Monday, July 8, 2013

The Great Exodus.

Psalm 23, Jeremiah 16, Philippians 3:12-16

We are walking in today:  The Great Exodus.

Thank You Adonai for sending Your daughter, Pastor Wagner with this word this morning. Thank You for her obedience and time spent in study for this teaching.  May You continue to cover and bless her and her household.  Praise Your holy and righteous name!  Amen
Sin requires judgment. It distorts our judgment of good and evil. God calls us to repent and have moral outrage for His holiness. Perhaps our moral sensibilities have been dulled by today’s dazzling instant communication. We sit mesmerized in front of our televisions unable to turn the sets off so we turn off our minds instead. Over time, so much trash is dumped on us that we come to expect and accept it. The bazaar becomes common place. Morally exhausted, we lose our capacity to discern good from evil. One philosopher summed it up beautifully saying, "The inability to make moral distinctions is the AIDS of the intellectual." Acquired immune deficiency of this caliber requires practice. It has to be learned. In a culture with moral AIDS, words lose all meaning or they are manipulated to hide their true meaning. But, when words lose their meaning, it is nearly impossible for the Word of God to be received. If sin and repentance mean nothing, then God’s grace is irrelevant and our teaching falls on deaf ears. This type of moral deafness leads to disaster. Certainly, evil is to be expected in a fallen world. What’s not to be expected is for holy people to accept it. If Christ is Lord of all, Christians must recapture their sense of moral outrage. This moral deafness has affected male/female relationships, social settings, and family life. Don’t be drawn in by the world’s standards. Be bold in keeping a high standard. Don’t let Satan wear down your defenses. Jesus chose you to follow Him. The Torah found you. When you operate in the Torah, you assure your legal position and withstanding as a child of the King. God’s purpose for your life becomes clear and His voice is clearly heard as you follow His teaching and instruction of the Torah. You return to your source. When you return to your source, you encounter your Creator. In the presence of your Creator, change occurs while His purpose becomes established with you. Amen.  To hear this message again click here.

We seal this prayer in the precious blood of Jesus of Nazareth, the only Begotten of the Heavenly Father and by the Holy Spirit:   Fiveamprayer, let us regain our moral and holy standards that the Lord God Almighty has taught us!  We shall not longer conform to the world--we are in the world but not of it!    Let us stand with Yahweh Nissi, He is our banner and our standard!  Amen!

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