Thursday, August 10, 2017

The Spirit of Leadership!!! Part 14 Recapturing The Spirit of Leadership!!!!

Exodus 18

We are walking in today: The Spirit of Leadership!!! Part 14 Recapturing The Spirit of Leadership!!!!

Witness restore throughout the Bible: H7725 shuwb--to return unto, go back, come back, restore

Nehemiah 5:11 ​ Restore, H7725 I pray you, to them, even this day, their lands, their vineyards, their oliveyards, and their houses, also the hundredth part of the money, and of the corn, the wine, and the oil, that ye exact of them.

Torah: Genesis 20:7, 41:13; Leviticus 6:4; Deuteronomy 22:2
Prophets: 1 Samuel 12:3; 2 Samuel 9:7; Nehemiah 5:12; Isaiah 49:6; Jeremiah 27:22; Ezekiel 18:12; Daniel 9:25
Writings: Ruth 4:15; 1 Kings 13:6; 2 Kings 8:6; Job 20:10; Psalm 23:3, 51:12

Isaiah 1:26 And I will restore H7725 thy judges as at the first, and thy counsellors as at the beginning: afterward thou shalt be called, The city of righteousness, the faithful city.

Exodus 18:20-25
20 You should also teach them the laws and the teachings, and show them how to live their lives and what work they should do. 21 But you should choose from among all the people competent men who are God-fearing, honest and incorruptible to be their leaders, in charge of thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. 22 Normally, they will settle the people’s disputes. They should bring you the difficult cases; but ordinary matters they should decide themselves. In this way, they will make it easier for you and share the load with you. 23 If you do this — and God is directing you to do it — you will be able to endure; and all these people too will arrive at their destination peacefully.” 24 Moshe paid attention to his father-in-law’s counsel and did everything he said. 25 Moshe chose competent men from all Isra’el and made them heads over the people, in charge of thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens.

Recapturing the Spirit of Leadership

The goal of the Creator is to restore the spirit of leadership back to the mind of man. To accomplish this, God sent us his Word. God’s words are designed to transfer truth and ideas that will renew our thought lives and thus transform the spirit of our minds, our attitudes.


Our mental conditioning determines our success or failure. You have to train to become what you want to be. The reason soldiers are sent to boot camp is to get them to stop thinking like civilians and start thinking like professional military minds. In boot camp, they are isolated from their families and friends and the rest of society so that they can focus on their new mind-set.

Similarly, when you want to change your mental attitude about leadership, you have to train yourself. You will find that the power of mental conditioning will sustain you and give you the internal fortitude to overcome incredible odds. Our beliefs are housed in our hearts, but they manifest themselves as we experience various circumstances. As you take in the thoughts of the Creator through prayer and reading the Bible, the Spirit “downloads” these truths to your heart so that your mind is trained to rely on his thoughts and not your former distorted ideas about life.


When you practice renewing your mind, you begin to recapture the spirit of leadership. In this way, there is a marriage between who you inherently are as a leader and the way you are meant to think as a leader. When the attitude of leadership is married to the ability of leadership, then you are a true leader.


Leaders think in a certain way. Therefore, they manifest certain attributes and they work hard to attain a certain aptitude (they continually desire to learn more about themselves, life, and God), and this causes them to think at a higher level, or altitude. The more truth about yourself that you receive into your heart, the higher your thinking will be. You will have an increasingly clear vision for your life. All these areas need to be integrated for effective leadership.


Again, the key to the spirit of leadership is attitude rather than aptitude. In other words, it’s not ability—it’s mentality. What you think is even more important than what you do. The chapters that follow explore essential attitudes that must be cultivated for you to experience and achieve your fullest leadership potential.


Training in leadership really means training in attitude because attitude has to do with how we respond to life. We must think, talk, walk, dress, act, respond, decide, plan, work, relate, and live like leaders. We can change our attitudes. In fact, we are responsible for doing so. We cannot continue to function in a manner that we do not truly believe about ourselves. The day that we take responsibility for our attitudes is the day that we truly grow up.


In my experience, leadership is 20 percent talent, skill, and technical knowledge and 80 percent attitude. Cultivating the spirit of leadership is a choice, and only you can make it. To cultivate means to grow, progress, and cause the orderly development of something. This process demands that the right components, resources, and environment be incorporated into the soil of the system.

Joshua, Moses’s assistant, was challenged to take leadership responsibility for millions of desert people and to settle them in the land of promise, establishing social, cultural, and economic institutions for the new nation. His timidity was challenged by the Creator, and he was commanded to“be strong and courageous.” His self-concept changed in that encounter. This new perception of himself produced the spirit of leadership in him and an attitude that distinguished him from other people.

The same scenario of transformation played out in the lives of Gideon, David, Esther, and all the others. Their personal encounters with their God challenged their self-images, self-concepts, self-esteem, self-worth, and sense of potential. It also gave each a sense of purpose for their lives and changed their attitudes forever. The spirit of leadership was ignited in each, and their lives impacted their generations and continue to inspire the world today.

What is crucial in all these cases is the fact that all of them had images of themselves that were not correct and were produced by their cultures, past experiences, or the opinions of others. This is the reason the hidden leader within all of us remains buried and suffocates in the grave of our mediocre cultures. To be free from this condition, we must determine to cultivate the spirit of leadership and rise above the limitations of our past experiences, other people’s opinions of us, and the stifling context of our so-called social norms.

How you define yourself is the single most important statement you can make about yourself, and it is the heart of attitude. The spirit of leadership will emerge from your self-definition. All behavior is shaped and controlled by who and what you think you are. your ability to lead depends on the attitude produced by your self-image, sense of self-worth, and self-esteem.


• the spirit of a strong self-image—a true sense of one’s Source
• the spirit of a healthy self-concept—a perception of one’s true nature
• the spirit of self-confidence—a belief in one’s inherent ability
• the spirit of self-significance—a sense of valuable contribution to the world
• the spirit of passion—a deep conviction and determination of heart
• the spirit of excellence—a striving to always improve oneself and one’s work
• the spirit of compassion—a sensitivity to the value of others
• the spirit of creativity—a belief in the untested and untried
• the spirit of self-empowerment—a desire to see others succeed
• the spirit of self-improvement—a personal commitment to grow
• the spirit of self-discipline—a commitment to a self-imposed standard
• the spirit of humility—a consciousness of self and one’s strengths and weaknesses
• the spirit of unlimited ability—a belief in one’s potential as raw material
• the spirit of possibilities—a commitment to unlimited thinking
• the spirit of self-acceptance—an embracing of one’s total humanity, including one’s strengths, weaknesses, personality, physical appearance, defects, and gifts

Attitudes are nothing more than habits of thought produced by your self-image, self-worth, and self-esteem, and habit can be acquired and changed by the reconditioning of the mind. That’s why it's so important to read your scriptures through the manufactures original thoughts.

Shema Selah
, in this season the Most High shalt restore all things at it's original creation!! Facebook LIVE video--

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