Wednesday, December 23, 2020


Genesis chapter 2

Today we are walking in: Yah's Design: Equal and Different!!!!!!

Today we look to the word-PURPOSE- H6213 ’asah--to do, work, make, produce; to act, act with effect, effect

The Torah testifies...............


The prophets proclaim..................

Daniel 6:17

And a stone was brought, and laid upon the mouth of the den; and the king sealed it with his own signet, and with the signet of his lords; that the purpose H6213 might not be changed concerning Daniel.

The writings bear witness...........................

Ecclesiates 3:1

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose H6213 under the heaven:


He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them “man” (Genesis 5:2)

Men and women are equal. What we’ve learned about the purpose and creation of humanity in the last teaching is the basis for their equality:

Man was created in the image of Yah.

Man has a spirit.

Male and female are both man.

The spirit-man resides within both male and female.

Both male and female have direct spiritual access to Yah and are responsible to Him.

Both male and female were given dominion over the earth.

Regardless of what culture and society may say, the highest worth and dignity were given to female by Yah in creation. She was created equal with the man and was given the task, along with the male, of having dominion over the earth and fulfilling Yah’s purposes in both the physical and spiritual realms.

Purpose, Nature, and Design

Purpose determines design, and design determines needs. Yah created man and placed the man in the male and the female. The male was created for a specific purpose. The purposes of each are related to their overall purpose- to have a relationship of love with Yah and to have dominion over the earth.

Again, it is the manufacturer who determines the design of a product, and it is the manufacturer who establishes the differences in his products. Therefore, Yah designed the male and the female in the forms He determined would best fulfill their purposes.

Males and females are not ultimately different in nature because society has imposed its standards on them; they are not different because of environment; they are not different because of family upbringing or culture. Men’ opinions throughout history did not make males and females different. Males and females are different because of their design in creation.

Males and females are different because of their purpose and design.

What society and culture have done is to take the intrinsic differences between males and females, distort them, and use them to devalue women. Over the years, it’s been proven that our cultural hang-ups about women were wrong. Women have been treated terribly throughout history. Recently, however, when they started to take on new roles, many men discovered- to their amazement- that women are valuable and significant contributors in the world. However, this was Yah’s purpose even before the male and female were made. Yah made the woman with worth, dignity, purpose, and skill. He planned her design from the beginning.

Yah’s Purpose Stands

If you try to change the design of something, you’re looking for trouble. For example, everything that is in your car was put there by the manufacturer, and he knows why he put it there. You can decide, “I want the battery in the trunk.” You have the authority to move the battery, because it is your car. You can take the battery out of the engine and put it in the trunk. However, then try to start your car. It won’t work. Over the years, we’ve been trying to change the design of people, and that won’t work, either. We need to understand Yah’s purpose.

When Yahusha first began to speak with the Samaritan woman at the well, she was wary of Him. She spoke to Him only in the context of the prejudices between the Samaritans and the Jews that prevailed at that time. “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (John 4:9). He answered her, “If you only knew who you were speaking with.” The woman had a problem, and it was not that she was being rude. She thought that since Yahusha was a Jew and she was a Samaritan woman, He wouldn’t speak with her. She didn’t know who He really was. He said, “If you only knew who was talking to you, everything would be all right. However, I know you don’t know, so go ahead and talk foolishly for a few minutes.” He allowed her to be foolish. Then He said, “Let me tell you who I am,” and He began to reveal to her the deep secrets of her heart. After that, she changed the way she thought about Him. She said, “You’re not just a Jew; you’re a prophet.” She went into the town and said, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did” (John 4:29). She didn’t say, “Come, see a Jew” but “Come, see a man.” (See John 4:5-30.) People will change their perspectives towards you when they know why you’re here, when they begin to understand your purpose.

I believe that half of the things we hate about others are qualities that can actually benefit us. However, we usually hate what we don’t understand. Over the last twenty-three years that I have been walking with The Most High, I have concluded that when a person doesn’t like someone else, the person needs grace because he lacks understanding. He or she is merely in a present state of ignorance. People have hatred, bitterness, and envy toward one another because they are ignorant of Yah’s purposes. This is what has happened between all of us.

When I was in college, I read various psychologists’ theories on human nature. Each one seemed to believe that he had a handle on the nature of mankind. Yet their books are now becoming obsolete because psychology has made new discoveries that these psychologists didn’t know about when they wrote their books. No one knows the product like the one who made it. Yah says, “My purpose will stand” (Isaiah 46:10). We’re just starting to catch up with what Yah already knows about human nature-because He designed it.

Everything is the way it is because of its purpose. The purpose is what we need to discover, because it explains the design.

The Dominion Mandate

Males and females were designed to exercise dominion over the earth. In the last teaching, we learned that Yah “created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them ‘man’” (Genesis 5:2). When Yah created the male and the female, He told them, in effect, “You are manifested in two different bodies, with two different natures, but affirming them in their similarities and differences. Therefore, the man is the spirit that lives inside both male and female. The spiritman is the one who relates to Yah and who has dominion over the earth.

Their basic assignment is the same,but the execution of it is different.

Yah made the products to fulfill their purpose. The female and the male both have dominion, yet they each execute this overall purpose in a different manner. Their basic assignment is the same, but the execution of it is different. Because man and women have different specific purposes, different designs, and different physical bodies, their authority is manifested and carried out in different ways. In the teachings that follow, we will explore the uniqueness of the woman as well as the specific purposes of females and males that enables them to fulfill their dominion assignment.

Again, the basis of the equality of men and women is the fact that they both were created in Yah’s image and that man, the spirit, lives within both male and female. The differences are only functional. That is, the different ways in which the assignment is carried out does not affect their equality; it only reflects their different purposes, designs and needs.

I am convinced that there can be no dominion unless this original design is intact. It is crucial for us to understand the principle that the way you are is because of why you are. The way a male is and the way a female us are directly related to why they exist. They are different because of what they are called to do.

Therefore, when we look at this beautiful, fascinating, and complex creature called man, who is manifested as both male and female, we must understand that the purposes of men and women determine their individual natures, designs, and needs. This fact explains why the two are so similar and yet so different. Let us now look at these differences more closely to see their implications.

Equal and Different

Adam said something women have forgotten and men don’t want to remember.

We must continually keep in mind that Yah created men and women equal- and He created the different. When Adam first saw the woman, he said something that women have forgotten- and men don’t want to remember. Yah made the woman from the man’s rib, or side, and then He presented her to the man. When Adam saw the woman, I believe that he struck the most powerful blow for equality when he said, “This is now bone of my bone” (Genesis 2:23). In other words, he was saying, “This person is exactly like me in structure.” Second, he said, “This is now… flesh of my flesh’ (v.23). She is exactly like me in all of her physical qualities and in all of her emotional and psychological ability.” Yet Adam saw two differences. “We are the same; we are equal,” he said, “but there are differences. You have a womb, and you are a receiver.”

The major difference between a man and a woman is that the woman has a womb and can bear children. Again, you could say that the woman is a “wombed- man.” The womb gives the woman a different component in the human makeup. Therefore, Yah put different “circuits” into the wombed- man in order to operate this component. The woman is the same as the man; she’s just like the man. However, her womb requires that her circuits function a little differently in order to allow the womb to fulfill its purpose.

Another difference between a man and a woman is that the woman is designed primarily as a receiver, and the man is designed primarily as a giver. This, of course, does not imply that a woman does not give. On the contrary, her nature is to give and keep on giving. What this means is that the woman was taken out of the man at creation, and that she was designed to receive his love. It means that she was made to be a receiver. In this role, she has many qualities that complement the man, which we call differences.

Different Does Not Mean Inferior or Superior

Even though we all know that differences between men and women exist, most of us have problems with this fact because we believe that being “different” means being inferior or superior to others- especially inferior. Don’t confuse being different with being lesser. Different does not imply inferiority or superiority; different simply means different. A woman is not less than a man because she is a woman, and a man is not more than a woman because he’s a man. They are both man, but they are different. Their differences are necessary because of their purposes. We need to teach this truth to our children when they are young. We need to say, “Son, your sister is different, not because she’s lesser or because she’s more; she’s different because of her purpose, and so are you.” Some women say, “I am superior to a man because I have the ability to bear children.” Yet it takes two to conceive a child. Everyone has a role. Everyone is equal, but different.

All of us have a fingerprint that no one before us ever had and no one after us will ever have. The distinction is an indication of how Yah created all of us to be different- and how He wants us to remain distinct, even in our unity with others. It’s sad when a person tries to become like somebody else. If you try to be like somebody else, you are preventing yourself from being who you were created to be. You shouldn’t try to be like anyone else, because if you try to be like somebody else, you are missing Yah’s best for you.

Yah made you for a special purpose.

On television, I saw a picture of a little child, with a caption that said, “missing.” The Most High spoke to me and said, “I have many children who are missing.” Some of you may be missing. You are present in the world, but missing in regard to fulfilling the specific purposes for which you were created. You are behaving like somebody else instead of yourself. Yah is saying to you, “I want you to stop trying to be like someone else and be who you are.” Yah has special plans for you, if you will be who He created you to be. He has given you your personality and gifts for a specific reason. “For we are Yah’s workmanship, created in Hamachiach Yahusha to do good works, which Yah prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10). Paul said, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Hamachiach” (1 Corinthians 11:1). In other words, he was saying, “When I look like Hamachiach, imitate me.” The only thing we are to imitate in people is the life of Hamachiach. Otherwise, we’re not to try to imitate others.

Yah made you different because of the purpose He had in mind for you. The same thing is true for everyone else. We run into trouble when we try to change people into what we are. This often happens when people get married. After the honeymoon, people start to try to make their spouses think and behave as they do. The greatest problem in marriage is when one party tries to make the other party over. That person is already made. People spend years trying to change their mates. But Yah made males and females different because of what they were designed to do. That means your wife is the way she is because of why she is. If you try to make a female a male, or try to make a male a female, you’re trying to do the impossible. No one can alter Yah’s purposes. We can try to change Yah’s purposes, but they will always remain the same. Remember that Yah has said, “Before my purpose could be changed, I would have to stop being Yah.”

If you are going to deal with a female, you must find out what Yah wanted when He made females; otherwise, you’re going to be handling something you don’t understand. The same applies for the male. Thus, everything is the way it is because of its purpose. We need to see our differences as complementary; we need to celebrate our uniqueness as females and males, as well as the individuality Yah has placed within each person.

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