Thursday, October 9, 2014

5 Smooth Stones—Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot

Leviticus 23:31; Exodus 28:8-9, 25:9; Exodus 24:12-18, 34:1-2; 34:27-28, 35, 36:1-7, 25:8, 13:21, 29:44-45; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 2 Corinthians 6:19; Hebrews 12:1; Revelation 1:7; Matthew 6:11, 4:4, 6:13; Psalm 91; Matthew 6:31-33; Leviticus 23:40-41; Nehemiah 8; Leviticus 23:43; Isaiah 4:4-6; Deuteronomy 16:13-15; 1 Kings 8:27; John 1:14; Exodus 13:17-22; 1 Corinthians 10:1-2; Daniel 7:13; Revelation 7:8; Isaiah 60:8; Acts 1:9-12; Isaiah 4:2, 11:1; Jeremiah 23:5-6, 15:6; Isaiah 4:2-6: Revelation 3:5; Philippians 5:3; Psalm 69:28; Luke 1:17; Matthew 17:10-13; Luke 1:6, 2:10, 2:12, 13:15; Amos 6:4; Malachi 4:2; Genesis 33:17; Deuteronomy 16:16; Matthew 2:1; Genesis 29:1; Judges 6:3; John 1:8, 3:2; Matthew 2:2; Numbers 24:17; Matthew 2:4-6; Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:10; Revelation 5:5; Luke 2:32; Joel 2:23; Exodus 12:2; Hosea 6:3; Exodus 34:10; Deuteronomy 29:12-15; 1 Kings 8:33; Proverbs 16:15; Joel 1:10-12; Isaiah 35:1

We are walking in today:  5 Smooth Stones—Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot

Witness feast of tabernacles throughout the Bible: Leviticus 23:24; Deuteronomy 16:13, 16:16, 31:10-11; 2 Chronicles 8:13; Ezra 3:4; Zechariah  14:16, 14:18-19; John 7:1-3

On the 15th day on the 7th month is the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot, Feast of Booths, feast of rejoicing.  Also because of the association with this time with the ripeness of the harvest being gathered in also known as the feast of ingathering.  This is the final feast of the year was preceded by the the high holy days of Rosh Shannah, Yom Kippur and the Days of Awe—a time of repentance and reflection.  Entering in to these 7 days for the feast of tabernacles was a time of joy and remembrance of Yahweh’s provision.  That while the children of Israel were in the wilderness in temporary dwellings, all that was needed was provided by His hand.  His tabernacle was a sanctuary built in the wilderness for Him to dwell amongst the people.  When Moses went up a second time for 40 days on the top of Mt. Sinai to bring down the second set of stone tablets, the people began to collect the items needed for making the miskan or tabernacle.  The sukkah was in a cloud of glory.  This physical tabernacle is where He wants to dwell, within us.  The cloud is those who believe in Yeshua.  This festival completes the feasts—a season for our joy, after the season of repentance that sins were forgiven.  This divine protection of Yahweh for the people in the wilderness and great joy of Sukkot or fFeast of Tabernacles, Feast of Booths.  Show how much that we rely on Adonai.  Our provision provided by Him as we seek His presence! Yeshua dwelt among men when He walked the Earth the first time.  What other season would He born?  Let us tear down that lie about christmas being His day of birth.  He came forth as the seed of the woman spoken of way back in Genesis.  Look and study all of the feast days were given by Yahweh, christmas is not one of them. The time that Yahweh comes to tabernacle with the people was observed for many, many years could this explain why we find Mary giving birth in an outside setting?  During the Feast of Tabernacles?  To listen to this teaching again click here.

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