Thursday, February 12, 2015

Torah Portion-Mishpatim/Ordinances Exodus 21:1-24:18, 1 Kings 12:1-17, Romans 1-4

Exodus 21:1-24:18, 1 Kings 12:1-17, Romans 1-4; Exodus 20:15; Deuteronomy 6:4; Romans 1:1

We are walking in today:  Torah Portion-Mishpatim/Ordinances Exodus 21:1-24:18, 1 Kings 12:1-17, Romans 1-4

Witness ruling throughout the Bible:  H4910 mashal to rule, have dominion, reign
2 Samuel 23:3; Jeremiah 22:30; 1 Timothy 3:12

This portion gives the children of Israel and those traveling with them, the commandments of Yahweh.  He is a holy God and they are to be holy.  We wouldn't know the way to approach Yahweh the King of the Universe without His instruction!  This gives us how we are to treat each other in marriage, with children, neighbors, murders, thieves--these are regulations for the community to operate in His presence.  We were able to study on yesterday the elements of the tabernacle, where His presence resides.  The people were not to do things against the Most Holy One, Yahweh!  He even gives the means to restore the holy status in His directions.
These mishpatim are tied to rulings of a Ruler--the words of the King.  These words, the law of the land is what He speaks, is upheld throughout His kingdom.  For it is in His hands alone to decree and set forth the good and right way.
The various translations of this portion often contains the word now, which would appear as if everything previous was over.  The original language, Hebrew has what equates to the word and, this is an continuation of His plan.  He stands by all of His word.  It is upheld from the beginning to the end.  There is not point of casting off or changing His word, remember He is a King and all the King speaks stands! To listen to this teaching again click here.

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