Monday, March 26, 2018

Removal Of Chametz/Leaven, Time To Leave Egypt!

We are walking in the today:  Removal Of Chametz/Leaven, Time To Leave Egypt!

Witness leaven throughout the Bible:  H7603 se'or--leaven,  swelling by fermentation

Exodus 12:15 Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; even the first day ye shall put away leaven H7603 out of your houses: for whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that 
soul shall be cut off from Israel.

The Torah ............
 Exodus 12:19 Seven days shall there be no leaven H7603 found in your houses: for whosoever eateth that which is leavened, even that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he be a stranger, or born in the land.

The prophets  ............
The writings  .............

Exodus 13:7 Unleavened bread shall be eaten seven days; and there shall no leavened bread be seen with thee, neither shall there be leaven H7603 seen with thee in all thy quarters.

The removal of chametz commemorates the fact that the Hebrews left Egypt in a hurry and did not have time to let their bread rise. It is also a symbolic way of removing the “puffiness” (arrogance, pride) from our souls.

The Most High God is trying to teach us a very valuable spiritual lesson in this commandment, as each year we search out to remove every spec of leavening from our household. 1 Corinthians 5:6-8 lets us know that "a little leaven (sin) leavens the whole lump", and therefore we should keep the Passover (please note, Rav Shaul tells us to "keep the Feast") "not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

By commanding us to search out the leaven, The Most High God wants to teach us about searching out and purging sin from our lives. Is not sin an outside agent that is introduced in order to ferment/sour that which is pure?! In earlier generations, they did not have anywhere as many food products as we have today, neither did they have sin coming into their lives in so many different "shiny packages". Search though your cabinets and refrigerator, look at all the labels, and get the hametz out (it's in products you wouldn't even think about!).

But if you stop there, you miss the whole point. When you are finished keeping this commandment in the physical, move it up to the spiritual. Search your heart, check it completely, in order to find and remove all the sin from your life.
When you do so, and you recognize all that sin that "snuck in" (or, let's face it, was brought in!) since the last cleaning, teshuva (turn from) of it and ask for forgiveness from The Most High in the name of Y'shua our Messiah.

What is your sphere of influence ?

The Most High God is trying to teach us a very valuable spiritual lesson in this commandment, as each year we search out to remove every spec of leavening from our household. 1 Corinthians 5:6-8 lets us know that "a little leaven (sin) leavens the whole lump", and therefore we should keep the Passover (please note, Rav Shaul tells us to "keep the Feast") "not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

The most influential people in the world can seem like they have some gift the rest of us don’t. But the truth is ,they’re humans. They’re just humans who have learned to use specific skills in effective ways.

Sphere Of Influence
When you were knit in your mother’s womb, God gave you a SPHERE of influence. Sphere meaning: An extent to which your knowledge, social position, insights, dominion, arena and power would GROW THE MOST.

We are 100% in control of what we do with our sphere of influence.
Now the “Boot Camp” starts and trust me, your sphere and your promises from God comes with TERRITORY you are supposed to invade to help change the world. To help others be stronger, to impart into others great encouragement and power. THIS is why the enemy fights you.
Remember to draw from what GOD has already given you. Don’t perform. Don’t overcompensate. Don’t agree with all the labels, voices and messages of your past. AGREE with God that your sphere of influence comes with power, grace, ability and insight.

Understand influence. Influence is a form of leadership in which you can become a channel God uses to help bring powerful and lasting change for the better to people who need it. When you spiritually influence people, you help meet their needs for faith, hope, and love, by showing them that they can have faith in God, hope for the future, and rely on God’s love for them.

How much difference does your life make? The answer depends on your sphere of influence.

As Watchmen and Servants of the Most High God are we POSITIONING ourselves on the WALLS of our territories, our SPHERES OF INFLUENCE!
We are each LOOKING to see what God will say through us and what we will ANSWER when reproved by the Lord.

Our ATTITUDE OF THE HEART must be in ALIGNMENT with the WILL of the Father.
His will must become our will.
There is no room for self in these days.
There is no room for a desire to be seen in this World.
ALL GLORY MUST GO to the Lord God Almighty and His Son Christ Jesus/ Messiah Yeshua.

It is the Lord who RAISES UP HIS CHOSEN LEADERS and it is He who bring down those who are self-serving.
FiveamPrayer, Keep your HEARTS HUMBLE before Him that you will be in agreement and in step with those He appoints.

Through you HE WILL MANIFEST HIS HOLINESS in the sight of the Nations!

Habakkuk 2:1-3.

Each of us has a sphere of influence. That is the amount of people and other living things we have an impact on.

As a race we humans tend to hold onto and keep perpetuating old realities. It’s part of the addictive, “Groundhogs Day” way our minds operate, disappearing and re-creating.

Therefore much of the human race is continually re-creating old, polarized, fear-based realities because our brains are literally addicted to them!

Family Know that you are already a being of light and divine love.

Be courageously determined to claim the truth of the sovereignty our true God ,
The Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

Build integrity. You need to earn people’s trust in order to effectively influence them, and the way to do so is to model a lifestyle of integrity for them. Ask the Holy Spirit to renew your mind every day so you have right motives for what you say and do, and to help you become a person who is more honest, humble, and self-controlled. Seek to bring coherence between your public and private life and between every aspect of your personality so that you behave with integrity in every situation.

Every believer has a spiritual territory (or 'metron') entrusted to us, a sphere of influence which is ours to govern - some permanent, some temporary. Adam (in Gen. 2:15) was instructed to 'tend', cultivate, develop his territory and to 'keep' or protect it from the enemy.

We know the valuable keys to on how to govern, what to govern, and the consequences of failure to govern.

Most people live under what's around them.
Most people live under their spiritual prevailing environment, . Whatever environment, you're in you'll feel that, and so what happens is, until we learn how to stand up and alter the spiritual atmosphere around us, we don't even realize what we've accepted as normal.

So I can tell you now, most people accept as normal something that actually is a place of bondage and lack of freedom.

Shema Selah, we must seek out and search for those things that do not of the Most High, we are His image and likeness and should reflect Him in all of our ways!!

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