Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Genesis chapter 1

Today we are walking in: How To Release Your Potential

Job 21:14

Therefore they say unto God, Depart from us; for we desire not the knowledge H1847 of thy ways.


Today we look to the word-KNOWLEDGE- H847 da'ath--knowledge, perception, skill, discernment

The Torah testifies.....................

Genesis 2:9

And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Exodus 31:3

And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom,and in understanding, and in knowledge, H1847 andin all manner of workmanship,

Leviticus 4:8

Or if his sin, which he hath sinned, come to his knowledge: then he shall bring his offering, a kid of the goats, a female without blemish, for his sin which he hath sinned.

The prophets proclaim..................

Nehemiah 10:28

And the rest of the people, the priests, the Levites, the porters, the singers, the Nethinims, and all they that had separated themselves from the people of the lands unto the law of God, their wives, their sons, and their daughters, every one having knowledge, and having understanding;

Isaiah 33:6

And wisdom and knowledge H1847 shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure.

Jeremiah 3:15

And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.

The writings bear witness.............

Job 34:2

Hear my words, O ye wise men; and give ear unto me, ye that have knowledge.

Psalm 119:66

Teach me good judgment and knowledge: H1847 for I have believed thy commandments.

Proverbs 1:7

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

How to Release Your Potential
Rob the grave of the potential you carry within. Release your potential.

By now you must understand what potential is and the tremendous responsibility you have to release your potential. In this chapter I want to give you six basic principles that are fundamental to all potential, as well as ten requirements that are keys to the effective use of your potential.


Before you can begin to grasp the nature and the magnitude of your potential, you must understand the laws that control all potential. Yah set these laws when He tapped His creative abilities to make visible that which existed but was invisible. The first two chapters of the Bible tell the story of this unleashing of Yah’s potential.

Principle #1—What Yah speaks to is the source for what He creates.

An examination of the process Yah used to create the world reveals that everything Yah created was brought forth by His spoken word.

Whatever Yah spoke to became the source for the creation Yah planned to bring forth. When Yah wanted plants, He spoke to the dirt (Genesis 1:11-12). When Yah wanted animals, He spoke to the ground (Genesis 1:24-25). When Yah wanted fish, He spoke to the waters (Genesis 1:20-21). When Yah wanted stars, He spoke to the gases in the heavens (Genesis 1:14-15). Throughout creation, whatever Yah spoke to became the source from which the created thing came, and exactly what Yah spoke came forth from the substance to which He spoke.

Principle #2—All things have the same components and essence as the sources from which they came.

The source to which Yah spoke during the creative process also becomes the final home of all He has created. When Yah’s creations die, they return to the source from which He took them. Thus, plants came from the dirt and return to the dirt. Animals also came from and return to the ground. Fish came from and return to the sea, and stars came from and return to the gases of the heavens. This is possible because all things are made of the same stuff from which they came. If we take apart a plant or an animal and look at its cells beneath a microscope, we discover that plants and animals are one hundred percent dirt. They are composed of dirt because they came from dirt.

Principle #3—All things must be maintained by the sources from which they came.

Yah’s world also reveals that whatever Yah creates must be sustained and maintained by the source from which it came. Plants that are pulled from the ground die. Animals that cease to eat plants or other animals die. Fish that are removed from water die. Flowers that are cut for arrangements wilt sooner than those that remain attached to the plant. Indeed, all living things die the instant they are removed from their sources. The signs of death and decay may not be immediately evident, but nonetheless, they are dead. None of Yah’s living creations can survive without the resources and the nourishment provided by the substances from which they came.

Principle #4—The potential of all things is related to the sources from which they came.

Because all things are composed of the sources from which they came, they also contain as little or as much potential as their original substances. Animals have no greater or lesser potential than the dirt from which they came. Plants also have only the potential of the dirt. If the soil is lacking in nutrients or the ability to hold water, the plants attached to that soil are going to be adversely affected by the poor quality of the soil. Likewise, the animals that eat the plants that are growing in the unhealthy soil are going to receive less nutrients than if they had eaten plants that were growing in healthy soil.

No product can be more powerful than the source from which it came. A wooden table, for example, is only as strong as the wood of the tree from which the furniture maker built it. If you make a table from a rotten tree, you’ll have a rotten table. A floor made of pine will not withstand wear as well as a floor made of oak, because pine is a softer wood than oak. The characteristics of the tree from which the flooring boards were made always affect the quality of the finished floor.

No product can be more powerful than the source from which it came.

Thus, the quality of any product is dependent upon the quality of the components used in the product, which is dependent upon the quality of the materials used in the components. The potential of something is always related to the potential of the source from which it came. Nothing can be greater than its source.

Principle #5—Everything in life has the potential to fulfill its purpose.

The purpose of a thing is the original intent or desire of the one who created it. Thus, the purpose of a thing cannot be known by asking anyone other than the designer or the manufacturer. If we entered the laboratory of an inventor and you asked me what a certain contraption was supposed to do, I might guess at what service or function it could perform, but only the inventor would be able to confirm or reject my suggestion.

The purpose of a thing cannot be known by asking anyone other than the designer or the manufacturer.
Likewise, the ability of that product to fulfill its purpose is designed into the product. No manufacturer would suggest that you use his appliance to wash clothes unless he intended for it to wash clothes. If I assume that the machine is a clothes dryer and complain to the dealer that the machine won’t dry my clothes, the manufacturer will most certainly respond, “But that machine isn’t supposed to dry clothes. Use it to wash clothes and it’ll work fine. But don’t ask it to dry clothes, because it can’t. I didn’t build it to dry clothes.” The manufacturer determines both the product’s purpose and how it will function to fulfill that purpose.

Principle #6—Potential is determined and revealed by the demands placed on it by its creator.

What a product can potentially do is determined by what the manufacturer of the product asks it to do. Potential is revealed by the faith of the manufacturer in his product and the expectations he places upon it. If a manufacturer of small trucks designs them to carry one-half ton, the company will not advertise their product as having the ability to carry one ton. Why? Because the manufacturer knows that he cannot require the truck to carry a full ton when the specifications under which it was built designate that the maximum capacity is one-half ton.

Potential is revealed by the faith of the manufacturer in his product and the expectations he places upon it.
The manufacturer will not ask the product to perform more or less than he designed it to do. If a manufacturer requires a product to do something, you can be sure that he believes the ability to perform the task was built into the product.


Building potential into a product does not necessarily mean that potential will be revealed. Many of us have appliances in our homes that are capable of much more than we require of them. Perhaps you use your oven to bake but not broil because you don’t know how to use the broiler. Or maybe you have a vacuum cleaner that has the ability to clean up water as well as dirt, but you haven’t used that feature because you aren’t aware that the manufacturer built that capability into the machine.

Yah has built many abilities into men and women. Too often, however, we fail to use that potential because we don’t understand either the magnitude of our capabilities or the requirements that are necessary to unleash our power. The following are keys to the effective release of the wealth of your potential.

Key #1—You must know your Source.

Every product you purchase includes a certain degree of guarantee based on a relationship with the one from whom you bought the product. Thus, if you want to buy a car, you will first research the integrity of the various car manufacturers and the quality of their cars. Then you will look for an authorized dealer in your area who will explain and follow the manufacturer’s specifications.

Yah is your manufacturer. If you want to know your potential, you must go to Him. Yah, through His authorized dealer, the Ruach HaQadesh, is the only One who can reveal to you the qualities and characteristics of your potential and the precautions you must heed to avoid wasting or abusing your abilities. Unless you get to know your Source and establish a relationship with Him through His Son, Yahusha Hamachiach, you have no hope of releasing your potential. Knowing Yah is the foundational key upon which all the other keys rest.

Key #2—You must understand how you were designed to function.

Every manufacturer designs his product with certain features and specifications. Then he gives you an instruction book that clarifies the definitions of the features so you can become familiar with both the parts of the equipment and their functions. Thus, a car manufacturer describes in the manual how the engine, the brakes, the windshield wipers, etc. are supposed to operate, because he knows that you will not get optimum performance from the car unless you understand how the various parts of the car were intended to work.

Yah designed you with intricate features and capabilities. If you fail to learn from Yah how you were designed to function, you are on your way to short- circuiting. You will never release your potential unless you learn to function by faith according to Yah’s specifications.

Key #3—You must know your purpose.

When a manufacturer proposes a new product, he first clarifies the purpose of that product. Then he designs the features to accomplish his intent. Therefore, a car manufacturer will first decide whether the vehicle is to be a race car, a delivery van, or a family car. Once the vehicle’s purpose has been established, the engineer will incorporate various features to meet that purpose.

Before you were born, Yah had a plan and a purpose for your life. Then, in accordance with that plan, He gave you special abilities and aptitudes to enable you to accomplish everything that He intended. If you are going to release your potential, you must first discover Yah’s plan for your life. Knowing and living within Yah’s purpose is the difference between using and abusing the gifts and capabilities Yah built into you.

Key #4—You must understand your resources.

Manufacturers also determine the resources that are necessary for a product to perform correctly and efficiently. A car manufacturer might specify the octane of the gasoline to be used, the pressure of the air in the tires, or the weight of the oil for the engine.

Yah’s pattern for your life also includes specifications for the spiritual, physical, material, and soul resources that are necessary for you to live a fulfilling and productive life. Until you learn what resources Yah has arranged for you to enjoy, and what benefits He planned for you to receive from each resource, your potential will be stunted and your performance will be less than it could be.

Key #5—You must have the right environment.

Product engineers consider carefully both the ideal environment under which a product should operate and any unfavorable conditions that might influence the product’s performance. While a car manufacturer might establish the ideal conditions as a sunny day with temperatures between 32 and 70 degrees, the engineer must also plan for rainy days, fog, new moon nights, and freezing or sweltering temperatures.

When Yah created human beings, He placed them in the Garden of Eden, where ideal conditions for man’s growth and fulfillment were present. When sin entered the world through Adam and Eve’s disobedience, man’s environment became polluted. But most men and women are not aware of the nature or the proliferation of the pollutants that have invaded their environment. The release of your potential requires both a knowledge of the specifications of the ideal environment Yah provided in the Garden of Eden, and a willingness to make the necessary changes to conform your surroundings to Yah’s specifications.

Key #6—You must work out your potential.

Most products do not achieve their purpose just by virtue of their existence. They have to do something to meet the expectations of their manufacturer. A car, for example, must transport its occupants and cargo from point A to point B. Thus, its purpose cannot be fulfilled by sitting in the driveway. The potential to fulfill its purpose is present while it sits in the driveway, but the actual achievement of the manufacturer’s intent occurs only when the car does what it was designed to do.

Yah placed Adam in an ideal environment where all the necessary resources for a productive and satisfying life were available to him. Adam enjoyed an intimate relationship with Yah in which the nature of Yah, the manner in which Yah functioned, and the purpose for which Yah had created man were known to Adam. But Adam’s potential would have remained locked inside him if Yah had not given him a job to do. Only through work was Adam’s potential to name the animals revealed. The same is true for you. Your potential will not be released until you take your thoughts, plans, and imaginations and put them into action. You must work to mine your hidden potential.


Plants are wonderful to watch. After the seeds are buried in the ground, gardeners wait with anticipation for the young shoots to push their way through the soil. Under ideal conditions, most seeds will germinate in a week or two. Although good care is essential during those early weeks of growth, the gardener will not see the full potential of the plants until they begin to bear fruit.

Many times we are initially excited by the glimpses Yah gives us of the potential He planted within us. In the early weeks and months after we invite Yahusha into our hearts, we may spend time in worship, prayer, and Bible study; we may attempt to look beyond our present circumstances to the unseen world of faith; we may seek Yah’s guidance in our daily decisions as we open ourselves to His plans and purposes for our lives; we may appreciate and treasure the many blessings He showers upon us; we may carefully adjust our surroundings to make them uplifting and positive; and we may work to bring our dreams and ideas to completion. But as time passes, the garden of our potential loses its early vitality as we allow circumstances and responsibilities to crowd and choke the imaginations and the possibilities that lie hidden within us.

Perhaps you are tapping some of the wealth Yah stored in you for the world’s benefit, but your progress is slowing or even stopping. The following standards are keys to encouraging your garden to maturity as you liberate all the potential that Yah deposited in you.

Key #1—You must cultivate your potential.

Experienced gardeners know that weeds often grow faster than vegetables. If a gardener goes away for several weeks, he will return to stunted and sickly vegetable plants that yield little or no fruit. Or even worse, he may find that he has no vegetable plants at all because the weeds smothered and choked the tender shoots. Cultivation is necessary for a healthy and productive garden.

The same is true of your potential. You need to cultivate your life carefully to remove the influences and the stimulants that seek to stunt your potential or kill it completely. Seek those persons who are positive and encouraging. Remove yourself from those activities and situations that might encourage you to return to your former way of life. Cling to your Source and allow Him to cleanse you of those things that would deter you from maximizing your potential. Much emerging potential dies for want of cultivation. The careful and consistent nurturing of your potential will enable you to meet the full responsibilities that Yah planned for your life.

Key #2—You must guard your potential.

Most gardeners have experienced the frustration and the disappointment that occur when rabbits, insects, or birds destroy their carefully cultivated plants. Fences, insecticides, and scarecrows are some of the many things they use to protect young plants from those things that would seek to devour them.

Satan is intent on destroying your potential. He is constantly trying to use a multitude of circumstances, attitudes, things, and people to devour your abilities. You will never see but a small portion of what you can do unless you guard your hidden wealth. The release of your full potential is directly dependent on your diligence in protecting your dreams, plans, and imaginations from the many negative influences that would block their effective fulfillment.

Key #3—You must share your potential.

Gardening is a shared effort. While the gardener tills the ground, plants the seeds, and pulls the weeds, the plants will not bear fruit unless the bees pollinate the blossoms, the sun warms the earth, and the rain enables the soil to release its nutrients.

Maximizing your potential and the potential of the billions of people on earth is also a shared effort. Potential is given for the benefit of many, not for the benefit of one. There’s not much gratification in writing a symphony if no musicians will share their talents to play the music. Nor will the experience of playing the music provide full satisfaction unless an appreciative audience fills the concert hall.

Potential is given for the benefit of many, not for the benefit of one.

Yah made human beings to live in fellowship with Himself and other human beings. A loveless life that keeps all its accomplishments to itself will soon lose the inspiration for releasing its potential. If you give freely of your gifts, aspirations, and abilities, your potential will be magnified and maximized.

Key #4—You must know and understand the laws of limitation.

Every experienced gardener knows that there are numerous laws that affect the success or failure of a garden. Tender plants wilt in the hot sun when they are planted at noon. Inferior fruit or no fruit results when the plants are not watered regularly. Plants left to the mercy of the weeds yield a lesser crop than those that grow in a weed-free environment. While the gardener is free to ignore those laws, he does not have the power to remove the consequences of his actions.

The same is true for your potential. Yah has given you the freedom and the power to maximize your potential. He has established laws and commandments to protect your potential, and He has given you the freedom to choose either to obey or disobey them. Yah has also granted you the power to dream and plan and imagine, along with the responsibility to work those imaginations to fruition.

Freedom without law results in purposelessness. Power without responsibility is ineffective. Each requires the other to forestall disaster. The outworking of your full potential requires that you understand and abide by the laws and the standards Yah has set to ensure the full and maximum release of your potential.


1. What Yah speaks to is the source for what He creates.

2. All things have the same components and essence as the source from
which they came.

3. All things must be maintained by the sources from which they came.

4. The potential of all things is related to the sources from which they came.

5. Everything in life has the potential to fulfill its purpose.

6. Potential is determined and revealed by the demands placed on it by
its creator.


1. You must know your Source.

2. You must understand how you were designed to function.

3. You must know your purpose.

4. You must understand your resources.

5. You must have the right environment.

6. You must work out your potential.


1. You came from Yah.

2. You share the nature and essence of Yah.

3. You will die unless you remain attached to Yah.

4. Your potential is determined by Yah’s potential.

5. Yah gave you the ability to fulfill your potential.

6. You can do what Yah demands of you because He would not require it if He had not built the power to perform it into you.

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