Monday, August 25, 2014

The Tenth Commandment--613 Overview

Ecclesiastes 12:13; Exodus 20:17; Matthew 5:8; James 4:1-2; Luke 12:15, 9:58; Matthew 6:33, 5:17-18; Exodus 20:8-11; Isaiah 42:21; Matthew 5:17-45; Romans 7:7

We are walking in today:  The Tenth Commandment--613 Overview

Witness in the beginning throughout the Bible:  The first word in the Hebrew Bible is bereshith which when translated becomes in English in the beginning
Genesis 1:1; Judges 7:19; Ruth 1:22; 2 Samuel 21:9; Ezra 4:6; Proverbs 8:22; Lamentations 2:19; Jeremiah 26:1, 27:1, 28:1, 49:34; Ezekiel 41:31; Amos 7:1; John 1:1-2; Philippians 4:15; Hebrews 1:10

The premise that many Americans operate under is buy now, pay later.  Irregardless if they can afford it or not.  This is following the idea of keeping up with the Jones or what ever television personality you watch.  A constant advertising ploy for the people of this nation to become consumers that are actually being consumed by their possessions.  Those in other countries do not understand this need, this obsession that in many cases puts these things in a status of an idol.  All of these things are outside of Yahweh's plan for us from the beginning.
This spiritual buy now pay never, is also a by-product of misunderstanding scripture whether intentionally or on purpose has many believers in a position of not having to uphold any of Elohim's principles.  The concern is only for those things that appear to be holy and from man's agreed terms.  This was already foreseen by Adonai that is why in the First Testament we have the warnings and admonishments to remember all that Yahweh is teaching us, that in teaching it to our children--lest we forget and they be unaware.  The warnings are not to do like those around you, for you will be tempted to do things another way, than His.  A way that was not to be practiced or known by your forefathers.  For His teaching and instructions allows us great peace and grace.  This idea of grace only and no obedience to the law is the same as in the natural of charging up credit cards with no intention of paying them and yet complaining that they keep calling you and asking for payment.  Where is the responsibility for what we have chosen to do?  What is the guide to keep us from going overboard?  By what measure are we measured?
The tenth commandment is to have us to be content with what we have.  We are created by His perfect design and were not to be the same as each other.  So why would we all have the same things?  This appreciation for what others have is not the problem, it is when this appreciation becomes a thing of overstepping the boundaries to desire for what is someone else.  This is rebellion and starts in the heart, then the mind before it becomes an action.  The Torah teaches us the way that we are to guard ourselves from improper behavior. We are His people and make the declaration often yet when looking in to His word do we see ourselves reflected there?  Why not be a law abiding citizen, allow His principle to guard your heart and mind that you are not led astray?  Don't you trust Him to provide?  Fiveamprayer be content in His provision, for He sees all and knows all!  Hallelujah Yahweh!  All honor and glory to Your name!  To hear this again click here.

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