Genesis chapter 1
Today we are walking in: Reclaiming Yah’s Original Purpose
Job 33:17
That he may withdraw man from his purpose H6213, and hide pride from man.
Today we look to the word-PURPOSE- H6213 ’asah--to do, work, make, produce; to act, act with effect, effect
The Torah testifies...............
The prophets proclaim..................
Isaiah 14:26
This is the purpose H6213 that is purposed upon the whole earth: and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations.
The writings bear witness...........................
Ecclesiates 3:1
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose H6213 under the heaven:
Reclaiming Yah’s Original Purpose
THE world is ruled by dead men. This statement may surprise you, but after a little thought, you would likely agree when you consider that all of the ideologies that serve as the foundations of all governments, religions, and social and civic institutions are built on dead men’s ideas . Imp e ria lis m, monarchism, socialism, communism, democracy, and dictatorship are all born of ideas cultivated, incubated, and developed by men who, though long laid to rest, still live on in the practice of these ideas in our modern societies.
This series is about this unstoppable power of ideas. Our planet spins under the power of ideas, and these ideas are the source of the conditions on this Earth. Consider this: Every government in every nation is guided and regulated by ideas. All laws and legislation are products of ideas, and the social and cultural standards in all communities throughout the world are results of ideas that societies have embraced as acceptable and thus manifested in social behavior.
This series is about an idea that was introduced to the Earth by the Creator of the Earth and was lost soon after the beginning of the human journey—and has ever since been the object of the search of the human spirit. This idea originated in the mind and heart of the Creator and was the motivation and purpose for the creation of the physical universe and the human species. In this series, we refer to this idea as “The Big Idea” and attempt to prove that this idea is superior to all the collective wisdom and ideas of human intellect. It is an idea that is beyond the philosophical reserves of human history and supersedes the institutions that have governed mankind since his first human society.
The “big idea” is not a new idea. It has been imitated, disguised, misused, misinterpreted, and misunderstood by mankind throughout history and still seems to elude the wisest among us.
It is the human pursuit of this “big idea” throughout history that produced all the ideologies we have come to embrace, and this pursuit has germinated all the religions on Earth that humans adhere to. This big idea is the only answer to the deep cry in the heart of every human, and only it can satisfy the perpetual vacuum in the spirit of mankind.
What is this “big idea”? The big idea is the ideology that served as the foundation of the first and original government instituted on Earth. It is the divine aspiration, celestial vision, and eternal purpose of the Creator for His creation and humanity on planet Earth. The big idea is the concept of the ultimate governing program for mankind on Earth that provides for all the fundamental needs of humanity and produces a culture that integrates all of mankind’s noble aspirations, such as equality, justice, peace, love, unity, and respect for human dignity, the value of human beings, and personal and corporate empowerment. It is an idea that is superior to and contains all the noble aspirations of democracy, socialism, communism, imperialism, dictatorships, and all religions. It is my hope that this series will unveil the beauty of this great idea that can bring the solutions to all of our earthly problems—such as war, terrorism, crime, AIDS epidemics, child abuse, environmental destruction, culture clashes, poverty, oppression, ethnic cleansing, economic crisis, family disintegration, political and religious corruption, community violence, and the culture of fear.
This series is the result of my own personal struggle for meaning, reason, hope, and understanding of life. I grappled with the inconsistencies, failures, and disappointments of man’s attempts to govern himself and produce the utopia he continued to promise. I was equally distressed and disillusioned by the promises of religions, as history exposed their massive defects—revealed in their extortion of resources, trading in warfare, destructive human crusades, inquisitions, oppression, complicity in the slave trade, corruption, and more recently, serving as the motivator of terrorism and the annihilation of innocent human life. My hope in science and education was dashed as I saw the advancement of knowledge and technology become the victim of immoral application and abused by power without conscience.
Like millions , I retreated within myself, searching for answers that were not easily available within the structures and institutions that built our human society. This search led me to the most misunderstood man on planet Earth: a young Hebrew philosopher who proclaimed a fresh idea that was unorthodox, unfamiliar, and untried, and challenged all of the ideas that were ever conceived by mankind. This unique idea addressed all the needs, aspirations, questions, and longings in the human experience, while exposing all of the defects, weaknesses, unreasonableness, and inferiority of our own ideas. His unique idea is so complete that it encompasses the entire spectrum of individual and national life and provides for the fulfillment of the entire human race and the planet Earth.
This idea is not some metaphysical, nebulous, impractical, cosmic philosophy that could only work in another world or that must be relegated to or preserved for some “after life” experience. Rather, it is a practical, reasonable, reachable, people-friendly ideology that is Earth-ready even though it originates in another realm. It’s an idea that can work for national government, corporate business, civic life, families, and communities. It’s an idea for children, adults, rich, poor, and all in-between.
I believe in this “big idea” so deeply, and testify of its evidence in my own life experience, that I have dedicated my entire life to propagating it and sharing it with every human I encounter.
This idea is not religious dogma or some narrow theological stance that isolates one from the rest of the human family. Rather, it supersedes any religious institutional position and defies the limited boundaries of all other philosophies and ideologies of mankind. This big idea is so pure that it conflicts with all of our learned theses and leads us to a frontier that appeals to the better nature of mankind.
What is this idea? It’s the divine conception of the colonization of Earth by the Kingdom of Heaven—it impacts Earth’s territory with the loving culture of Heaven on Earth, producing a colony of citizens who exhibit the nature, values, morals, and lifestyle of Heaven on Earth. This is not a religious idea but a global invasion of love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, justice, patience, and righteousness under the influence of the heavenly governor: the Spirit of Yah.
It is the idea that humankind can be restored to the original passion, purpose, and plan of the Creator to extend His heavenly Kingdom to Earth through mankind. The celestial colony of Heaven thus fills the Earth with His divine nature, which is manifested in all human behavior. This is not religion but the manifestation of a government from another realm. What an idea! It’s the Big Idea. Join me as we proceed to discover the greatest idea ever to be introduced to planet Earth. Learn why it could not come from Earth, but had to be brought here by the most benevolent King and Ruler— sovereign of a country from another world.
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