house of Israel in a time of famine.  The lengths that Judah went through with his brothers in the deception of their father in the lost of his favorite son are now clouded in the protection of Benjamin.  Now we find that Judah will now stand up for what is right and protect his family.  At this point Joseph tells his brothers who he is, letting them know that they don't need to fear him, even telling them to come near to him.  They were no longer to worry for this was all done to prepare the way for the rest of the family.  At Joseph's preference with Pharaoh, wagons of supplies were sent to bring Jacob and the rest of their belongings to move to Goshen.  This shows us the restoration of Joseph to his brothers and Jacob receiving him back alive. 
Fiveamprayer we have to see ourselves in this portion.  The things that Joseph went through were all for a purpose.  This is the plan of Avinu Malkenu, our Father our King.  Their are situations that we go through not for our benefits but those around us.  Or it can be the process to bring us to the appointed place or time.  For the all-seeing, all-knowing Elohim--plans will be realized!  In our processing we learn patience, trusting in He who is worthy of our trust.  When we really look at the whole situation we find that no one but Him set forth or prevented what could or would have happened.  We are learning more and more of the ancient paths and have set our feet upon what has been established of old.  Yahweh, open up our understanding to Your Way, Truth and Life!  For all else fails utterly!  Thank you for refining us, and having us to lead the way out to those caught in the same situation with us.  That we could be a beacon of light of Your glory and holiness.  Will we remain in position and right standing with You or attempt to wield our own power without You?  To hear this again click here. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Testimony Tuesday--What Is Truth?

John 8:30-32, 5:39; Matthew 10:11; 2 Corinthians 9:9; John 5:38; Psalm 119:142; 1 Kings 2:3-4; Malachi 2:6; Psalm 138:2, 40:11, 119:151, 119:160, 33:4, 85:11; John 17:17; 2 Peter 2:2; John 14:6; Romans 1:25; Ephesians 6:14; 3 John 4; John 8:37-38; Isaiah 8:20; Deuteronomy 15:15-19; Psalm 12:6; 1 John 5:; Psalm 37:25-31, 25:5, 25:10, 26:3; Matthew 22:37-40; Micah 6:8; Psalm 37:34; John 14:6; Proverbs 14:12; Mark 12:30; Matthew 7:13-14, 4:4; Psalm 57:3; John 1:12, 3:16; Psalm 54:5; John 3:36; Psalm 51:6, 57:10; John 3:18; Psalm 61:7, 85:11, 37:3-5, 86:11, 69:13; Ephesians 4:21; Psalms 84:11-12, 86:11, 119:151; Ephesians 4:15; Psalm 40:4; Ephesians 4:25; 2 Timothy 3:14-15; Psalm 89:14; John 1:17; Psalm 119:42: 2 Samuel 7:28; Joshua 24:14; 1 Samuel 12:24; Psalm 15:1-2; Deuteronomy 13:14 Psalm 100:5, 111:7, 25:10; 2 Timothy 2:25; Psalm 119:30; Ephesians 6:14; Psalm 119:160; 1 Peter 1:22; Jeremiah 17:5, 17:7; Proverbs 16:6, 12:19, 119:60; Zechariah 8:16; Psalm 43:3, 25:5; Isaiah 25:2; Psalm 119:142

We are walking in today:  Testimony Tuesday--What Is Truth?

Witness olive and oil throughout the Bible:  H2132 zayith olive, olive tree; H8081 shemen fat, oil, fatness, olive oil, as staple, medicament or unguent, for anointing, fat (of fruitful land, valleys) (metaph)
Exodus 27:20; Leviticus 24:2; Deuteronomy 28:40; 2 Kings 18:32; Zechariah 4:12

This is the question that we are asking this morning, what is truth?  This is also what Pilate asked Yeshua.  This is the what we are all seeking--the truth.  When people speak to us, when our children come before us to tell us what happened and even in court we are to give the testimony that is true.  Yeshua tells us that the truth will make us free.  What are we being made free from?  Yeshua says that those that believe on Him.  The disciples were then set apart because of not only their belief, but also their studies of the word and the walking our of the word in their lives.  This is much more than the mere honor of their lips but a committed action.    What does Yeshua set us free from?  Sin?  Yahweh's law?  His next words let us know that the bondage being loosed is from sin--from our study and application of His instruction.  Yahweh's commandments stand--forever and always!
He is the Way, the Truth and the Life--Yeshua is the word made flesh, who walked among us and brought the Torah to a greater understanding.  This was never to be a doing away with--why would He do away with what He has penned for our instruction?!  As we study the volume of the Book we find many references from the old to the new and the new to the old.  This is our wisdom, knowledge and how we can be blessed.  Seek out the truth that is what will only remain--what is truth?!  What He has promised in the first beginning of the Bible is repeated in the latter.  It is His word and it will stand!  His word fails not!  Go back, look back and ask for the ancient paths--find where you got off track and return to the true and tried way.  There are not brand new promises without any connection to the Tanakh or the Old Testament!  There is no part where His word changes for all that the King speaks stands!  Fiveamprayer, what is truth?  What is truth--Is it your job?  Is it the doctor's report?  Or the negative words given to you by passers by?  Only the truth is true!  Hold to the truth for it fails not! To hear this again click here:

Monday, December 22, 2014

Living the Truth, The Hebraic Mindset

John 3:21; Psalm 86:11; Ephesians 4:21, 4:25; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Job 1:21; Romans 8:28; Isaiah 1:11-14; Amos 5:21-23; Psalm 51; Micah 6:8; Matthew 19:27-30; Exodus 8:15, 7:13, 22, 9:12, 10:2, 10:20, 11:10; John 1:29-36; Jude 1:11-13; Revelation 19:20; John 6:37; Deuteronomy 20:19-20; John 6:44; Matthew 10:39; Isaiah 11:9; Proverbs 2:6; 2 Corinthians 12:10; Luke 14:11; Matthew 5:9; Isaiah 9:6-7; Matthew 10:34-36; 1 Corinthians 1:18-19, 36-29; Proverbs 2:4, 26:5; Romans 14:22; Colossians 2:21; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Mark 12:28-34; Deuteronomy 29:15; 1 Corinthians 12; Romans 9:11; Psalm 2

We are walking in today:  Living the Truth, The Hebraic Mindset

Witness boldness throughout the Bible:  H5797 `oz might, strength material or physical, personal or social or political
Ecclesiastes 8:1; Acts 4:13, 4:29, 4:31; 3 Corinthians 7:4; Ephesians 3:11; Philippians 1:20; Titus 3:13; Hebrews 10:19; 1 John 4:15-17

Fiveamprayer we have to understand the differences in the Greek mindset and the Hebraic mindset.  One of the major points that drives much of these differences is knowledge versus doing.  This is more than right thinking or confession but actually right actions.  The Hebraic mind is more concerned about your actions, the belief is of a lesser concern.  While the Greek mind focuses on belief and disregard the actions as long a the correct belief is in place.  This can led to many challenges in reading and understanding the Bible.  Which was written by Jews, to Jews and for Jews.  The prophets, those in the writings, and Moses are all children of Israel.  Their writing style and cultural background which would be more easily understood if we too were Jewish is also hampered by our Greek/Western mindset.  The focus on the individual and the quest for money, power and influence are foreign to the Hebraic mind.  The primary focus on community and family well-being was to trump any personal need.  This can be seen in the commands from Yahweh regarding community sins. On the other hand, in many Christian circles it is sufficient to say or believe the right things irregardless of how lives are really being lived.  Whether community focused or truth-based, only the confession is required.  The Hebraic mind has a value of all things given by the hand of Yahweh are to be appreciated and considered.  Knowing that all things come from Him and He is the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-seeing Yahweh our Elohim.  With a man centered, intellect based, mindset found in many churches leads to a gross overstating of ability on belief alone.  While scripture tells us:

James 2:18-21  (KJV) 18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. 19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. 20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?
(CJB)18 But someone will say that you have faith and I have actions. Show me this faith of yours without the actions, and I will show you my faith by my actions! 19 You believe that “God is one”? Good for you! The demons believe it too — the thought makes them shudder with fear! 20 But, foolish fellow, do you want to be shown that such “faith” apart from actions is barren? 21 Wasn’t Avraham avinu declared righteous because of actions when he offered up his son Yitz’chak on the altar?

The call for action is also seen in Yeshua's emphatic statements:
John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

John 14:21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

John 15:10  If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.

Fiveamprayer, do we love Him?  Will we keep His commandments--not just confessions but actual action as well?  As we keep the commandments we find that actually they keep us!  There are things that are avoided or missed by our obedience that, in disobedience to His principles allows access to disease and many other difficulties.  Let us un-learn the Greek mindset that is so far from the instructions that we receive in the Bible.  Coming to understand the Hebraic mind and the Hebrew culture assist us to know what the text is showing and teaching us.  The Bible is not just a great literary work, that spans centuries and displays various writing styles in its context, but a book of history and instruction for our lives even now.  So now let us put off our preconceived notions of all that we thought that we know, let us reserve judgement and allow the Holy Spirit, the Ruach HaKadosh to lead and guide us in our understanding--devoid of the Greek mindset.  2 Corinthians 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.  To listen to this message again click here.

Friday, December 19, 2014

The Secret Power Of Lawlessness, Is Already At Work

2 Thessalonians 2; Matthew 24:12; 1 John 3:4; 2 Peter 2:2; Matthew 5:19; Daniel 7:25; Acts 15:20; Isaiah 52:11; 2 Corinthians 6:17, 7:1; Leviticus 17-19; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7; Leviticus 19:2; 1 Thessalonians 4:9; 4:5; James 2:11, 2:8, 2:1-4, 4:11, 5:4, 5:12, 5:19-20; 1 Peter 1:15, 2:11, 1:15, 1:22, 3:9; Acts 21:20-21; 21:24; 2 Thessalonians 2:3; Daniel 7:25; Isaiah 5:24; Hosea 4:6; Daniel 9:10-11; Isaiah 20:13; Ezekiel 20:13; Nehemiah 13:15-22; 1 Timothy 1:8-11, 4:3-4, 4:1; 2 Peter 2:3; Titus 2:1, 2:13-14; Hosea 8:1-3; Isaiah 8:20; Revelation 12:17; John 14:15; Matthew 15:2-3, 15:6-9, 23:28, 7:21-23; 1 Samuel 15:22; Matthew 13:41; Psalm 119:115

We are walking in today:  Weekend Meditation:  The Secret Power Of Lawlessness, Is Already At Work

Witness iniquity  throughout the Bible:  H5771 `avon meaning lawlessness, perversity, depravity, guilt
Isaiah 1:4, 6:7, 13:11, 14:21, 22:14, 27:9; Jeremiah 16:10; Ezekiel 35:5; Hosea 9:7, 10:13, 12:12; Proverbs 16:6, Job 11:10-11, 11:13-16, 14:17, 15:5, 15:16, 21:19, 24:20; Daniel 9:24; Matthew 7:23; Romans 6:19

In all of our years in reading the Bible, especially the New Testament, it seems that these scriptures were given to us over and over again.  The writers are referring back to a previous text.  We must know and understand that the Bible is a complete book, from Genesis to Revelation and not able to be split apart nor able to be disregarded due to any personal preference.  How could the first be made less than the last?  Isn't what is spoken first most often weightier?  Things of the greatest import are repeated for our benefit and warning.  Yahweh is a fully aware that all He has spoken will come forth.  It must be fulfilled--without fail!  As we were made in His image and likeness why would He not give us the framework of how to live our lives?!  From the first directions given in the garden leading up to the giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai--we have the way we are to go.  Could it be possible that we would and could make poor decisions if left to our own devices?  Were the early believers that Paul writes to in various letters repeatedly warning not pursue a different faith, a different Jesus, or different instructions than what he has taught by the direction of the Holy Spirit--could they be entangled in the destruction that he desired to prevent?  How could this be that he would refer back to the first half of the Bible so often if it is to be disregarded?  The living in closer proximity to the earlier text, would show if it was or had been replaced.  This false idea did not arise until many years later. 
Better yet, the word will always be in agreement with itself for the Author is not double-minded nor tied to human indecision.  The danger of writing off the old in preference to the new has a text that is missing much of its content or reference points.  Could this be why the current state of many believers lives end up with faith and practices with wide gaping holes throughout that produces a weak and limping fruit?!

Isaiah 52:11 (NKJV) Depart! Depart! Go out from there, touch no unclean thing; Go out from the midst of her, be clean, you who bear the vessels of the Lord.

2 Corinthians 6:17 (NKJV) Therefore “Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.” 
So when we look back do we find the text from 2 Corinthians 6:17, show up anywhere else in the older text?  Isaiah looks like a fit to me.  So could this be the case in other sections of this Bible?  We have to know that He is our Father and will repeat what is important for His children to know and understand--for our well-being.  Does not an earthly father do the same that his children would learn what is the good and right way to go?  How else did we learn if not repeated until we have understanding to avoid those things that would cause us damage or harm?

Leviticus 19:2 (KJV) Speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say unto them, Ye shall be holy: for I the Lord your God am holy.
1 Thessalonians 4:3-7 (KJV) 3 For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:  4 That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; 5 Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God: 6 That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified. 7 For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.
The original instruction was for us to be holy for our Elohim, our God is holy.  Then we have Peter giving instruction to that the will of Yahweh is that we would be sanctified, possessing our vessels in honor--Fiveamprayer, He calls us into holiness.

Genesis 1:14 (AMP) And God said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be signs and tokens [of God’s provident care], and [to mark] seasons, days, and years,Leviticus 19:3 (AMP) 3 Each of you shall give due respect to his mother and his father, and keep My Sabbaths holy. I the Lord am your God.
Galatians 4:9-10 (AMP) 9 Now, however, that you have come to be acquainted with and understand and know [the true] God, or rather to be understood and known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and beggarly and worthless elementary things [of all religions before Christ came], whose slaves you once more want to become?  10 You observe [particular] days and months and seasons and years! 
When and what could be these seasons, days appointed by Yahweh?  Could they have changed?! Well, while Yeshua walked the earth, He observed them all.  Being the Son of God, the Word made flesh having all authority in the Earth and yet He never teaches on the changes of the days or seasons?  This would let us know that they have not changed but that His actions support upholding the Lord's feasts, for all time, eternity, forever.
Why is lawlessness such an important word?  We have to know that in our Bibles we have this word often translated as iniquity.  We have to understand that Yahweh is a King and what He speaks is law!  When we break laws in our current society then there is a correction--a fine, jail time or where you have to go before the judge in court.  How can our current laws in our society be adhered to more than the laws that uphold the whole world?  What greater power is there in the world, in all the universe?  By our acceptance to this total disregard of the principles of Yahweh, has placed us unknowingly in the plan of the enemy to advance his lies and deceit.   The greatest in the kingdom is those who teach the commandments of Yahweh.  Why would they be called great to teach something that has expired?  Or the rest of the scripture in Matthew 5:19 that those who teach against His commandments would be called least in the kingdom.  This designation on the surface alone should cause us to seek out what commands does Jesus Christ of Nazareth refer to that have the power to promote or demote us in the kingdom?  With these words spoken by Yeshua, let's us know the law is not over, nor can it be ever!  His word stands even if heaven and earth pass away, so while the whole universe is dissolved-- His word still remains!  So taking the approach of man knowing what it best, is leading us to a conflict of what He set forth for the image that He made from the dust of the earth.  Now that we know more about this--that it is possible by this mindset, to cause much harm and is very dangerous.  This is why it was warned about and taught against that we would not fall for the lies and deceit--the devils smoke and mirrors.  The intentions behind words and actions must be seen for a fuller understanding of what is truly in operation at anytime.  The enemy is seeking to get back into heaven where he tied to take the throne in a hostile takeover.  To his folly, he was defeated and banished to never return to heaven again.  The idea become to convince the beings made in the image of Elohim--you and me, to be in disobedience too.   This plan was hatched hundreds of years ago and with all of the history clinging to it, appears as a valid way to go.  Due to the traditions that appear longstanding and upright, are at best an utter failure with a thin layer of gold to appear as treasure.  Fast-foward this diabolical plan that now--not being perpetrated by satanists as one would suppose, but unwittingly by the members of churches who appear to society to be upstanding in every way.  We have all been deceived to do the right things for the wrong reasons!!  Due to our high value in our intellect, we have come to theorize the proper response and actions all void of scriptural understanding in cultural context--making the situation ripe for any well polished wicked thing to walk right in and lead us further into this devilish debacle! 
This weekend take time out to search and seek out understanding of His word, allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you that which is hidden just below the surface, for the truth is the truth and will always stand!  The more you dig the more truth shows up.  Which we will find does not happen with lies, they are only so deep and will topple under direct scrutiny-stare down that lie and dig into scripture this weekend and find the ancient path and walk their-in, click here to listen again.  

Thursday, December 18, 2014

5 Smooth Stones, Leviticus 15, The Laws of Ritual Impurity

Leviticus 15; Matthew 15:11; Luke 8:43; 2 Samuel 11:4; Leviticus 20:18

We are walking in today:  5 Smooth Stones, Leviticus 15, The Laws of Ritual Impurity

Witness just throughout the Bible:  H6662 tzaddik just, lawful, righteous, correct
Genesis 6:9; Leviticus 19:36; Deuteronomy 16:18, 16:20, 25:15, 32:4; 2 Samuel 23:3; Isaiah 26:7, 29:20; Hosea 14:9; Habakkuk 2:4; Zephaniah 3:5; Nehemiah 9:33; Job 4:17, 34:17; Psalm 7:9, 37:12; Proverbs 3:33, 4:18, 9:9, 10:6-7, 10:20, 10:31, 11:1, 11:9, 12:13, 12:21, 13:22, 24:6; Matthew 1:19, 5:45, 13:29; John 5:30; Romans 1:17, 2:13, 7:12; Hebrews 12:23; 1 John 1:9

This chapter deals with the things that make us ritually unclean.  This instruction was given for the well-being of the Children of Israel for how they were to keep the holy things and places holy.  This instruction is very important that they would not loose their lives in making the holy things profane.  He, Yahweh is a holy God and will not have anything come before Him that is unholy.  This is defined by the emission of seamen in men and the monthly flow of blood in women.  This would also include sexual relations between the husband and wife.  To become clean after these emissions or discharges they were to wash their bodies and clothing and would be clean at sunset.  Also anything that had the discharge had fallen upon was to be washed and clean in the evening unless a vessel made of clay would be broken.  This was done so that another would not touch, and be made unclean as well.  This instruction was to prevent the people from unknowingly entering into the holy places in an ritually unclean status.  At the time of first spotting of a woman's monthly flow she was to wait 7 days and then bathe in running water and wash clothes, then bring a sacrifice to the priest, she would then be clean.  For any other emissions outside the regular monthly flow for women or discharge in men that was not during sex would require that they would be unclean until the blood or discharge stopped, then they are to count 7 days and then bathe in running water and to wash their clothes.  Then they could approach the priest with a sacrifice to be made ritually clean.
According to Leviticus 15, the woman with the issue of blood in Luke 8 was not to go out due to the issue of blood that she had for 12 years.  It would not be lawful for her to touch others or others to touch her, else they too would become ritually unclean.  She was able to touch the hem or the tzizit of Yeshua's tallit or prayer shawl.  This shows us that He could not be made unclean for He came to heal and open up our understanding of scripture. Fiveamprayer we have to see the importance of His teaching and instruction, that was given for our benefit--health and well being.  We do not keep the Torah, the Torah keeps us!  To hear this again click here.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Torah Portion Mikketz-At The End, Genesis 41:1–44:17

Genesis 41:1-44:17; Zechariah 12:10; Romans 11:25-26; Amos 9:11; John 21:4; 1 Kings 11:12, 12:24; Jeremiah 6:16; Genesis 48:19, 17:3-4; Deuteronomy 30:1-5; Isaiah 11:10-12; Ezekiel 4:4-5; Leviticus 26:23-24; Ezekiel 37

We are walking in today:  Torah Portion Mikketz-At The End, Genesis 41:1–44:17

Witness Ephraim throughout the Bible:  H669 Ephraim doubly fruitful, doubly blessed
Numbers 1:33, 13:8; Joshua 21:5, 21:20; Psalm 78:68-69

Here we have Joseph, who was sold by his brothers into slavery and then falsely accused in his first owners house, still in the prison.  He had correctly discerned the meaning of both the cup bearer and the bakers dreams but was not remembered until Pharaoh has a dream that none of his people could decipher.  The elements of Joseph's life are seen in Yeshua's life when He came the first time walking on the Earth.  Joseph placed in a pit and later retrieved, rejected by his brothers, sold for money and ultimately becomes salvation for his family.  The first coming of the Messiah is likened to Joseph the suffering servant.  Messiah ben Yosef.  Upon His second coming He will be Messiah ben Dovid, the conquering king.  Who will rule and reign according to Yahweh's plan and purpose.
The division of Israel into two houses, Isreal or Ephraim and Judah did not begin until the death of king Solomon.  The largest tribe in the north is Ephraim and was thus named for the northern tribe.  The largest tribe in the south was Judah.  Over time the southern tribe came to be known as Jews.  While the northern tribe is referred to as the 10 lost tribes.  The dispersing of the northern tribes was due to taking on the pagan practices and then the scattering was to further and further places.  While Ephraim was scattered they were multiplied and also come to walk in the meaning of the names given by Joseph to his sons.  Manasseh named by Joseph, caused to forget the misfortune he experienced in his family.  Then his second son was named Ephraim meaning doubly fruitful, that Yahweh caused Joseph to prosper in the land of his affliction.  By Jacob they were blessed as his sons, not grandson and Ephraim blessed as the first born over his bother Manasseh.
Both tribes were sent out of the land, house Israel was first captured by Assyria and latter dispersed all over the world.  The house of Judah was captured by Babylon and later returned to the land.  Judah was able to return for they did not totally loose their culture and history.  Ephraim on the other hand was so scattered and they took on the customs of the people in each area that they were sent, until their identity was totally erased.  There was a time when they would return at the understanding that Yahweh released in His timing to know who they are and return to the truth.  Many of the prayers that Judah has been praying was for the return of their lost brother, the northern tribes that they would be the whole house of Israel, house of Jacob.  As we further study we find that Ephraim has been hidden in plain sight in many of the Christian churches.  This 'waking up' to our Hebraic roots lets us know as black people that our history goes back further than the continent of Africa alone.  The agreement that we received in our spirit-man of this truth being true and more study reveals more and we find that which is are scriptural and in line with the Torah.
We have many questions to ask and find answers to.  Here a few to get us started:

Q: Who am I?
A: We are more than our occupation or religious designation.  We are part of the house of Jacob, blessed as his sons fully.  How can we accept out inheritance if we don't know our heritage?
Q:  Where am I from?
A:  Our origins do not begin in the countries in Africa, look back farther we were scattered from Israel.
Q:  Why am I here?
A:  In an awesome plan designed by Yahweh that we would be scattered for a time and then we would caused to be draw back to the Torah and restoring the whole house of Israel.
Q:  What does this have to do with my worship?
A:  Everything!  Our worship defines us--who is it that we truly follow?  Who do we lift up as great and mighty in our lives?  We have to study to know who we worship and not just worship for worship's sake.  Only with study can out worship be for real!
Q:  What can I do with my true ability?
A:  With His understanding we walk in our kingship here on the Earth, based on our heritage and culture.
Q:  Where are we going?
A:  Further into the Torah, His truth.  We are going to Israel, rather returning to Israel.

To listen to this awesome teaching on this weeks Torah portion click here. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Testimony Tuesday--Take A Stand

Matthew 5:12-17; John 10:22-23; Jeremiah 1:1-4; Ephesians 6:13; John 1:4-5, 9:5, 12:46, Genesis 1:3; Isaiah 46:10, 50:8; Jeremiah 6:16; Romans 12:2; Isaiah 5:20; 2 Samuel 22:29; Jeremiah 7:2; Ezekiel 2:1; Philippians 4:1; Psalm 20:7; 1 Peter 5:8; Mark 13:33-37; James 1:5; 1 Corinthians 6:13; Psalm 4:4; Luke 11:34-36; Matthew 6:35; 1 Thessalonians 3:8; John 3:9; Revelation 3:20; Psalm 37:4-7; John 12:35; Luke 21:36; Romans 13:12; Luke 12:35-40, 2:29; Psalm 119:104-106; Ephesians 5:8; Psalm 1:1, 119:109-111

We are walking in today:  Testimony Tuesday--Take A Stand
Witness candle throughout the Bible:  H5716 niyr lamp, light
2 Samuel 22:29; Jeremiah 25:10; Job 18:5-6, 21:17, 29:2-3; Psalm 18:28; Proverbs 20:27, 24:20, 31:18; Matthew 5:15; Mark 4:21; Luke 8:16, 11:36, 15:8; Revelation 22:3-5
Chanukah reminds us to take a stand.  Fiveamprayer will we stand in the darkness or turn on the light?!  Chanakah, is the feast of dedication.  The restoring of proper worship and freedom to come before Yahweh as His word directs us.  The casting down of the profane and upholding the righteous and holy.  It is not allowing the darkness that to put out the light--what this celebration is about.  The miracle of the oil lasting for 8 days after cleaning and rebuilding the altar.  This is also the victory of a few zealous Jews against the the Seleucid soldiers numbering 40,000.  While both situations show us Yahweh's hand we must be aware of the thousands or more of the Jews who were slain for upholding the Torah, keeping the Sabbath, circumcision and eating kosher.  The torture, pain and cruelty that was inflicted on them was beyond inhumane--all resulting in their murders.  This is a stand for the Torah, to speak Hebrew, praying at the appointed times and location.  This refusal of the Greek culture which was the process of Hellenization that was being pushed all over the known world at this time.  An appreciation of art, science and beauty instead of focus on Yahweh and His principles.  This terrible blood shed was to deter anyone from upholding the Torah, no longer teach it to the children.  If a Torah scroll was found in a house the entire household was killed.  This attempt to erase Jewish culture and worship of Yahweh was first publicly thwarted by a priest named Matthias Maccabee who would not perform the sacrifice of a pig in the temple and rallied other Jews to stand and fight.  The two year battle resulted in the Jewish victory and in the cleansing of the temple and the rebuilding of the altar.  The new menorah was made and ready, only they had enough oil for 1 day. The process to make oil would take a total of 8 days.  The second miracle is that the oil lasted until the new batch was ready.  To read more on this click below.  To listen to this again click here.
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Monday, December 15, 2014

What Does It Mean To Seek The Lord?

Psalms 115:14-16, 105:4; James 1:17; Colossians 3:12; Isaiah 55:6; Job 8:5; Jeremiah 29:13; Hebrews 11:6; Matthew 28; 2 Thessalonians 3:5; Exodus 8:15; Isaiah 55:6; Psalms 10:4; Leviticus 19:2; Exodus 12:3; Matthew 6:13; Acts 1:3; Luke 17:20-21; Acts 1:6; Romans 14:19; Hebrews 1:9; Psalm 45:6; 1 Corinthians 4:20; Hebrews 12:28; Acts 1:7; Matthew 3:2, 4:17, 12:25; Mark 3:22-29; Luke 11:20; Mark 12:34; Luke 10:9-12; Matthew 16:28; Luke 9:27; Mark 9:1; Matthew 26:29; Mark 14:25; Luke 22:16, 23:42-43; Revelation 12:10; Luke 1:32-33; John 18:36; Matthew 5:3, 10; Luke 6:20; John 3:3-5; Matthew 16:19, 19:4, 21:41-43; Matthew 25:31-46; Mark 9:47; Luke 13:24-30; 2 Peter 1:10-11; Acts 8:12; Matthew 4:23, 9:45, 10:7-8; Luke 9:2, 9:11; Ezekiel 47:12; Revelation 22:2; Ephesian 1:13; Matthew 4:23, 1:1; Acts 20:24; Romans 1:1, 1:9, 10:15, 1:16; Galatians 2:7; Psalm 33:4-5; John 3:1-13, 3:29; Jeremiah 3:18; Luke 12:32; Matthew 6:33; Luke 12:31; Deuteronomy 4:6; Psalm 19:7-11, 119:105; Hebrews 9:22; Leviticus 17:11; Romans 3:20, 5:20, 7:12, 8:1-4; Matthew 5:19-29; Luke 16:16-17; Matthew 13:51-52; Luke 18:28-30; Hebrews 1:9; 1 Corinthians 15:24; Matthew 13:11, 13:19, 13:31-33, 4:26-30. 13:44-46, 18:23-25, 21:6, 21:31, 22:2-14, 25:1-13, 15:14-30; Jeremiah 6:16; Matthew 21:31, 22:11-13; Luke 19:11-27; Ephesians 4:11-13; Matthew 6:16-17; John 10; Isaiah 14:12-14

We are walking in today:  What Does It Mean To Seek The Lord?

We have to really grasp the importance of the kingdom.  As we have been lead of the Holy Spirit on this line to end up at this time and season--a deeper understanding of the gospel of the kingdom which Yeshua, John and Paul all taught on.  Looking back we have to find out why different people of the Bible are noted above others.  Elisha, David, Daniel and Noah--what makes them stand out?  Their dedicated, focused search for Yahweh--His word and His presence in their lives and for their community.  This seeking of Him and constant prayer brought them into His presence which is also stated in scripture as before His face.  We must push back our carnal desires to truly seek His face with whole-hearted dedication!  How would that look?   Getting up early to seek Him in His word; constant conversation with Him to find the good and right way to go; setting yourself apart from the unholy things that they would not draw your heart way from Him.  This seek is more than a cursory glance, this is a seek that is a search, a plead, unrelenting pursuit of Him and not letting go until You bless me mindset!  Could it be similar to behavior of a stalker-- sit outside of their job, follow them home and keeping notes of daily activities--this is the level of pursuit which in being referred to here.  With Yahweh it is what He directs His people to do--Deuteronomy 6:4-9 4 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! 5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. 6 “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. 8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.  So Fiveamprayer, is His word and Yahweh all that you talk about?  Would those around you find you still taking about Him? We have here in scripture to love Yahweh with all of our heart, soul and strength; teach with diligence to our children, talk about these commands in your house, when you walk, lie down and arise.  Sounds like the dedicated, focused thought on His instructions of His word. Which in His Torah we hear, His voice that directs and leads us.
Fiveamprayer we have to also find out if the omnipresent Yahweh is always in our presence?  Is is possible that we could turn away from Him that the closeness we are to have with Him could be diminished by our distancing from Him?  Could it be that disregard of His Torah would place space between Yahweh and us who find or allow this distance?  It is His supreme greatness that we are to seek continually.  Fiveamprayer, what is the setting of our hearts and minds?  What is the primary focus of our attention!  The Torah is pre-existing wisdom, this is what places us in harmony with His creation.  Seek Him, to be in the light of His presence.   To hear more of this awesome teaching click here.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Weekend Meditation--Let's Get Biblical!

2 Timothy 3; Genesis 2:1-2; Acts 13:42-44, 20:7; Genesis 2:13; Exodus 16:23; Jeremiah 31:30-33; Hebrews 8:8-12; Matthew 5:17; Romans 10:4-8; Leviticus 23:21; Exodus 12:14; Numbers 5:13-16; Acts 20:16; 1 Corinthians 16:8; Acts 27:17; Zechariah 14:16-21; 1 Timothy 4:1; Romans 3:31; Matthew 12:9, 13:54; Mark 1:21, 1:29, 3:1, 6:2; Luke 4:16, 4:20, 4:28, 4:38, 6:6; 7:5; Job 6:59; 12:42, 18:20; Acts 13:14, 14:1, 18:4, 18:26, 19:8; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Exodus 20; Deutronomy 5; Matthew 23:23; Luke 11:42, 18:12; Hebrew 7:5-6, 8-9; Isaiah 4:6, 42:6; Genesis 12:1-3; Acts 15:1-31; Romans 11:1-10; Matthew 5:18--20; Psalm 119:89; Revelation 21:1-2, 20:10-12, 10:1-7, 19:6, 11:6; Proverbs 4:2; Romans 11:11-12; Matthew 5:21-27; Acts 2:38, 5:32; Galatians 2:20; Romans 3:31; Acts 21:20; Romans 7:7, 7:14; 2 Corinthians 4:18

We are walking in today:  Weekend Meditation--Let's Get Biblical!

Witness walk in the light throughout the Torah:  H3212 yalak to move, go foward, lead away. H216 or luminary, daybreak, light, lamp, faith of Yahweh
Isaiah 2:5, 50:11; 1 John 1:7; Revelation 21:24

This arrangement of the 613 principles, the law of our Lord God Almighty, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is from the book by Rabbi Ralph Messer, Torah: Law Or Grace? Kingdom Principles For Kingdom Living.  This book can be ordered online here or in the store if you are in the Denver area here.

The Second Commandment-Exodus 20:4-5 You shall have no other gods before Me.  You shall not make yourself a carved image nor any likeness of that which is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the water beneath the earth.  You shall not prostrate yourself to nor worship them, for I am the LORD your God--a jealous God.
151. The Kohanim shall safeguard the Holy Place and the Altar –Numbers 18:5 And ye shall keep the charge of the sanctuary, and the charge of the altar: that there be no wrath any more upon the children of Israel.
152. The Levite shall perform the work of the Sanctuary --Numbers 18:32  And ye shall bear no sin by reason of it, when ye have heaved from it the best of it: neither shall ye pollute the holy things of the children of Israel, lest ye die.
153. The Levites shall give a tithe from the tithes of the Children of Israel --Numbers 18:26 Thus speak unto the Levites, and say unto them, When ye take of the children of Israel the tithes which I have given you from them for your inheritance, then ye shall offer up an heave offering of it for the Lord, even a tenth part of the tithe.
154. You shall offer male lambs, two a day, as a continual Elevation-Offering --Numbers 28:3 And thou shalt say unto them, This is the offering made by fire which ye shall offer unto the Lord; two lambs of the first year without spot day by day, for a continual burnt offering.
155. You shall give cities for dwelling and open space to the Levites --Numbers 35:2 Command the children of Israel, that they give unto the Levites of the inheritance of their possession cities to dwell in; and ye shall give also unto the Levites suburbs for the cities round about them.
156. You shall not show favor to the seven Cananite nations --Deuteronomy 7:2 And when the Lord thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them:
157. You shall not take the silver and gold from the carved images of gods --Deuteronomy 7:25 The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared therin: for it is an abomination to the Lord thy God.
158. You shall not bring an abomination into your home --Deuteronomy 7:26
Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing.
159. You shall destroy all the places where the nations you shall possess worshiped their gods --Deuteronomy 12:2 Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which ye shall possess served their gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree:
160. You shall not bring offerings outside the Sanctuary --Deuteronomy 12:13
Take heed to thyself that thou offer not thy burnt offerings in every place that thou seest:

Yeshua is the living Torah.  He never negated His Father's teaching and instruction.  Was Yeshua a Jew or gentile?  He was a Torah observant, kosher eating, feast day observing--Jew.  Then why do Christians call the Jewish Messiah, Jesus by a hellinized name?  This name He was never called in His lifetime.  His name in Hebrew, as is the language of the Jewish people, means salvation--Yeshua.  Yahweh gave us the pattern of the 7th day of rest, the Sabbath.  This was established in the beginning, would this be able to be changed if Yeshua rose on Sunday?  When actual accounts, that He rose just before sunset on the 7th day.  Remember the Hebraic count of the day is from sunset to sunset.  The women rushing to the tomb at the earliest time after sunset, to finish the burial preparations of their teacher and Messiah, that their customs would allow--found an empty tomb.   We also have that the early believers met in the synagogue for worship and study, a common practice in the very early church.  That the meeting at the close of the sabbath, sunset on Saturday would explain why Paul was preaching so late into the night for they started at sunset.  The holy day set apart by Yahweh from the foundations of this world gives us a 7th day sabbath.  The law of Yahweh is to stand forever, has His word somehow expired?  Did forever come and pass and we are in a new time--after forever? 
Why do we need the law that was given to Moses?  We are pretty good people and try to do the right things.  Who determines what is right and good?  Yeshua tells those who call Him good that only Yahweh is good.  So He would be the authority of what is good.  But where do we find out His definition of good or rather functional from the Hebraic mindset?  The instructions that He gives to His chosen people once they are delivered out of Egypt--the Torah.  This shows us where we miss the mark--this is His standard that we are to see it we are in alignment with.  How else do we know what is sin or missing the mark?  Our own judgement is faulty and not worthy of consideration.  Yeshua is our perfect sin offering for us forever and now we have the renewed covenant that His Torah is not longer on tablets of stone but written in our hearts and minds.  His word stands forever and does not pass away--hold fast to His word, the entirety of His word, it never fails!  This is absurd that the Old Testament or Tanakh is considered by many Christians as not applying to them or having been expired.  How else would you know right from wrong without it?  What would the New Testament or Brit Chadasha refer to if it was truly obsolete?!  Yeshua tells us that we have heard it said, it has been said--what is He referencing?  What is it that we are supposed to already know that would be our reference for what He is speaking about?  Having the Torah written on our hearts and minds does not mean that we know what is good but that we would have a desire to walk out His teaching and instruction in our daily lives.
Can Yahweh's Biblical feast be ignored since Yeshua died on the cross?  Did the Biblical feasts expire?  Are they only for a season?  While scriptures says eternal, perpetually and throughout the generations--sounds like a very long time to me, a time without, end.  These times that He appoints are not only for the children of Israel but to all those who come to live in there territories and come to trust in the salvation and access that Yeshua's blood gives us for a fuller understanding of the Torah, His principles.  If the feast days were over, why would Paul still observe them?  As well as those in the very early church?  We are warned that the people will come to believe and listen to false teachings--there would be no need to warn if there would not be those who would come and oppose and offer a new way that they did not know before.  For more on the awesome teaching click here.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

5 Smooth Stones, Exodus 23--Yahweh Establishes The Judicial System

Exodus 23; Deuteronomy 9:15; 1 Corinthians 15:33; Exodus 20; Deuteronomy 16:18-20; Exodus 18:13-24; Proverbs 9:10; Psalm 25:9-10; Isaiah 2:3; Psalm 8:21; Matthew 18:15-20; Acts 15; Titus 2:4; 1 Timothy 5:17-21; Matthew 18:16; 2 Corinthians 13:1; 1 Timothy5:19; Hebrews 10:28; Proverbs 6:16-19; 1 King 4:26, 11:3; Deuteronomy 8:13-15

We are walking in today:  5 Smooth Stones, Exodus 23--Yahweh Establishes The Judicial System

Witness joyful  throughout the Bible:  H 8056 sameach joyful, merry, glad, joyful, showing joy
1 Kings 8:66; Isaiah 49:13, 56:7, 61:10; Ezra 6:22; Psalm 5:11, 35:9, 63:5, 66:1; 81:1, 89:15, 95:1-13, 96:12, 98:4, 98:6, 98:8, 100:1113:9, 149:2, 149:5; Ecclesiastes 7:14; 2 Corinthians 7:4

Yahweh in this chapter addresses a number of things in the judicial system.  How court proceedings should go and how to appoint the judges and eventually kings to direct the children of Israel.  These directions to the judges is to follow the Torah, to promote justice.  Decisions are not to be made because they are convenient nor the opinion of the crowd.  When left unchecked the opinion of the crowd is towards the evil inclinations.  The justice for the people was not to be dishonored with false reports nor bribes.  The weight of false reports is certainly seen in cases of murder, when the testimony of the witness that leads to the life being taken, are the first one to pick up the stone.  The responsibility of taking the life of a innocent man would be far more weighty if the false witness was the one hurling the first stone to take that life.  Fiveamprayer, don't forget that evil company corrupts good judgement!  We must be aware of those that we walk with and watch to see if they are moving us out of alignment with the position that He placed us.
The giving of favor for being poor or rich was also strongly cautioned.  How can there be justice if the decision is not based on facts and credible witnesses?  If that practice would continue, would not the end result be a corrupt system void of justice at all?  In the original justice system, the crimes that resulted in death were carried out, the person was not placed in prison for a lifetime sentence.  This follow through of the judgement would also curtail more people committing the same crime.  So many in our present society feel that they could handle being in prison for so many years yet if we had the original justice system of Yahweh, they would no longer be living.  By such a final judgement in place seems harsh yet it does give pause and sets the community up to be a helpful society due to not wanting to loose life.  With just judges who will not take bribes nor side with the crowd, leaves only the behavior and intentions that should be aligned with His intentions for our lives, the Torah.  We were to be self-governed and self-correcting by the study and upholding of His principles.  As the people are even directed to help even their enemy with a lost animal or an animal struggling under a burden.  Reducing the opportunities for offense and wounded pride cuts out many of a current cases that are clogging up the valid cases that require judgement, in our present day system.
The selection of those appointed to be judges were to be men that feared Elohim, a man of truth and hates bribes.  Fear, this is the revering of the all-powerful Adonai, that generates wisdom.  These men would seek to pursue truth and continued study of the Torah.  The levels of the courts were also established from the more simple cases to the cases involving taking the accused life.  These places of judgement are called beit din, house of judgement, with the highest one in Jerusalem with 71 judges and presided over by the high priest. Making a total of three levels of the courts. The directions we have from Yahweh were also to the officers of the court, which would be sheriffs to carry out the judgement.  To hear more of the awesome teaching click here. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Torah Portion--Vayeshev, He Continued Living

Genesis 37:1-40:23; Matthew 16; 1 Corinthians 10:13; Mark 12:28-34; Genesis 15:14-16; Luke 12:48; 1 John 3:15; Luke 9:23-24; Hebrews 12:11

We are walking in today:  Torah Portion--Vayeshev, He Continued Living
Genesis 37:1–40:23; Amos 2:6-3:8; John 9-13

Witness continually throughout the Bible:  H3117 yom day, time, year, day (as opposed to night), day (24 hour period), as defined by evening and morning in Genesis 1, as a division of time, a working day, a day's journey
Genesis 6:5, 8:5; Exodus 28:29; Leviticus 24:2, 24:4, 24:8; Joshua 6:13; 1 Samuel 18:29; 2 Samuel 9:7; 1 Kings 10:8; 2 Kings 4:9; Isaiah 58:11; Jeremiah 33:18; Hosea 12:6; 1 Chronicles 16:11, 16:37; 2 Chronicles 9:7; Psalm 34:1, 25:27, 40:11,40:16,42:3, 44:15, 71:3, 71:14, 119:44, 110:109, 119:117; Proverbs 6:20; Acts 6:4; Hebrews 13:15

This section of the text  gives us the lineage of Jacob and his sons.  In particular we have Joseph's story of being delivered into Egypt.  This family dynamic of favorites is not new.  As many can attest of the favorite child in families that the parents may not try to hide.  As Rebecca favored Jacob and Issac favored Esau, Joseph was favored because of being the son of Jacob's old age and of the favored wife Rachel.  The Torah was given to us by Yahweh to show us how to treat each other as well how we are to approach the King of kings!  As we have in the teaching from Yeshua that we are to treat our neighbors as ourselves.  The Hebraic understanding of neighbors is not only those who live close to you but all those in the commonwealth of Israel.  This shows us that this caring for is not only based on  proximity but by heritage.  The family within your own walls of your home, the family in your community and throughout the country.  This mindset seems to come around at the end of the Gregorian year in November and December to care for those less fortunate.  In a community based society that the Hebrews had and the principles speak about--we are to care for them at anytime.  Not only in the merriment of the time or seasons but at any time.  The question does become do those in need only have a need when you can assist them?  Yahweh directs us to not allow our brothers to be sold into slavery when we can pay their debts.  Here with Joseph we have him being sold into slavery by his brothers for being favored of their father and the sharing of the vision that he had in a dream.  
The situations that Joseph finds himself in show that Adonai is with him through it all, for things went well for him in Potifar's house and the prison.  While he upheld the things that are pleasing to Yahweh no matter what the situation.  He became a blessing to those around him where ever he went.  All the while being positioned for salvation for his family for the coming famine that takes over all of the civilized world.  This deliverance was not something that Joseph could manage on his own without Yahweh orchestrating this from years and years ago.  The entirety of Jacob's remaining sons, their wives, children, servants, and animals coming down to Egypt would not have been received in the same manor if Joseph with the hand of Elohim on him, had not been there.  
This relationship in our families we have all seen or dealt with.  We have to understand that in the natural we find that there are those that will be able to know who your grandparents are with one look at you.  The reputation of your earlier generations can be the key to lock or unlock access with some people.  With Yahweh this is not so--He only has sons, no grandsons.  This lets us know that we each have to have our own personal relationship with Him without excluding the whole community.  There is no riding in on the coattails of the relationships that your grandparents or parents have with Yahweh.  The access is for each relationship.  Certainly the blessings that were left by righteous previous generations will be bestowed on us.  Let us not rest on our laurels and not pursue our own relationship with Him!  To hear this teaching again click here.  

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Testimony Tuesday--Light Of The World, Chanukah

Hebrews 5:14-16; Exodus 5:31-32; Genesis 24:2; Judges 8:30; Romans 11; Revelation 1:20; Psalm 119:105; Proverbs 6:24; Isaiah 49:6; John 8:12; Matthew 5:14'; Leviticus 24:2-3; Amos 5:18, 8:11; 1 John 1:5-7; Isaiah 8:20; Leviticus 2:30-32; John 8:8-10; Exodus 25:30-38; 1 Thessalonians 5:2-6; Matthew 7:20, 6:28-30; Numbers 1:7; Revelation 5:8; Matthew 25; Isaiah 6; Exodus 30; John 2:21; 1 Corinthians 3:16, 6:19; 2 Corinthians 6:16; Luke 4:15-20; Matthew 23:11; Ephesians 4:13-16

We are walking in today:  Testimony Tuesday--Light Of The World, Chanukah

Witness abundantly throughout the Bible:  H8317 sharats to teem, swarm, multiply
to teem
Genesis 1:20-21, 8:17, 9:7; Exodus 1:7; Numbers 20:11; Isaiah 15:3, 25:2, 55:7; 1 Chronicles 12:30, 22:5, 22:8, 31:5; John 10:10; 1 Corinthians 15:10; 2 Corinthians 1:12, 2:4, 10:15, 12:14-15; Ephesians 3:20; Titus 3:5-6; Hebrews 6:17-20; 2 Peter 1:10-11

We find in the Torah how the elements of the tabernacle were to be made.  This included the menorah which from the Greek translation is a candlestick.   This candlestick or menorah is to be made of pure gold that is to be hammered and has a total of 7 lights.  One on the shaft that is the main structure of the menorah and three branched coming out of opposite sides.  Another reason this light would be required in the tabernacle is that there was no access to natural light from the outside that would give light to the priests going about the duties of the ministry in the tabernacle.
The  Torah teaches us Israel is to be a light unto the nations.  Because this was not done, many of the nations did not receive this instruction.  Thus He called out those to go to teach the nations His principles.  This light is illuminated by the testimony of the edah, the witnessing army.  The term sons of light that Paul refers to is the light, the Torah and Torah is light.  It is this light that is to guide every act of our lives.  How is this portrayed as Christians?  A I love Jesus bumper sticker? Attending services regularly? Going out to tell everyone about Jesus being the light of the world?  We have to understand that those who oppose the Torah and uphold Jesus, are not able to actually shine the light of truth outside the Torah.  There can not be a separation of the Word of God made flesh and His word!!  Having only one and disregarding the other still is missing the whole point.  There is an belief by the ancient Hebrew sages that the letters of the Hebrew alef beit must be spoken if not the Earth would be consumed in a fervent heat in the last days.  As we can see now with all of this push back on the return to the original intent and original language.  This light of understanding that we have received is to be shared.  With the Chanukah coming up on the evening of December 16 the 9 light menorah is to observe the miracle of the oil lasting for 8 days while more oil is being prepared.  This observance is to stand against those who would come in to change the practices that Yahweh instructs us to do.  Will we stand up for the right way taught from Elohim above?  Or allow the other culture to wash over you and all that you have been taught?  Fiveamprayer will you be found standing alone according to His purpose and design instead of standing with those who would trample all over Yahweh's word and instruction for us?!  To listen to this teaching again click here.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Yahweh's Standard--The Torah

Deuteronomy 6; Galatians 5:18; 1 Corinthians 9:20; Romans 6:14; Galatians 3:10, 3:18; Romans 6:23; 1 John 3:4; Romans 6:15; 6:1-2; Galatians 5:13; John 8:11; Romans 6:12-13, 3:31; Galatians 3:24-25, 4:9-11; Colossians 2:16-17; 1 John 3:4; Matthew 5:18-19; Romans 2:11; Deuteronomy 2:17; Proverbs 11:1; Deuteronomy 25:13-14, 1:17; Proverbs 24:23; James 2:9; Romans 2:14-15; Deuteronomy 4:5-8; Leviticus 20:13; Romans 2:14-15

We are walking in today:  Yahweh's Standard--The Torah

Witness hear O Israel throughout the Bible:  H8085 shama`to hear (perceive by ear), to hear of or concerning,to hear with attention or interest 
H3478 Yisra'el Israel = "God prevails", the second name for Jacob given to him by God after his wrestling with the angel at Peniel,the name of the descendants and the nation of the descendants of Jacob, the name of the nation until the death of Solomon and the split into the Northern and Southern kingdoms
Deuteronomy 5:1, 6:4, 9:1, 20:3; Mark 12:29

Unfortunately, Christianity has a poor understanding of the Torah. Due to the early church fathers seeking to divorce every bit of Hebraic culture from practices of the believers in Christ Jesus. This is where the harsh view of the Torah as law stems from.  It is this lack of understanding of His original intent, His purpose and plan for our lives, that we are in this current state.  Confusion, frustration and desires all out of control due to the lack of instruction of how we are to live and relate to one another and to Him.  Because of this view as a harsh, difficult thing, the law of Yahweh has been thrown out much to our detriment.  The absurd idea that the law of Elohim is no longer valid shows how much we do not understand His plan.  He is the King of the universe, all that a king speaks will and must stand.  When a king says a thing it instantly becomes law.  As we can see with king Ahasuerus in the dealing with his first wife, asked the council of the wise men who knew the laws in  Esther 1:10-15 to make sure that which he would set forth or decree that would not conflict with previous laws--for once it is set forth it can not be repelled.  In Mark 6:27-29 with king Herod who gave his word to give up to half of the kingdom for being pleased.  Yet his hands were tied when the request came he did not want to honor it.   Yet he would not go against his own word in his kingdom--that would undermine his own authority.  All that a king speaks is binding and absolute.  The weight of what a earthly king speaks is very weighty so how much more so than the King of kings in all that He speaks?!  We can not truly hold on to the misinformation that the law, of our King is against us and to be disregarded!  Take time to look over the commandments of Elohim, not to be incestuous, not have sex with animals, not to kidnap, not to rape women, not to lie in the court, not to kill with intent to name a few.  These same principles many of us live in our lives daily.  These directions have come to be the basis of many of societal laws or rights of the people to have a productive and peaceful community.  This moral standard is found throughout the world in many cases and upheld by local ordinances and laws for the protection of the people and the benefit of all.  Wow the all-seeing, all-powerful, all-knowing Yahweh's original plans for His creation would net this many benefits that have been duplicated in societies and communities worldwide could this be a clue that this is what we desire and are trying to find with everything else that is going on?  Click here for more on this teaching.