Monday, July 24, 2017

The Spirit of Leadership, Part 2 --A Converted Attitude Is The Key To A Transformed life!!!!

Exodus 18

We are walking in today: The Spirit of Leadership, Part 2 --A Converted Attitude Is The Key To A Transformed life!!!!

Witness doing throughout the Bible: H4611 ma`alal-- deed, practice, deeds, acts

Leviticus 18:3 After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do: neither shall ye walk in their ordinances.
Torah: Deuteronomy 28:20
Prophets: 1 Samuel 25:3; Isaiah 1:16, 3:8, 3:10; Jeremiah 4:18, 7:3, 23:2, 26:13, 32:19; Hosea 5:4; Micah 3:4; Zechariah 1:6
Writings: Judges 2:19; Pro 20:11
Renewed: John 3:20; Acts 19:36; Romans 2:1; Philippians 4:9
Micah 2:7 O thou that art named the house of Jacob, is the spirit of the LORD straitened? are these his doings? do not my words do good to him that walketh uprightly?

Exodus 18:20-25 20 You should also teach them the laws and the teachings, and show them how to live their lives and what work they should do. 21 But you should choose from among all the people competent men who are God-fearing, honest and incorruptible to be their leaders, in charge of thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. 22 Normally, they will settle the people’s disputes. They should bring you the difficult cases; but ordinary matters they should decide themselves. In this way, they will make it easier for you and share the load with you. 23 If you do this — and God is directing you to do it — you will be able to endure; and all these people too will arrive at their destination peacefully.” 24 Moshe paid attention to his father-in-law’s counsel and did everything he said. 25 Moshe chose competent men from all Isra’el and made them heads over the people, in charge of thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens.

We were not designed to be dominated.
When we are not in charge of our lives, we feel bound and restricted. For example, if you have a thirty-year mortgage on your home, you don’t feel free until you pay it off. Even though you’re enjoying your house, there’s a voice in the back of your mind saying, “But it’s still theirs. It belongs to them for as long as they’ve got that paper.” On the other hand, why do you experience relief and contentment when all your bills are paid? When you get a bonus and it covers all your debts and you don’t owe anyone anything, all of a sudden, you get a smile on your face. You want to say hello to everybody you meet. Am I right? When all your needs are met, you feel as if you’re walking on top of the world. That’s because you are experiencing what you were born for. You were designed to be able to manage your environment.

Many people want to make a lot of money, but it’s usually not because they want the money itself. The fundamental desire for wealth is motivated by the desire for power— power to dominate and control lifestyle, circumstances, and environment. It’s the power that money gives us that makes us pursue it. This desire to have control over our lives explains many of the problems in our world. For instance, why does a young teenage boy get a gun, walk in to a store, and say, “Everybody hit the ground! Our society puts a young man like this in a juvenile detention center, and he does his time and comes back out. But he remembers that feeling and is haunted by the temptation to repeat the act. I believe that this is more than a psychological issue. It involves that deep spiritual desire in the nature of man to dominate his environment.

I’m convinced that the desire for power over others is a distortion of something good; it’s a distortion of our inherent human desire to exercise leadership dominion.

Where do most of our attitudes about leadership come from? Whether you think you are a leader or not, your ideas about leadership are probably a conditioned response. leadership is not an elite club for a certain few. It is the true essence of all human beings. leadership is not an elite club for a certain few. It is the true essence of all human beings. I have found that people’s concepts of their origin often influence the way they think about themselves, including their ideas about their leadership potential.

In our world, there are two major theories about origin: evolution and creation. Over millions of years, microscopic life developed on earth, out of which came animal species that mutated, with the stronger species winning out over the weaker ones in a survival of the fittest. This theory also supports the idea that those who are stronger—physically, intellectually, or creatively—are destined to lead and control others, while the rest are destined to be followers.

The other major theory of humanity’s origin is creation. This is the idea that an intelligent Being formed the universe and created the earth, the vegetation, the animals, and human beings. Some creationists believe that the Creator made the world and then left it to its own devices, while others believe that the Architect of the earth is still actively involved in it and made humanity with a specific nature and purpose. This concept supports the idea that every person has a role and contribution to make, no matter what their station in life and current level of ability.

The alternative is that there must have been a higher, more sophisticated creative process than the arbitrary process of evolution. The ancient writings, as recorded in the first book written by Moses, present a more plausible and reasonable explanation of our origins: We are the products of a highly intelligent and creative Supreme Being. The proposition in the first two chapters of Genesis is that God personally and purposefully created human beings in his own image and likeness and then told them to be fruitful, fill the earth, and rule over it.

The ancient account says that he brought the rest of creation into being with statements such as “Let there be light” or “Let the land produce living creatures.” Yet when it came to one particular creature, he said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.” Human beings were the only creatures who were indicated as being made in the image and likeness of their Creator. This means that they have his nature. A significant aspect of that nature is the ability to plan ahead, imagine, create, and effectively administer the manifestation of plans. In other words, being made in his image means having the nature or spirit of leadership.

The Creator poured out his own nature into human beings when he established their nature, and this is the origin of our leadership spirit. In this sense, we are a portion of the poured-out God. As the Creator is purposeful, organizational, and creative, we are designed to be the same.

You have to decide which concept of origin you will accept as the basis for your life. Only you can choose what you believe about yourself and human nature, as well as the nature of leadership. Is leadership only for the strong who are able to win out over the weak, or perhaps only for those who receive it by fate? Or is leadership an inherent part of our design as human beings?

Leadership is inherent in our nature and is fundamental to our origins, our human makeup—and our destiny.

We live our thoughts and manifest them in our attitudes toward ourselves and others. We cannot live beyond our thoughts and convictions. This is vitally important because our beliefs, convictions, and ideas form our personal philosophies and serve as the source of our perceptions of ourselves and others, as well as of life itself. In essence, our philosophies determine the way we think. we live our thoughts and manifest them in our attitudes toward ourselves and others. We cannot live beyond our thoughts and convictions.

Many leadership “gurus” have identified and articulated these myths. They can be summarized as follows:

Myth #1 Birth Trait Theory:
“Leaders are born, not made.” This theory is the belief that leadership is a result of special birth traits inherent in the personality and nature of the individual. This concept leads us to deify our leaders as men and women who are essentially unlike us and therefore superior to us.

Myth #2: Leadership by Providence
There is a belief that certain people are chosen by “the gods” and appointed to the elite position of leadership over the unfortunate masses. In essence, leadership is reserved for the few chosen by a divine power to control, manage, and direct the life, future, fortunes, and aspirations of the un-chosen. manage, and direct the life, future, fortunes, and aspirations of the un-chosen.

Myth #3 Leadership Is the Result of a Charismatic Personality
This is the theory that only certain individuals who possess a unique measure of charisma; who exhibit special traits, such as a force of will; who are extroverts; who are magnetic speakers, and so on, are leaders. The difficulty with this theory is that, in every generation, there arise significant leaders who do not display the charismatic traits celebrated by this philosophy.

Myth #4 Leadership Is the Product of a Forceful Personality
This theory emerges from the belief that leadership is the result of an authoritarian, coldly calculating, no-nonsense, hard-driving, impatient, quick-tempered, and moody personality. This false perception comes from the idea that people are fundamentally incompetent and naturally lazy and have to be forced, threatened, and manipulated by their leaders and managers if anything is going to be accomplished. However the evidence has always defied this belief, showing that people are most productive and cooperative when they are inspired rather than manipulated by leadership.

Myth #5 Leadership Is the Result of Special Training
This is the belief that leaders are produced through special educational courses and training. Many people feel that they have to have an MBA or attend leadership conferences in order to be able to lead others. There’s nothing wrong with such training, in itself.

The essence of leadership, again, is not in techniques for controlling and manipulating people, which seem to be popular in leadership training today. All the college courses in business administration you may take, all the leadership methods you learn, and all the management seminars you attend can give you information, but they cannot develop you into a real leader.

True leadership is an attitude that naturally inspires and motivates others, and it comes from an internalized discovery about yourself. You cannot “learn” an attitude. If someone learns an attitude, it’s called conditioning or mere mental assent. That’s not leadership. Learning about leadership and knowing what it means to be a leader are two different things. Learning comes from education, while knowing comes from revelation. Learning is cognitive, while knowing is spiritual.

Most of us are not leaders today because, in our hearts, we don’t believe that is who we are. Your future and ability to succeed aren’t tied to what others think of you. They are tied to what you think of yourself. The source of your attitude is your mind-set and thoughts. That’s really what the spirit of leadership is all about. We must have a clear understanding that true leadership is an attitude of the heart birthed by a renewed understanding of purpose. It is more a matter of being something than doing something. It is a self-discovery that translates into meaningful activities such as creating, building, and nurturing. This brings us back to our inherent human desire to be in control of our circumstances. Because true leaders discover and understand who they are and what their purpose is, they influence their environments more than their environments influence them.

All of us must capture and cultivate the spirit of leadership, this attitude of shaping and forming our lives according to our purposes. Though every human being on this planet has an inclination for leadership, most of us do not have the courage to cultivate it. DISCOVER THE LEADER WITHIN YOU The leadership potential within you is waiting to be discovered. This book will enable you to identify the nature and attitudes that correspond to the leadership spirit so that you can become all that you were designed to be. Again, true leadership is self-discovery. It has very little to do with what you do, but is fundamentally a matter of becoming who you are. It is the result of one’s commitment to self-manifestation.

You were born to lead, but you must become a leader. Every human being was endowed by the Creator with leadership potential in a specific area of gifting. The human spirit is designed to manage and control its world, and it functions best when creating an environment conducive to this pursuit. You are a leader, regardless of your present status or your feelings about your leadership ability and potential. When you discover this truth and become convinced of it, then you won’t be content with just being a follower any longer. You will learn the secret to becoming a leader by discovering the hidden leader within. Are you ready to step out and embark on the life you were born to live? Shema Selah we are being returned to our original purpose, His leaders upon the earth!! Facebook LIVE video

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