Monday, October 14, 2013

Are You Politically Correct?

Philippians 3:20; 1 Samuel 15:22; 1 Peter 2:9; Luke 7:21; Matthew 5:14, 13:31-32; John 12:47-50

We are walking in today:  Are You Politically Correct?

We hear a lot about being politically correct these days. Much of it is good and some is debatable. Throughout the New Testament, followers of Jesus Christ of Nazareth are called to a different way of life--a higher calling that is separate from the world. We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation! We are members of the Kingdom of God and our politics are those of the Almighty King Jesus. He is the King of Kings, the Lord or Lords, and the Prince of Peace! The government of this kingdom is on His shoulders. When you think of the Kingdom of God and its political structure, can you say that you are politically correct? Many of us proclaim Christ but don’t live as fully in Him as we can. We allow the things of the world to distract us from the glory of life that we could have if we were sold out for the Kingdom of the Lord God Almighty. We have to have a life a faith! Yeshua teaches us that the Kingdom of God is within us and that we are the light of the world. He also says that light isn’t to be hidden, but available for all to see. The kingdom is within us and we should be so bright and attractive that the flocks of unbelievers are coming to us to hear the good news of the King and His Kingdom. Answer the call that your leader has for you! Recognize, know and live by the spiritual laws of His kingdom! Make sure that you are politically correct!! Amen!! 
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