Monday, April 14, 2014

The Fifth Commandment Overview

Exodus 20:12, 6:1-2, 21:15-17; Matthew 18:6; Ephesians 6:3; Matthew 5:5; Psalm 37:11; Mark 7:9-10, 7:11-13; John 15:10; John 19:26-27; Deuteronomy 11:19, 6:49; Joshua 1:8-9; Deuteronomy 7:19; Job 4:21; Isaiah 53:7; John 6:53; Hebrews 11:24-29; Psalm 113:1-18; Numbers 28:16-25; Joshua 5:2-6:1, 3:5-7

We are walking in today:  The Fifth Commandment Overview

Exodus 20:12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.  The youthful violence and insolence that has become common place, was not the case years ago.  This prompted Judge Samuel Leibowitz from Brooklyn, NY to find an answer.  He found that the country with the most respectful children was in Italy here is a  quote of his findings:
Young people in Italy respect authority ... That respect starts in the home - then carries over into the school, the city streets, the courts.
I went into Italian homes to see for myself. I found that even in the poorest family the father is respected by the wife and children as its head. He rules with varying degrees of love and tenderness and firmness. His household has rules to live by, and the child who disobeys them is punished.
Thus I found the nine-word principle that I think can do more for us than all the committees, ordinances and multi-million-dollar programs combined: Put Father back at the head of the family.
The American teen-ager has been raised in a household where "obey" is an outlawed word, and where the mother has put herself at the head of the family.
Children are to be taught to obey their parents. Not only is this what Elohim commands us, it is also what the child needs to grow up properly. Without boundaries there arises confusion for the proper thing to do. The parents to the child in their younger years is in a position of God to them. The one who cares, loves and protects them. This relationship with the parent will later be seen in their relationship with God. This is also the first commandment with a promise. This parent-child relationship is far reaching throughout their lives. Remember, fiveamprayer, to be honored, one must be honorable. The greatest lesson we have to learn is to fear and obey the maker of all life, Elohim! Those who learn to respect their parents will live long lives. This isn't just for young children, but adult children too. There should never be a time when we would cease to honor them. We should hold them in high esteem and appreciation for raising us, their children. To hear more click here.

Fiveamprayer, remember today is the Passover.  The day that the Perfect Lamb was slain at 3pm.  We are to have dinner tonight reflecting on Adonai taking us out of Egypt and delivering us out of slavery.  Study to find out why Nissan 14 is important.  We discussed Nissan 10 on Friday, during the weekend meditation---why would this day be especially important?

Witness the Lamb of God throughout the Bible: Genesis 22:7-8; Exodus 2:3, 12:5, 12:21; Isaiah 53:7-8; John 1:29, 1:32; Acts 8:32; 1 Peter 1:18-20; Revelation 5:6, 5:12

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