Wednesday, November 4, 2020


Exodus chapter 20

Today we are walking in:A Kingdom Of Servant Kings!!!!

Today we look to the word-RULER-H4910 mashal--to exercise dominion, to cause to rule

The Torah testifies...............
Genesis 45:8
So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God: and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler H4910 throughout all the land of Egypt.

The prophets proclaim..................
Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule H4910 this people which is in Jerusalem.

The writings bear witness...........................
And Gideon said unto them, I will not rule H4910 over you, neither shall my son rule H4910 over you: the LORD shall rule H4910 over you.

The Kingdom of The Most High Yah is the only Kingdom in which every citizen is designated a king. Their rulership is not over people, but in a specific area of gifting. This is why Yahusha is referred to as the King of kings and The Most High of The Most Highs. We are kings who serve the world with our The Most High Yah-given gift. We serve our way into leadership. This is what Yahusha meant when he said, “the greatest among you shall be your servant.” The kingdom functions on the basis of servant leadership.

Once we have entered the door, there is nothing more vital to our spiritual growth than to understand the nature of the Kingdom of which we are now citizens. Our hearts should reflect Hamachiach’s heart, and our minds, His mind. The Kingdom represents the heart of the entire work of The Most High Yah. Everything The Most High Yah says and does relates to His Kingdom. That is why it is so important that we understand its nature. If we are to be faithful children of the King and ready to rule the dominion He has given us, we must know His heart and how to rule in His name.

Our culture is disintegrating all around us. People are living in despair. All we have to do is read a newspaper or listen to a news broadcast any day of the week to realize that daily life in the world we live in is full of uncertainty and instability. War, hunger, poverty, ignorance, ethnic cleansing, age-old hatreds and prejudices, suicide bombings, terrorism, AIDS and other afflictions, economic instability with wide fluctuations in the stock market—all of these show clearly that our world is a frightening and unreliable place. Because the kingdom of this world is temporary and will one day pass away, it has nothing of enduring quality in which we can trust with any confidence.

Millions die every day from disease, starvation, or violence. The stock market collapses and people who were millionaires one day are paupers the next. Corporations downsize and thousands are suddenly jobless. Extended joblessness creates financial distress resulting in evictions, which increases homelessness and the welfare burden of the state. Religious hatred between Christians, Muslims, and Jews fuels daily conflict in many parts of the world, particularly the Middle East.


Is there any good news in the midst of all of this? Yes, indeed there is. For those who live and walk in the Kingdom of The Most High Yah, every day can be a good day, regardless of circumstances in the world. No matter how much unrest and turmoil swirls around us in the physical world, the Kingdom of The Most High Yah is stable. It cannot be moved. The governments of this world are shaky and untrustworthy and the global economy is unpredictable. The Most High Yah’s government, on the other hand, is firmly established from eternity past and will be in place through eternity future, safe, secure, and unshakable. Unlike the kingdoms of this world, The Most High Yah’s Kingdom is founded on eternal principles that will never fade or pass away.

Mankind has tried in so many ways to relieve the fear, pain, and suffering that characterize so much of human life on earth. One way is through religion, which has not been any more successful than anything else because it too is a product of human invention and design. Religion is man’s attempt to discover The Most High Yah and find the solutions to his own problems.

This is why The Most High Yah did not send us a religion. Instead, He sent us His Kingdom, eternal and unshakable. The Most High Yah’s Kingdom came to earth through the person of His Son, Yahusha Hamachiach, who was its herald as well as its gateway. Hamachiach did not come to earth to start a religion or a religious organization or club. Yahusha preached the Kingdom, but the Church preaches so many other things rather than the Kingdom.

Yahusha’ mission consisted of five specific goals:

• He came to reintroduce the Kingdom of The Most High Yah on earth to man.

• He came to restore the righteousness and holiness of mankind.

• He came to restore the Ruach Hacodesh in man.

• Yahusha came to retrain mankind for Kingdom


• He came to restore the Kingdom rulership of The Most High Yah on earth through mankind—to return administration of The Most High Yah’s Kingdom on earth to The Most High Yah’s earthly kings.


Yahusha’ overarching mission on earth was to reintroduce the Kingdom of The Most High Yah on earth to mankind. The prefix “re-” means to “do again” or to “go back to the original state.” Whenever we “re-” something, we are moving backward. This little two-letter prefix is one of the most important prefixes in the Scriptures, so important, in fact, that I call it the “paradoxical prefix of The Most High Yah.” Virtually every word used in the Bible to describe The Most High Yah’s program for mankind begins with it. Here are a few of them: redeem, revive, restore, repent, reconcile, resurrection, return, recompense, renew, reward. All of these words relate in one way or another to The Most High Yah’s plan for the salvation of man.

When we say that Yahusha came to reintroduce the Kingdom of The Most High Yah on earth, this implies that at one time it was here before. Hamachiach did not bring a new Kingdom to earth, but an old, original Kingdom that had been lost. At one time, Adam and Eve were the Kingdom of The Most High Yah on earth, ruling from the Garden of Eden. When they rebelled against The Most High Yah and fell into sin, the Kingdom departed. How did the Kingdom of The Most High Yah leave?

The Most High Yah’s plan had been to rule the earth through a family, called mankind. Adam and Eve’s connection to The Most High Yah was the Ruach Hacodesh, who dwelled in them. Their sin corrupted them and made them unholy vessels that were no longer fit to carry the Ruach Hakodesh. The Spirit departed, taking with Him man’s only direct connection to The Most High Yah and, therefore, the earth’s only direct connection to the Kingdom of The Most High Yah.

Here is how the Kingdom was supposed to work. The Most High Yah the Father and Creator is in heaven, where He has always been. Remember that Yahusha taught us to pray, “Our Father in heaven.” Heaven is the domain of the Father, a spiritual realm that is invisible, yet greater and more real than the visible, physical realm that was created from it. The Most High Yah is the King of heaven, the The Most High of all, the Creator, and the manufacturer of all things. He is the great Almighty, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, there are so many names and titles that we can ascribe to Him, and still only scratch the surface of all He is.


Man the creature is on the earth. Created in The Most High Yah’s own image and formed from the dust of the ground, man was placed in administrative authority over the earth and all its other creatures. The Book of Genesis uses several different words for “man” both to designate the human race as a whole and to distinguish between male and female. For instance, in Genesis 1:26, The Most High Yah says, “Let Us make man in Our image, in Our likeness....” In this case the Hebrew word for “man” is adam, and refers generically to the entire human race both male and female. It is also used as a proper name for the first man, Adam. The word adam literally means “ruddy” or “dark earth,” in reference to mankind’s original skin color and to the matter from which he was formed.

When the narrative in Genesis turns to the creation of woman, it employs more specific words.

Then The Most High Yah made a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh (Gen. 2:22-24).

Although verse 23 uses adam for “man,” verse 24 uses a different word: ish, which refers to a man in the individual and specifically male sense. The feminine form of ish is ishshah, which is used in verses 22 and 23 for “woman,” to designate the female “man” as distinct from the male “man.” Although adam is sometimes used to designate specific individuals (such as Adam, the first man), it is used most often in a generic sense to refer to the human race as a whole. For example, Genesis 5:1-2 says, “This is the written account of Adam’s line. When The Most High Yah created man [adam], He made him in the likeness of The Most High Yah. He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, He called them ‘man’ [adam].” Therefore, “man” (adam) is the general name for the entire human species, both male and female.

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