Friday, December 1, 2017

Weekend Meditation--Vision versus Sight!!

Proverbs 4

We are walking today:  Weekend Meditation--Vision versus Sight!!

This eagle looked at me and I shot him with my camera. Isn’t that a beautiful shot? The first thing you think about an eagle is vision because vision is what makes the eagle the king of birds. An eagle has the capacity to see from 5 miles up in the sky in detail. That’s what makes him the most powerful bird, his eyesight. The power of vision and when you think of vision one of the most important thing as we deal with this subject is that vision is the key to your life having meaning. So we are going to talk about understanding the nature and the necessity for personal and conquered vision. This ministry is a result of vision. It is a result of one persons vision. In order for this ministry to be a leading ministry there must be a clear image of vision that breaks the barrier of limited thinking. Vision itself has the nature of destroying barriers. As a matter of fact vision itself demands the destruction of barriers.
Because vision is the capacity to see beyond the barriers. The 21st century is a century that demands visionary leadership. Not only in the church but in government, civic, educational institutions and also in the home because if you have a home headed by a leader, a father or a mother if you’re a
single parent who don’t have a vision for that family, that family will be bogged down in depression. Proverbs 4:7 says a simple statement. It says Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom and if it costs you all you have, get understanding. There are 3 words that are normally linked together and that is Wisdom, knowledge and understanding. But most people don’t understand what they are and how they work. So let me give you a quick understanding of the 3 concepts that made Solomon such and impact and influential leader. He understood the difference between the three.
First of all knowledge is information. Write that down. Understanding is comprehension. But wisdom is application. That's why wisdom is supreme. Because you can know something but not understand it and you can understand something and not apply it. So nothing is complete until it becomes wisdom. Wisdom is knowledge understood and applied. That is why wisdom is more important than knowledge. Because a smoking doctor is a sign of someone who has knowledge but no wisdom. You
can have knowledge and kill yourself, destroy yourself because you’re not applying it. This ministry has been teaching great studies for years and some of you have not changed because you never took the revelation to wisdom. You get information everyday, you get a great teaching, you say amen, you say that was a great teaching but it doesn’t affect your life, your family, it doesn’t affect your business, your ideas, your children because you never made it wisdom. Notice the bible says Christ is
the wisdom of God. He is God applied. See God can say I love you but then you still live in the realm of death. So he applied it. For God so loved the world that he gave his only son. He applied, it became wisdom so Christ is known to us as the wisdom of God. So it’s important to get the teaching, listen to it 7 times, why?

Because you want that information to become wisdom. This has to become wisdom to you otherwise it won’t happen in your life. That's why I read so many books a month. Read 4 books a month. I have to and I’ve constantly got to listen to tapes and CD’s says Dr. Myles Monroe because I have to keep being what I am teaching. It is very important. So knowledge is the key to success when you get knowledge applied. I say this to you now but you cannot receive, it the audience determines the teacher isn't that amazing very interesting in other words the teacher has a lot of information it's the student that determines what he teaches.

Let me say it again Yeshua said I have much to say to you now so your level of hunger determines the level of food that you are fed. That means I've got to come back, praise God!!

Let's talk about this power of visionary leadership for this ministry and for you individually. The nature and principles of vision in leadership. How vision works. Eagles are the most amazing birds Eagles never flock Only pigeons flock and that is why Eagles are leaders. Leaders do not keep a lot of company and no bird flies higher than an eagle do you know why because the eagle has the capacity to set it's bones in its wings and it rides the current in the sky and the Eagle flies into
hurricanes. They fly into storms. Why? They use storms to push them higher. That’s why they are eagles. That’s why they are kings of the birds. True leaders are not afraid of problems. They use them to get higher. When an eagle is at his height in flight it never meets another bird, except an eagle. Because only eagles can fly at that altitude.

Therefore if you keep running into pigeons you are flying too low. You can tell where you are at in life by who you keep meeting. Gossiping people, murmuring people, complaining people always finding fault. You are in the wrong altitude. You can tell where you are flying by who you
keep attracting. That is why Yeshua knew he was stuck with his family but he could choose his friends. So he selected his friends based on his vision. He chose his associations based on his destination. God will allow you to meet certain people because he wants to bring you to a higher
level. That is why I am here because there is a level that you want to go to that requires some other birds. If you are going to fly at a certain level, you have to meet people at that level so they can bring you up to that level and some of you God wants to do great things in your life but you won’t leave the pack. Show me your friends and I will show you your future. Eagles don’t fly with other birds. Eagles don’t like to mix. When you are a leader you are not comfortable with people who don’t dream big. You are not comfortable with complainers, critics, slanderers. This is why the bible says that if you are going to be great, you cannot keep company with people who are not great. Solomon says if you keep company with people who are not great, you will not be great yourself.

So choose your friends based on your destination. A couple things about the eagle that makes him unique, this is important information for leadership development even in your personal life,

1. The greatest gift God ever gave man is not the gift of sight but the gift of vision. Why? Because sight is the function of the eyes but vision is the function of the heart. As a matter of fact God never intended for you to live by your eyes. Your eyes are the enemy of your vision. Why? Because sight is
limited to the capacity of the eyes. But vision is limited only to the boundary of your imagination. That is why the bible says you must walk by faith and not by sight. Sight is dangerous. I have come to teach you how to live with your eyes closed. Your problem is your eyes because your eyes always shows you what is. But vision always shows you what could be. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and it’s evidence of things your eyes cannot see.

2. Sight restricts you to the present but vision releases you to the uncharted frontiers of the future. This ministry must be careful not to be so excited about it’s past. Because your past can become your victim and you become a victim of it. We become to attached to the good ole days, we don’t create new ones.

3. Sight captures the present but vision captures the future. You were not born to live in the past and be stuck in the present. Because sight deals with what is, but vision embraces what could be. That is why vision is so important. God always wants us to live according to the vision in our hearts not the sight in our eyes.

What is vision?
Vision is the capacity to see farther than your eyes can look.

Vision is the greatest source of hope. You were born to see beyond your eyes. When you get around people with wisdom, I learned a long time ago to ask a lot of questions. You don’t talk a lot, You ask
questions because questions are the greatest way to be educated. One thing you need to know is you need to grow where you are planted.

The reason some people won’t grow spiritually is because they don’t stay long enough in any ministry. Some of you are moving around still, testing ministries. That’s why God can’t grow you up. Grow where he plants you. Stay there and grow. Another lesson, look down and be depressed. Look around and be oppressed. Look up and be at rest.

Live according to your vision. Not according to your eyes. You must believe in the dark what he told you in the light. There are some things God showed you years ago and they have been smothered by the night of disappointment. God has sent me in your life today to tell you to still believe what I told you. See beyond your eyes. Leadership requires that you see beyond your eyes. as a ministry and as a individual. 

1. Leadership is the impact of one’s pursuit of a vision more noble than self preservation on others. You have to find something to do that is more important than your own life preservation. The reason why most people don’t make a difference in the world is because they are too busy trying to make a living. Self preservation is what I call making a living. You work to earn a salary so you can take care of your life but Christ said if a man saves his life, he shall lose it, but if a man lose his life for the sake of kingdom assignment he shall gain life. That means they will never be able to forget you. You were born to live in such a way that you don’t need a tombstone. The reason why we need tombstones is because people live such mediocrity in their lives that if they were to die, we would never know that they were here.

2. Visionary leadership is the ability to cause others to see a vision of the future bigger than their private ambitions. This ministry will never succeed if it keeps competing with your private ambitions. Leadership is the capacity to make a vision everybody’s vision. That is why the average person does not make an impact on the world, because they are so consumed by their own private interests, they have no interest in the next generation. This ministry was not raised up just for you. It was raised up for your unborn great-grandchildren. The new buildings aren’t for you, you may never be in them but you’ve got to build them. You need a vision bigger than your own private ambition. Do something important, not just something personal. Sometimes we live to pay off our mortgages instead of living to make a difference.

3. Visionary leadership motivates others to submit their energies and skills in a corporate commitment to achieving a noble vision. This ministry was raised up by God with a noble vision. How do you know whether a vision is from God or not from God? Any vision that only benefits you is not from God. Any vision that improves humanity, advances your community, and improves other people is from God. So if your vision is to have a nice house and a nice car with a boat near the ocean, that’s not from God. Why? That’s personal ambition. Yeshua said I didn’t come to be served, but to serve and give my life as a ransom for many. Your vision should always improve the many.

4. Leadership is the power of influence through character impact. The word character is from a Hebrew word that means statue. It means fixed and predictable. Does a statue change? No. He still has the same face, stance, clothes in the winter, spring, summer and fall. It doesn’t change. That is why a statue is called character. When you have character that means someone has beaten you into a shape.

Somebody took a chisel, his name is God and he beat you and beat you and you thought he was killing you but he was getting rid of things that will hide your perfect image. Can a sculptor sculpt an image if the image keeps moving? That is why God keeps beating you because you won’t stay still long enough for him to give you character. The pressure you are going through right now in your life, Don’t Move! Stand still and see the salvation of God. He is going to bring you through this and you
are going to come out with more CHARACTER! How can you tell what a man is doing even when you don’t see him? Because he has character. Character is proven when people can predict what you would do in your absence. Leaders have been beaten. That is why you are on your way to leadership. What you are going through is God's classroom to make you a great person. Running from tribulation is the hardest way to have character.

For you to have vision you must understand the source of vision. The source of vision is inspiration.

The source of inspiration is passion
The source of passion is purpose
The source of purpose is divine impartation.
The source of divine impartation is the reason for creation (God's motivation is the source for divine impartation)

Your life was not created for you to just go to a job and pay bills. There is something God wanted done that made you necessary. As a matter of fact I have been convinced over the years the greatest tragedy in life is not death, but life without a purpose. It is more tragic to be alive and not know why, than to be dead and not know life. What a tragedy to wake up every morning, sit in the same car, get stuck in the same traffic, go to the same place that you hate, work with people you can’t stand, get paid far less than you’re worth, do things that don’t bring out your gifts, go back home to a place you call home, turn the TV on and watch sports, go to bed and get stuck in traffic the next morning again, going to the same place you don’t like, doing something you don’t want to do, getting paid far less than you’re worth, and make you go until you are 65 and then they make you go and rock in a rocking chair. What a tragedy. And you call that life. I call it waste. You were born to fulfill an assignment, you were born to contribute to the world before you die. You were born to bring a difference to your generation, you were born to deliver something to us and God he divinely imparted that gift to you. You came to earth because there is something that is created for you to do, that’s waiting for you to do it. That is why you are not happy on your job, you’re not happy because you are doing something that you weren’t born to do. Your vision will always disturb your sight. Purpose will always make your job uncomfortable. Inside of you is your purpose screaming and you are on a job and it’s making your job uncomfortable because what you were born to do it, always comes against what you are doing unless you are doing it. You are not a mistake. You are a divine deposit on planet
earth. Not brought here just to pay a mortgage off. The source of divine impartation is the inspiration you get from purpose. The greatest tragedy in life is to live without purpose. Proverbs 19:21 NIV
version says Many are the plans in a man's heart but it is the Lord's purpose that will prevail over all of his plans. This verse is powerful. Let me tell you what it means from the Hebrew language. It means you have many ideas and plans for your own life, what you want to do, where you want to go, who you want to marry, what kind of career you want, what you want to invest in, what you want to build, even your ministry.

You’ve got all these plans for your life he says, but he says I’ve already got a purpose for your life. And then he says my purpose will prevail over all of your plans. This means 3 things.
Purpose is more important than plans.
Purpose is more powerful than plans.
Purpose precedes plans.

God says I don’t care what you plan, my purpose will prevail over all of your plans. That means you will never be happy, never be satisfied until you are doing what I purposed for your birth. Purpose therefore will make you uncomfortable until you find it. If purpose is more important than anything in your life to God then it’s more important for you to know purpose than to know plans. In other words God is saying before you make plans for your life, consult me for your purpose. And make your plans according to the purpose I have for your life so that you don’t waste your time. Because see if you make plans that are not God's purpose for your life you are wasting time, energy, resources,
investments, ideas, investment of your character, you are wasting your life. It’s possible to be successfully wrong. Purpose is God’s number 1 desire. What is purpose? Purpose means original intent. Reason for creation, reason for existence, original idea. Purpose is what was the motivation that made a manufacture make a product. The product exists for the purpose made by the manufacturer. God says before you were even born and conceived to make plans I had already an idea for your life. You are not a mistake. God did not create you and decide, what am I going to do with this one? No. He had something already established then he produced you to get it for him. Purpose is the most important thing to God. Purpose means will, original intent. Purpose is the established intent that caused production. Purpose proceeds production. The purpose comes first. Purpose motivates production.  Shema Selah no longer look with your eyes, sight but with your heart vision!!

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