Romans 3
We are walking in today: Don’t Declare Independence In A Season Of Wisdom!!!!! PART 2
Witness majesty throughout the Bible: H1347 ga'own --exaltation, majesty, pride, majesty, exaltation, excellence
Micah 5:4 And he shall stand and feed in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty H1347 of the name of the LORD his God; and they shall abide: for now shall he be great unto the ends of the earth.
The Torah testifies...............
The prophets proclaim..................
Isaiah 24:14 They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for the majesty H1347 of the LORD, they shall cry aloud from the sea.
The writings bear witness...........................
Job 40:10 Deck thyself now with majesty H1347 and excellency; and array thyself with glory and beauty.
Ezekiel 7:20 As for the beauty of his ornament, he set it in majesty: H1347 but they made the images of their abominations and of their detestable things therein: therefore have I set it far from them.
Cut off from True Life
Although human beings were designed to live from the
inside out, this situation was now reversed. Since they had lost
the Holy Spirit, which was their connection with their Father,
they now had to live from the outside in. They became totally dependant on their five physical senses. The physical world—
which could give them only a limited perspective on life’s
realities—imposed itself on their inner world. I believe this is
why one of the first words we read about Adam and Eve after
their rebellion is the word “realized” or “knew.” Suddenly, they
realized they were naked. Does
this imply they didn’t know this
before? I don’t think so. I believe
it implies this: nakedness is an
external consciousness rather
than something that is spiritually discerned. The body and its senses, rather than the spirit,
took over humanity’s focus in life. Human beings no longer
had a spiritual perspective at their essence but a sensual one.
A perspective based only on the senses inevitably leads to
confusion. Humanity began to depend on the soul—the mind,
will, and emotions informed by the senses—to interpret life.
From then on, what we saw, heard, touched, tasted, and smelled
became the dominant components in our human experience.
Consequently, we began to interpret our Creator-King mainly
from our physical senses, as well. For example, the field of science attempts to understand the unseen world only from the
seen world. This approach is dangerous because human beings
were never intended to interpret the physical world from itself
but from the spiritual reality of the kingdom.
I am not saying that science is “bad.” Neither am I saying
that the intellect is evil, but only that it has been moved out
of its proper position. The intellect is a wonderful gift created
by the Most High. It must be in its right position, however, for it to effectively execute its purpose and fulfill its potential. The things
that are seen were made from things that are not seen, and the only way to truly understand something is to relate to how
it was made and who made it. The Spirit of the Creator is the
only avenue we have for fully understanding ourselves and the
physical world since he is the Source, Author, and Manufacturer of creation.
We must grasp the deep significance of this truth: Having
the Spirit of the King is not only vital for our relationship with
the invisible King, but also for understanding our own humanity. Only through the Governor can we know why we are really
here and how to interpret the world in which we live; in other
words, how to truly see our environment. The Governor is the
key to our being fully human. We can’t express the King’s nature
unless we are in relationship with him, and the Governor provided that relationship.
Only the Governor knows the mind of the King. We can’t
really be what we were born to be as human beings unless
we have a vital connection to his original intent. The Governor is our reference to ourselves; he is the key to our self-understanding. To be true and complete human beings, we
must somehow become reconnected to and re-indwelled by
the Holy Spirit.
Loss of Authority and Power
We not only lost communication with the home country
through the loss of the Governor, but we also lost the power
and authority he provided. Remember that power is the ability
to control and influence circumstances. One of the first things
the King said to Adam after his rebellion was, in effect, “From
now on, you will have to fight the earth in order to get food.”
Beforehand, he had said, “Rule over…all the earth.” Now the
King had to sadly inform him, Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. It will
produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat
the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you
will eat your food until you return to the ground, since
from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust
you will return.
The King wasn’t only speaking of literal thorns. He was
saying, “It’s going to be hard for you to provide for yourself.
You’re going to have to sweat for it.” Before that, Adam’s work
was not exhausting. He had authority and dominion over the
natural world. It worked for him, rather than the other way
Ramifications of Self-Government
The Governor had been humanity’s connection with the
home country, enabling human beings to fulfill their authority and dominion on earth. When he left, the earth basically
became an independent nation. A colony without a governor
results in self-government. Again, to our contemporary minds,
independence and self-determination are positive words. We celebrate freedom and self-government. But again, this was not
the triumph of freedom over tyranny. This was not removing
the shackles of foreign occupation. It was like rejecting your
beloved family, your home country, and your billion-dollar
inheritance all at once. To paraphrase the wise King Solomon,
“Some paths in life seem right, but they lead to death.”
There’s nothing more dangerous and threatening to a
kingdom than a spirit of independence. For human kingdoms,
this translates into a loss of power and wealth and probably
some pride. For the heavenly kingdom, however, it meant the spiritual death of beloved children who were meant to carry
on the family name and legacy. For the children, it meant the
introduction of fear, a survival mind-set, and the knowledge of
the inevitability of death.
When you are an independent person, you have to survive by your own wits. Likewise, when a country becomes an
independent nation, it has to totally pay its own way. When the
royal governor left the Bahamas on the morning of July 10, we
were totally on our own—in our political and economic life, in
caring for our infrastructure, and all aspects of governance.
Likewise, humanity was left to fend for itself. Yet human beings
weren’t designed to function using only their senses. They
weren’t supposed to live like orphans left to survive in a hostile
world on what they can scrape by on, or convicts left to scratch
out an existence on a remote, punitive island. Human beings
were designed to thrive and prosper and use the heights of
their creativity through the guidance and power of the Holy
Spirit. The recall of the Governor was a devastating loss to the
inhabitants of earth.
A Rebellious State
Humanity’s declaration of independence and subsequent
loss of the Governor left human beings in a state of rebellion. The government of earth, as exercised in the life of every
human being, became essentially one of rebellion that did not
have the purposes of the kingdom at heart. Every person has
been born into this state since the initial rebellion. Theologian
Paul of Tarsus put it this way: “For all have sinned and fall short
of the glory of the Most High.” We all fall short of the essential nature of
the Most High and everything that makes him praiseworthy. He is the
perfect King; his kingdom is the perfect government. Yet we
have distorted the image of that perfection within us. And all our efforts to execute government on earth in personal and
corporate ways have fallen deeply short as well.
A Culture of Darkness and Death
When a country becomes independent after being a colony,
it usually elects or appoints its own governor. This governor
does not teach the people about
the culture of the former home
country, but only its own. Similarly, when the heavenly government recalled the Governor,
human beings stopped learning
the culture of heaven and created their own culture, which
they passed along to their children. We stopped living heaven’s values and began to have our
own independent ideas about life.
We must ask ourselves: How well are we doing? What has
the nature of our culture become? One of the first things that
took place after earth lost the Governor was that a man was
murdered by his older brother. What a way to start a new culture! Instead of the kingdom of heaven defining and transforming earth, a kingdom and culture of darkness came upon
it and began to spread. Adultery, incest, abuse, and domestic
violence are all parts of this culture of darkness; it destroys
young and old, strong and weak. We are still experiencing
crime upon crime, brother killing brother. Wherever the Governor of the King does not rule, you will find murder and
other instances of man’s inhumanity to man. The abuse and
destruction afflict families, communities, businesses, and government—the whole realm of human existence.
The recall of the
Governor was
a devastating loss
to the inhabitants
of earth. All this transpired because human beings listened to the
treacherous lies of a rebellious former aide to our King-Father,
who wanted to usurp the colony for himself. Yeshua of Nazareth
described Lucifer as the “father of lies” and a “murderer.” He
also said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.”
When this disgraced former general took authority over
the territory of earth, the natural result was devastation and
death. His intent as the illegal governor on earth was not to
bring freedom. It was to steal people’s lives so he could ultimately destroy them. He is a foreign ruler who has taken over
the colony of earth and desires to destroy the original culture of the inhabitants. He rules over a destructive kingdom of
darkness in which human beings
have become either his willing or
unwilling accomplices.
What have we done to this
planet? From the time of humanity’s rejection of the King and
the loss of the Governor, human
beings have been attempting to
dominate the King’s colony without the mind and heart of the King. Trying to run the planet
without the King’s nature has led to a breakdown in human
authority and power to address vital issues. It is the source of
the world’s poverty, genocide, terrorism, political corruption,
drug addiction, broken homes, and every kind of evil that can
be named. We have created a state of rebellion and confusion.
This world is a disaster without the Governor.
The Promise of the King
The colony of earth crumbled under the absence of the
Governor. Without his presence, the human race lost its dignity and sense of responsibility; it became confused and chaotic.
The people experienced a living death. Even though many
people still struggle to do good, this is the essence of the culture of earth today. As the descendants of Adam and Eve, we
are unable to rule on behalf of the heavenly kingdom because
we abdicated our rule to Lucifer’s culture of darkness.
Yet, remarkably, immediately following humanity’s rebellion and the loss of the Governor, the King promised the return
of the Governor and the restoration of earth as a territory loyal
to the kingdom of heaven. The most important promise the
government of heaven ever made to humanity was the return
of the Governor because he is what every human being needs
for true life. He is what the entire world needs, or the territory
would forever remain in a state of chaos and death.
Even in the immediate aftermath of the rebellion, the
King gave an indication of how he would restore the Governor. He told Lucifer, “I will put enmity between you and the
woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush
your head, and you will strike his heel.” The King’s plan was to
send an Offspring, to be born in the colony, who would restore
kingdom influence to the colony. He would crush the power of
the realm of darkness, take back the kingdom authority that
was stolen, and restore power and authority to those to whom
it was first given—humanity. We would be reinstated as local
rulers on behalf of the heavenly kingdom once again. This
would happen because the King would reappoint the Governor to the colony of earth.
Seeking the Governor
I believe that the bottom line in every person’s search for
power and meaning in life is this: they are actually seeking the return of the Governor, though they may not realize it.
Many people feel they are missing something in their lives
yet aren’t sure what it is. They try to fill the emptiness with
a variety of things: money, relationships, parties, drugs, sex,
alcohol, work, sports, or vacations. In fact, I believe that every
person, whether he is Christian, atheist, Hindu, Buddhist,
Muslim, Shintoist, Scientologist, animist, or even Satanist ultimately desires the same thing. He wants to fill what is missing
in his life, and only the presence of the Governor in his life
can accomplish this. A human being without the Governor is
dysfunctional because he’s never complete; his very purpose
requires the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, if a message were sent from the kingdom of
heaven to earth regarding the fulfillment of the King’s promise—the restoration of the Governor—that message would not
be a religion. Neither would it be a self-help method by which
human beings could use their own abilities to solve their problems. It would be a message about the kingdom and the return
of the King’s Spirit.
Shema Selah we must return to the original plan, the original government the Kingdom of Heaven operating here on the Earth as a colony of the Just Judge and King of kings!!
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