Isaiah 9:8-21; 1 Kings 8:14-33; Deuteronomy 19:15; 2 Corinthians 13:1; Deuteronomy 15:1-2
We are walking in today: After The Election--Is America Being Judged?
Is there an ancient mystery that foretells America's future? The 9-11 attacks, the housing bubble and bank bailouts could they all be found in the Bible? Is there a warning being issued to America to turn before judgement? This very week One World Trade Center or the Freedom Tower was dedicated. Why is this something we need to be aware of? Looking at Isaiah 9:10 we have that the bricks have fallen certainly a fair description of the 9-11 attacks, in New York especially. In contrast we have a dedication by King Solomon of the temple of Yahweh where he dedicated it to Almighty God. He also made the plea that when the people would come to the temple and pray that He would hear and intervene on behalf of the people of Israel in 1 Kings 8. The people sought to do all of His statues and ordinances which in Hebrew is mishpatim and also means deliverance. The time of the 9-11 attacks as on a shemittah year. This time was given for the land to rest that the people of Israel would trust in Yahweh's provision for them that they would not tend nor sow the fields only eat freely what the land provided. This is also a releasing of debts and revaluing of currency. This time can be a time a of judgement for those outside His instructions or deliverance for those following His teachings. These warnings that have gone out and the movement of our country from our original purpose and plan of Adonai. The 10 commandments taken out of schools and courtrooms, prayer taken out of schools, the passing and consideration of legalizing same sex marriages, the teaching of homosexuality as another lifestyle choice in schools, the high rate and profit garnered from pornography based out of this country alone. All things and behaviors that are totally against His teaching and instruction--the Torah. For the land that continues in these and many more unholy practices pollute themselves and the land, leads to His holy correction that all things would be placed back in to order--the right and holy way set before man in scripture. To hear more of this click here.
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