Genesis 1
We are walk in today: This Is My Territory!!!
Witness border throughout the Bible: H1366 gĕbuwl-- border, territory, region, territory (enclosed within boundary)
The Torah...............
Numbers 34:6 And as for the western border, H1366 ye shall even have the great sea for a border: H1366 this shall be your west border. H1366
The prophets ..................
Isaiah 60:18 Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; H1366 but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise.
The writings ...........................
1 Kings 4:21 And Solomon reigned over all kingdoms from the river unto the land of the Philistines, and unto the border H1366of Egypt: they brought presents, and served Solomon all the days of his life.
Malachi 1:5 And your eyes shall see, and ye shall say, The LORD will be magnified from the border H1366 of Israel.
Genesis 1 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
king·dom [ˈkiNGdəm] 1. A country, state, or territory ruled by a king or queen.
• a realm associated with or regarded as being under the control of a particular person or thing:
"The kingdom of dreams"
2. The spiritual reign or authority of God.
• The rule of God or Christ in a future age.
3. Each of the three traditional divisions (animal, vegetable, and mineral) in which natural objects have conventionally been classified.
The essence of a kingdom is property. Land or property is the validation of a king. Land or property defines a king or queen and gives him or her right to claim kingship. Remember that the first thing God created in the creation narrative was property…the earth. Earth was created before mankind was formed because it was necessary in order for man to be a legitimate ruler. Man was created to dominate, and it is impossible to dominate nothing.
The word kingdom derives from the phrase “king domain.” Domain refers to the property, the territory over which a king exercises his dominion. A “kingdom,” then, is a “king’s territory.” Without territory, a king is not a king because he has nothing to rule over. You cannot be “king” over nothing.
Because God is a King, and because a kingdom is a country ruled by a king and must therefore have territory, we can draw the conclusion that Heaven is a place. It is not some nebulous, mystical idea from the mind of man. Heaven is a real Kingdom with a real government. The fact that its primary realm encompasses the spiritual dimension of creation does not make it any less real.
God envisioned man to be a king in his own right, but a king is not a king unless he has territory over which to rule. So God prepared the territory first—the earth—and then brought forth man. God placed man on the earth and told him, “I am giving you dominion over this physical domain. You have authority over every acre of land and sea and over every creature that inhabits the earth. Rule it freely as My legal representative.”
Mathew 6:9-13 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
9 ‘Our Father in heaven! May your Name be kept holy. 10 May your Kingdom come,
your will be done on earth as in heaven. 11 Give us the food we need today. 12 Forgive us what we have done wrong, as we too have forgiven those who have wronged us. 13 And do not lead us into hard testing, but keep us safe from the Evil One. For kingship, power and glory are yours forever.
Territory is vital to a kingdom because without territory no kingdom can exist. This is why a king is always interested in expanding his territory. Why is territory so important? Why can there not be a kingdom without it? Here are seven reasons.
1. No king can rule nothing. A king is a ruler, which by definition requires a domain to rule over. No domain, no ruler; no ruler, no king. That is why God made the earth before He made man; man could not be a king until he had a domain..
2. There is no kingdom without a domain. Why the territory of a king is called his domain? Because he dominates it. A territory dominated by a king is called his “king dominion,” which is where we get the word “kingdom.”
3. The essence of a kingdom is the right, the power, and the authority of the king to exercise complete sovereignty over a domain. In other words, a true kingdom is one where the king has the right to rule. Rights are very important because they are the basis for authority. God has the right to rule the universe. Why? Because He created it. Within His Kingdom God can do whatever He wants because His rights as King give Him absolute power and authority—infinite power and authority because His Kingdom is infinite.
4. The heart of the kingdom concept is king domain. The domain of the king is the key to his kingdom because to be a king he has to have some domain to rule.
5. A king is not a king without a domain. I’ve already said this, but it bears repeating because many people who have no kingdom concept have trouble understanding the connection between a king and his domain. We are supposed to be rulers, but without our territory we cannot fulfill our destiny.
6. The wealth of a king’s domain defines his value. We touched on this in the last chapter. Territory is important to a king because the more territory he has, the richer he is. A king is only as wealthy as his domain. And as we will see later, territory—real estate—is important because it is the only form of earthly wealth that never loses its value.
7. The loss of a domain is the loss of a kingdom.. When Adam, the king of the earth, rebelled against God, the High King of Heaven, he lost his kingdom and with it, his place as king. The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the “second Adam” who came to restore what the first Adam lost. Because Yeshua restored the Kingdom, all who are citizens of the Kingdom of heaven can now be kings and queens of the earthly realm again.
What does this mean in practical terms? It means we can control our circumstances and our domain rather than they controlling us. The “good news of the Kingdom” that Jesus preached is not just that we can have our sins forgiven and become aligned rightly with God, although these are absolutely essential; the good news is also the fact that we can have our Kingdom back!
Our destiny as human beings is wrapped up in land. God created us to be kings over the earthly realm, and He will not rest until we are fully restored to our rightful place. I want to share with you five principles that help explain the basis of our authority on earth as God intended it to be.
1. The first thing God gave man was territory. He did not give man a religion or rules to follow. He gave him land. Before man could be the king God created him to be, he had to have a king domain to rule over.
2. The earth was created to give man kingship legitimacy. God gave us the earth so that our kingship would be legal.
3. The domain of earth is mankind’s legal right, power, and authority of rulership. When God said, “Let them have dominion,” He transferred the legal rights to the earth to us. He did not say, “Let us have dominion,” including Himself, because He already had His dominion in heaven. He said, “Let them have dominion over that territory called earth. I’m going to rule heaven; My kids are going to rule earth. I’m going to be King of heaven; they’re going to be king of the earth. I’m going to be Sovereign of heaven; they’re going to be sovereign of earth.” The dominion of earth is our legal right.
4. “Let them” are the key words in the transfer of authority from God to man. God delegated authority to us because He wants us to experience rulership. He wants us to know what it is like to be in charge.
5. Man’s kingship is by privilege, not by creative right. God controls the domain because He created it. He rules it by creative rights. We rule it because of privilege. We are kings by delegation, not by creation. God gave us rulership but not ownership. But our rulership “charter” includes a sense of ownership because He gave us sovereignty within our earthly dominion.
Matthew 18:18 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) Yes! I tell you people that whatever you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.
This transfer of ruling authority over the earth from The Most High to man has major implications for all of us regarding our daily circumstances and our relationship to our society and culture. Therefore, it is important that we understand it.
But it also means that we can’t blame God for everything that goes wrong, yet that is exactly what we do. “Why does God allow so much suffering in the world? Why doesn’t God do away with evil? Why does He allow sickness to continue? Doesn’t He care? Why doesn’t God do something?”
Why doesn’t God intervene? Because this is not His domain. He will not intervene in the affairs of this earthly domain without the permission of those who hold dominion authority here. And who holds dominion authority? Every human being on earth who is a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Psalms 115:16 Heaven belongs to Adonai,but the earth he has given to humankind.
Elyon wants to help but won’t intervene unless invited to do so by Kingdom citizens who know their dominion authority. Through prayer we invite The Most High to act in our domain.
Many believers have been taught that this verse deals with binding and loosing demonic spirits. It has nothing to do with demons. Jesus is using Kingdom language. To “bind” means to lock up or prohibit; to “loose” means to unlock or permit.
On earth we have dominion authority. Jesus is saying that what we prohibit on earth, heaven will prohibit, and what we permit on earth, Heaven will permit. Consider the implications of this. Whatever we allow in society, Heaven will not stop, and whatever we disallow in society, Heaven will make sure it does not happen.
The King of Heaven has given us dominion authority here on earth, and He will not violate it without our permission. This truth holds a critical key to how we should live as Kingdom citizens on earth.
Having been raised in one or another of the various human systems of government, we all have been “programmed” to think of life and society in terms of the “have’s” and the “have not’s,” of periodic economic upheavals and downturns, chronic shortages of commodities, corruption, despotism, and the strong preying on the weak.
We look at these things, sigh, and then say, “Oh well, that’s life.” Not in the Kingdom of Heaven! Seeing life from this perspective will require a major change of mind-set for most people. We have to learn, we have to train, we have to be taught to think this way. A change of mind is what the Bible calls “repentance.”
“Change your mind! Stop thinking like the world with its inadequacies and inequities, and start thinking like a Kingdom citizen! Stop operating from a worldly mind-set of “never enough” and start operating from a Kingdom mind-set of “more than enough”! The Kingdom of Heaven is here and everything has changed!”
1. The first thing God gave man was land.
2. The first thing man lost was land.
3. The first thing God promised Abraham was land, not heaven. The first thing God promised Moses was land, not heaven. Our big dream is to go to Heaven, while God’s big dream is for us to possess land because He created us to be kings, and all kings own property.
4. Real wealth is in the land. That’s why it’s called real estate. All other estates aren’t “real.” So many people expend all their resources acquiring “wealth” that never lasts—commodities that dissipate through consumption or are wiped out by economic depression or natural disaster.
Land never loses its value regardless of what the economy does. In fact, land almost always grows in value even during difficult times. If you want to help ensure prosperity for yourself as well as future generations, focus on acquiring real estate. There is power in land, which leads us to the next principle.
5. He who owns the land controls the wealth. Once, I was in Omaha, Nebraska, riding in from the airport, and remarked to my driver about the beauty and impressiveness of a particular skyscraper that dominated the skyline. “What is that?” I asked. He chuckled and said, “That’s the disgrace of the city.” “Why?” I asked, surprised. He replied, “That’s the tallest building in the city, and it is owned by the Japanese.” Smart people— Kingdom-minded people—go after land. Why?
6. True wealth is in the land. It never loses its value and, in fact, almost always increases in value the longer you own it. I once acquired a small piece of land for $35,000. Several people made offers to buy the land, but I held on to it. A few years later, a wealthy businessman built a $3,000,000 estate on an adjacent piece of property. What do you think that did to the value of my land? True wealth lies in real estate.
7. The meek will inherit the earth. And Yeshua said that is a blessing: “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” (Matt. 5:5). “Meek” means “gentle,” but it also means “disciplined.” The Greek word refers to the demeanor of a horse that has been broken for riding. A horse is a very strong animal. After it is broken it is still strong, but that strength is now under control. It is under discipline. These kind of people—the meek—Yeshua says, are the ones who will inherit the earth—not Heaven.
8. Land is the only estate that is real. Real estate is the only property of truly lasting value that we can pass on to our children. Everything else fades away too easily. The Bible says: “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children” (Prov. 13:22a).
9. God considers the loss of land a curse. This is very important in the Bible. Every time God cursed the Israelites for their rebellion and disobedience, He took land from them. When they repented, He blessed them by restoring their land. God uses land to measure blessing or cursing. Therefore…
10. The restoration of land is a blessing. Land is important. Land has power because without land there is no domain and without domain there is no king.
Many Kingdom citizens have been taught so thoroughly to anticipate and look forward to Heaven as the ultimate “reward” for the life to come that talk of an earthly inheritance makes them uncomfortable.
Isaiah 45:18 For thus says Adonai, who created the heavens, God, who shaped and made the earth,
who established and created it not to be chaos, but formed it to be lived in: “I am Adonai; there is no other.
God created the earth for people to live on it. He is so committed to this planet that even when it passes away He will re-create it:
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away….And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God…for the old order of things has passed away.” He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” (Revelation 21:1,3,4b-5a)
1. Every kingdom has territory.
2. Heaven is a real Kingdom with a real government.
3. A king is not a king unless he has territory over which to rule.
4. The Son of God came to get the Kingdom back for man.
5. Without territory no kingdom can exist.
6. A king is only as wealthy as his domain.
7. Our destiny as human beings is wrapped up in land.
8. We were made for the earth, and that is where our place of dominion will be in the life to come.
9. We are kings by delegation, not by creation.
10. God will not intervene in the affairs of this earthly domain without the permission of those who hold dominion authority here.
11. Through prayer we invite God to act in our domain.
12. In the Kingdom of Heaven there are no “have’s” and “have not’s”; everyone is a “have.”
13. The meek will inherit the earth, not Heaven.
Happy Black History Month!!!
Excerpts from the William Lynch Letters part 1
Let’s Make a Slave It was the interest and business of slave holders to study human nature, and the slave nature in particular, with a view to practical results. I and many of them attained astonishing proficiency in this direction. They had to deal not with earth, wood and stone, but with men and by every regard they had for their own safety and prosperity they needed to know the material on which they were to work. Conscious of the injustice and wrong they were every hour perpetuating and knowing what they themselves would do. Were they the victims of such wrongs? They were constantly looking for the first signs of the dreaded retribution. They watched, therefore with skilled and practiced eyes, and learned to read with great accuracy, the state of mind and heart of the slave, through his sable face. Unusual sobriety, apparent abstractions, sullenness and indifference indeed, any mood out of the common was afforded ground for suspicion and inquiry. Let us make a slave. What do we need? First of all we need a black nigger man, a pregnant nigger woman and her baby nigger boy. Second, we will use the same basic principle that we use in breaking a horse, combined with some more sustaining factors. What we do with horses is that we break them from one form of life to another that is we reduce them from their natural state in nature. Whereas nature provides them with the natural capacity to take care of their offspring, we break that natural string of independence from them and thereby create a dependency status, so that we may be able It is never too late to get up off of your knees and fight for work to get from them useful production for our business and pleasure.
Shema Selah this is about a land given to the king to rule and the Earth has been to the kingdom citizens!!
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