Genesis 1:1; John 1:1, 1:14-15; Colossians 1:16-17; Psalm 78:1-8; Zephaniah 3:9; Revelation 5:4-5; Matthew 9:20-22; Malachi 4:2; Luke 2:21; Genesis 17:12; Luke 2:24; Deuteronomy 5:4-6; Luke 2:39-40, 2:41-43; Leviticus 12:1-8; 1 Corinthians 3:16; Deuteronomy 16:1-8; Matthew 16:19, 6:22-23, 6:1-3; Deuteronomy 15:10; Exodus 22:22; John 21:5; Joshua 1:8; Deuteronomy 32:44-47
We are walking in today: The Building Blocks Of Creation/Get On Your Level, Speak On Your Level
Witness Adonai's greatness in the storm throughout the Bible--Job 38
The 22 letters of the Hebrew alef beit are the building blocks of life. The words that brought forth light, organized the stars, separated the land from the water, created plants and animals and made man. We find that with translation from the original we loose these building blocks, also Hebrew is read from right to left. As English speakers we read the opposite. Hebraically the language will focus on verbs and actions--the doing. Yet in the English/western mindset is focused on the nouns or subject--the who or what. The language is focused on the action so much that you can find several verbs in the sentence so that it will be abundantly clear that action is taking place--this is not a distant observation but an upclose review that leads to motion.
The number 7 speaks of completion and fullness seen throughout scripture. The groupings of the number 7 can be found throughout the whole Bible. Looking to the first seven words we find that in the fourth word spelled with an alef and tav pronounced as et these are the first and the last letters of the alef beit. This is how all the things in the earth came into being from the word of Yahweh spoken in the beginning. The first creation is with the Hebrew letters and then makes everything in the universe for they are the building blocks. This is where the Torah comes from--His very word itself!
A tradition of the ancient sages is that if the Hebrew letters are not spoken that the world itself would cease to be for the letters hold, form and shape the entire world together. The first seven words tells us that only Yahweh can create, the second word only used in relationship with Him. Everyone else can only mold or form from what He created. Fiveamprayer let us be mindful that we must be cautious of the words that we write and speak for that is how we are judged! Without proper understanding of the culture and language of Hebrew such as idioms the meaning can be lost or misunderstood. Idioms are focused on the culture and accepted understanding of the meaning behind the actual words.
We have to return to the beginning to understand the second portion of the Bible. Only in untying the first portion can His word be fully understood. Fiveamprayer, 85% of the 'new testament' came from the 'old'. Now is the time to go back to the beginning for understanding of the entirety of His word! How do we see and know Yeshua, the word made flesh if we can not clearly understand the word of Yahweh? In the beginning was the word, and the word was Yahweh and with Yahweh and became flesh and dwelt among men--could the Torah being be something unrecognizable to Yeshua in the flesh? They are one in the same! He could never divide Himself nor speak against Himself. That is not a kingly trait! Let us stop putting our faults on He who is perfect and eternal! This great light, the Torah, or in Hebrew or was from the beginning. Remember that His burden is easy and yoke is light?! We miss too much and are not able to fully relate to our Jewish Messiah, a rabbi and Hebrew speaking man who came to walk among us! He is the word/Torah made flesh! Do you know that the Torah scrolls have 39 lines written across that the letters are to be written on? He was given 39 stripes could stripes be lines that His word is written on--since He is the word made flesh? The Torah is His teaching and instruction for our lives! This isn't hard nor difficult but we have to get out of the watered down, spoon fed word that no longer sustains us. We can not longer be full grown adults still seeking nutrition from milk alone. To persist in this milk only diet leaves us undernourished and lacking vital nutrients! It is time to go to a higher level from milk to meat. This is not to give us too much too soon. Simply as you would a child cut the meat into small pieces and discuss with others for understanding. We are to learn for ourselves, but not by ourselves! It is only study that keeps us form being misled or pumped up on air that only leaves us deflated. Come on up to the higher level! The level that will not compromise nor accept sugar coated words over the actual truth. Remember that everything in the 'new' originates in the 'old'!
We see that Mary in Luke 2 gave an offering for her sin. This was after giving birth, this let's us know that she is not equal with Yeshua! She is honored for being the incubator but is never to be sought with prayers as if Yahweh Himself! Time out for fluffy, empty words to feed you or your children with! We are now to dine on the meat of His word! He will reveal the meaning to us as we seek in Him in prayer and steadfast study. We are not moving forward, walking in foolishness! We find in study that we are to observe His commands all of our lives! There is not expiration date on His word! All that the king speaks is without fail or reduction, even over time. Nothing that Yahweh has spoken is diminished--we may have a reduced understanding but His word is intact and in it's entirety! As we look to the second half of the Bible, we find that Yeshua kept all of the feasts and He now resides in us. Thus we too must observe the directions of Yahweh! It is time to cease the passing of the baton of half truths--they only weaken our families and halt our progression.
We have to fully see how language contributes to our culture. Let's look at the English language spoken in the US and in England. They are both called by the same name but not clearly understood by the opposite nation. So we can find that things that have many similarities are not always equal in meaning. Then how much confusion can result in differing languages, one focused on action and the other on the subject of the sentence? The directions of the language and then add in years of others adding or subtracting based on understanding or lack there of and now we feel that with our increased intellect we can jump in and read any scripture without study or witnesses found in the same text. Could it possibly be that we have only half of the picture? At best be have half, most likely we have a smaller portion that we will have to study to find what was left off intentionally or omitted by mistake. With many people fleeing the country of England to come to the new world, America was one vote shy of Hebrew being the national language. The understanding of idioms will shed light on the culture and understanding of common themes. This can be a historical development over time in the speech of a culture. When viewed void of that culture and common theme will lead to only surface understanding that can easily be incorrect. We can not take our 21 century western understanding and apply this to the Hebraic idioms found throughout the scriptures. The levels of understanding scripture are: peshat, the literal simple meaning; remez to refer back or hint; drash, the study and discussion and the sod the deeper, secret things. This is how the Hebraic mind views scripture. Take the woman with the issue of blood who reaches out to touch Yeshua and received healing. When Yeshua looks about to find out who touched Him, the woman comes forward and says it was she and His reply that her faith has made her whole. The better translation of faith in Hebrew would be obedience. What what she obedient to? Looking back to the first portion on the Bible we find that the Son of righteousness would have healing in His wings. So that is the start we have the who, but what about the wings. The prayer shawls or talilt that Jewish men wore in those days was called wings and the four corners have the tzizit that look similar to tassels but are seven threads of white and one of blue that are tied in 5 knots for the Torah, the spaces between for the four letters YHVH which all adds up to 613 in the numerical assignment of the letters. So her obedience to reach out to the 613 principles resulted in her healing. This she would only know in studying His entire word. The same charge we have been given for His word to operate in our lives! Fiveamprayer we have to move from confession, only devoid of action. We all want to see the action yet we are slow to get into motion! This woman got her healing in reaching back or remez that allowed her to reach forward into healing. When questioned by Yeshua she is able to declare her obedience and here we have a short discussion. We have been called to teach beyond our household, this study and learning is not just for you and yours. We must be prepared and go out--why wait until the battle is at our door step to push back the line of those that are attacking us? With renewed minds we go forth and stand on all the truth! Only His marvelous light will back up darkness--it can no longer remain in the brilliance of pure light of the Torah! We have got to wake up before it is too late, please wake up!! We have a purpose and set time to fulfill it! When we clear out all of those idols from our lives, then we an really begin to understand Torah. For when we apply His directions properly we can permit health in our obedience not forbid health in our disobedience! This is the accurate understanding of binding/forbid or loosing/permit. Now is the time to show yourselves approved, properly dividing the word! Return to the original for studying to cut out the fluff and confusion! To hear this teaching again click here.
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