Genesis 47:28-50:26; Matthew 4:18-20; Psalm 65:7; Isaiah 17:12; Revelation 17:15; 1 Kings 12:24; Luke 21:24; Ezekiel 37:15-28; Genesis 17:3-7
We are walking in today: Torah Portion Vayechi--He Lived, Genesis 47:28-50:26
Witness he lived throughout the Bible: H2425 chayay to live, have life, remain alive, sustain life, live prosperously, live
for ever, be quickened, be alive, be restored to life or health
Genesis 21:20-21, 47:28; 1 Kings 3:6; 2 Chronicles 17:3; Psalm 49:18
Joseph took care to have his family to come to Egypt during the famine to be saved. Once they came into the land, were separated from the people in Egypt and resided in Goshen (where we also find the descendants of Jacob in the book of Exodus). This is similar to Abraham being called out and he crossed over and went to the land that Yahweh would show him. Also the selection of wives for Issac and Jacob were also not from the local women in the land, but from Abraham's home land. Again the crossing over and having a change of status is Hebrew by definition. At the close of Jacob's life he blesses Joseph's sons as his own. In this manner Joseph is doubly blessed in the blessing that is placed on his sons--who have equal standing and rights with Ruben and Judah. With the dimming of Jacob's sight in his later years, Joseph places his sons before him for a blessing. Jacob crosses his hands in blessing them that the first born blessing goes to Ephraim, the younger. When Joseph tries to correct Jacob, he let's him know that all things were done correctly and Manasseh will become a great nation also.
The blessing that Jacob places on Ephraim and Manasseh recalls the blessing that Abraham received from Yahweh that is repeated to both Issac and Jacob of a people greatly multiplied upon the earth. We find in this blessing on Ephraim to be doubly fruitful and the later division of the house of Israel--the scattering of the house of Ephraim to the rest of the world was all apart of Yahweh's plan being accomplished. This leading out and the awakening of Ephraim to understand and return to their Hebrew roots--their position from the beginning. We are returning home and being drawn out of the nations to a understanding and deep desire for Yahweh. That we continue to seek and search His word and coming to understand His scripture from the correct context and setting. Click here to listen to more of this awesome teaching on this weeks Torah portion
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