Thursday, January 31, 2019

What Happened to the Real You?

1 John 3

We are walking in today:  What Happened to the Real You?

Witness within throughout the Bible:  H1004 bayith--dwelling habitation; inwards; on the inside; within

Ezekiel 3:24 Then the spirit entered into me, and set me upon my feet, and spake with me, and said unto me, Go, shut thyself within thine house. H1004

The Torah testifies...............
 Genesis 6:14 Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within H1004 and without with pitch.

The prophets proclaim..................
 Ezekiel 44:17 And it shall come to pass, that when they enter in at the gates of the inner court, they shall be clothed with linen garments; and no wool shall come upon them, whiles they minister in the
gates of the inner court, and within. H1004

The writings bear witness...........................
 Psalm 101:2 I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house H1004 with a perfect heart.

1 Kings 6:19 And the oracle he prepared in the house H1004 within, to set there the ark of the covenant of the LORD.

When man puts a limit on what he can be, he has put a limit on what he will be.

In the beginning, The Most High created man by speaking to Himself. He took a little bit of Himself and put it into the first man so Adam would be like Him and could share in His life. But the life The Most High intended for His children was destroyed by their disobedience. Hasatan’s deception and the sin of the man and the woman destroyed the relationship between The Most High and the creatures He had taken out of Himself. The fellowship of like thoughts and purposes was broken, and man’s relationship with The Most High became distorted and skewed. Human beings lost their potential to be like the Creator—to know His thoughts and see through His eyes. Through sin, our access to The Most High was cut off and the wealth of The Most High’s secret wisdom was buried. The deep things of The Most High became more than we could know or comprehend. Hasatan came into our lives to minimize, nullify, and destroy our potential. He has killed, stolen, and destroyed what The Most High planted deep within each person. Through the years, the devil has succeeded in convincing men and women, each with a little part of The Most High, that they are worthless, rotten, incapable people. But in the fullness of time Yeshua came into the world to address this very problem. The reason the Son of The Most High appeared was to destroy the devil’s work (1 John 3:8). Yeshua came to wage “the battle of the caps”—the battle of the destroyers. There are two destroyers in the world. One is hasatan; the other is Yeshua. Hasatan comes to destroy, and Yeshua comes to destroy.

Hasatan is The Most High’s enemy and ours. He is our adversary, out to blind us to the truth of The Most High’s love and the wisdom that offers us hope. Anything that is destructive—anything that steals something from you or destroys something that belongs to you—is from the enemy. He is a destruction mechanism that comes to destroy, kill and steal. But what is he destroying? First hasatan destroyed man’s potential to be like his Creator. Hasatan said to Adam, “Do you want to be like The Most High? Pick that fruit.” The man and woman already were like The Most High; but by following the advice of hasatan they were destroyed. Their potential to be like The Most High was clogged up right then when they failed—it was capped off.

Hasatan continued to work his art of deception when he said, “The Most High is hiding something from you.” He destroyed Adam and Eve’s concept of The Most High. To the man and the woman, The Most High became Someone who was holding back on them. Haatan said, “The Most High doesn’t want you to know what He knows.” What do you mean The Most High didn’t want Adam and Eve to know what He knew? Adam and Eve were born related in spirit with The Most High. The Most High created them to know Him. Thus, hasatan stole both man’s potential to be like The Most High and his understanding of The Most High.

The deceiver also distorted man’s self-concept. He said to them: “Look at you. You are naked.” So the man and woman felt bad about themselves and they put on clothes. They tried to cover up their bodies. Ever since that day, we have become professional “cover-ups.” We don’t like ourselves. We don’t like our physical bodies. Yuk! I don’t like how skinny I am…how fat I am…how my hair grows…how my eyes are…how my lips are. I don’t like my black, brown, red, yellow, or white skin. So we try to cover up what we don’t like. It is strange how we work on things. If our hair is curly, we straighten it. If our skin is too pale, we get a tan. We don’t like what we are. Nobody is satisfied with themselves. We all walk around saying, “Why do you want to be like me? I want to be like you.” We have become professional “cover-ups.” This attitude is from the devil. We can’t just be ourselves because hasatan has destroyed our appreciation of what The Most High made. Our potential has been distorted so that we don’t want to be black or tall or fat. We don’t want to have curly hair or fat lips or small eyes. We have accepted hasatan’s ploy to destroy our esteem for the beautiful creation The Most High made us to be. Hasatan, who comes to destroy everything The Most High created, has destroyed our concepts of ourselves. Because we do not like ourselves, we do all kinds of dumb things. If you love yourself, you are not going to lower your standards. You will not sell yourself to anybody. You won’t allow anybody to buy you—you are too expensive.

Hasatan also came to destroy our real intelligence. In the garden a strange word is used in the Hebrew to talk about knowing. The Bible says Adam and Eve knew that they were naked (Genesis 3:7). Knew means they “became physically—or sensually—aware.” Their senses suddenly took on leadership. Thus the soul became alive without the spirit directing it. Man began to live from the outside, instead of the inside. Adam and Eve became aware of their nakedness. They became aware of the leaves that could be used to cover themselves. They became conscious of shame and fear—the things that come from the outside, from the intellect. Hasatan destroyed man’s true intelligence, which is a spiritual relationship with The Most High. When we are connected with The Most High, our spirits can know anything. That’s why the knowledge The Most High communicates is not learned. It is discerned. The knowledge of The Most High isn’t found in any book; it’s a deeper knowledge. Your real intelligence is not studied; it is discerned. Wow! Your real intelligence is not studied; it is discerned. When man lost his relationship with The Most High, he became a victim of education. He began to look to books and movies and the words of others—what he can see, hear, taste, feel, and touch—to gain knowledge. Those things became our sources of information. When hasatan destroyed our real intelligence, we looked outside ourselves to find knowledge.

By destroying our relationship with The Most High, hasatan capped off our life potential. He continually destroys any possibility that we might become more than we already are: He puts teachers in our classrooms to call us stupid. He sends brothers and sisters to call us dumb and “no good.” He gives us parents who tell us, “You’ll never be anything.” Hasatan sets us up. He anoints your mother to call you a bastard. He sets her up to cap off what you are. Hasatan chops up your self-confidence and slams the door on your potential by convincing you that you are nothing: “You’ll never rise above your family’s status. You’ll never go beyond where your neighborhood took you. You’ll never be any more than your mom and your pa. You don’t stand a chance.” The devil has been teaching and preaching that to keep us down. He is very skilled at this deceptive art.

But Yeshua came to destroy hasatan’s lies. He came to free us from those things that retard, distort, and short-circuit everything we are capable of being and doing. He said, I am come that they might have life, and might have it abundantly (John 10:10 NAS). “Okay. That’s fine. I have life now.” “But no, that’s not enough. I came that you may have an abundance of life.” We think life is what we have now. No! In the Greek, the same word is used for abundance as is used for fountain. Yeshua came to take the cap off your well…to unclog the true you…to open up the capacity of who you are and who you can be. We are going to have an oil spill. This thing is going to explode. Yeshua didn’t come just to take off your well cover. He came to start an explosion of water—a potential welling up and never stopping. He said, Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him (John 7:38). …whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life (John 4:14). Yeshua came so we can have fountains of life. Man, that’s impressive to me! That means until we get saved, we don’t have any life. If you just became a citizen, you are finally getting back to your real self. All you have done for the last ten years that made you think you were somebody is but a trickle. You haven’t changed the world, man. You haven’t changed a man’s life for eternity yet. You haven’t touched a young boy for eternal life yet. You’ve put clothes on the boy’s back, but you haven’t put anything on his spirit. You haven’t done anything yet! But there is a fountain, an abundance of life, welling up in you so you can do and be something. It begins when you return to your Source through Yeshua HaMashiach.

Hasatan is the destroyer who comes to kill and steal and destroy. No one in the world stifles and clogs up and caps your potential like the devil does. He comes with a scheme to make you believe you can be nothing more than you have already seen. Yeshua came to destroy this scheme. He came to unclog you and show you your true self. He’s the best destroyer I know. I love this destroyer. First John 3:8 says that Yeshua came into the world to destroy the works of the devil. The work of the devil is to kill and steal and destroy—he delights in capping off our potential. The work of Yeshua is to tear off the cap—opening up what hasatan closed. Yeshua came to do exactly the opposite of what hasatan has done. Yeshua came, not to convince The Most High of anything, but to convince us about who we really are. His job is to put us back in touch with what The Most High put within us at birth. Yeshua came, not to convince The Most High of anything, but to convince us about who we really are. What does it mean to destroy the works of the devil? How does Yeshua do His job? Yeshua reverses what hasatan has done. Whatever Yeshua undoes, hasatan did. Whatever works Yeshua does, hasatan undid it first. For example, when Yeshua took sickness from a person’s body, He undid the works of the devil. Thus the work of the devil was to put the sickness into that body. When Yeshua took away our sins, He destroyed the devil’s work of convincing us to sin. If Yeshua fed hungry people, then it must mean that hasatan brings poverty and hunger. If Yeshua opened the eyes of the blind, then hasatan must close them. Yeshua came to destroy the works of the devil. Whatever He did destroyed haprevious works. Thus when Yeshua says, “Everything is possible if you’ll just believe” (Mark 9:23), He is reversing the lies hasatan has fed us. Yeshua came to destroy hasatan’s destruction.

Hasatan tells you that you aren’t going to amount to anything: “You aren’t going to be anything…you can’t do anything…you will always be what you now are.” Yeshua comes to undo that. He says, “You can be anything you think.” Yeshua rips the top right off your capped well. He says, “Go ahead, gush forth.” Thus, a tremendous struggle between two destroyers goes on within us—one destroyer uses a cap, the other a crowbar. Every time the one with the crowbar yanks the top off, the other guy runs around with the cap. The minute we give him a chance, he covers us up again. The struggle is continual. Each day we experience the tension. Yeshua says, “You are saved.” Hasatan says, “You aren’t saved.” Yeshua says, “You are healed.” Hasatan says, “But you still feel the pain.” Yeshua says, “You are free from drugs.” Hasatan says, “You are hooked for life.” Yeshua came to reverse what the devil has done. The devil came to destroy our potential. He distorts, retards, short-circuits and caps off that which The Most High has placed within us. He uses sin to clog up our potential capacity.

Are there things in your life that have been holding you back from the things you should be doing? Are you a potential leader in your community but you’re full of alcohol and you’re lying in the gutter? Has cocaine stolen your potential to be the top student in your class? Is your brain all messed up so you can’t even think any more? Are you in danger of being kicked out of school though you were an A student before you took the stuff? Have you run off with a dumb guy and gotten pregnant? Do you have to drop-out of school and give up your visions of becoming a doctor or a lawyer, a scientist or an agricultural expert? Has sin clogged up your potential? Did you have a business that was going well, with limitless potential, until somebody said to you, “I want you to sell some drugs for me. You’ll make a lot more than you do in this business”? So you became greedy. You went ahead and sold the drugs—only you were caught and now you have a record and your business is destroyed. Sin clogs our potential. It messes up the plan The Most High has for each of our lives. It takes away the “And they lived happily ever after” and replaces it with “And they struggled but didn’t make it through the day.” Don’t let that be the last chapter in the book The Most High has written on you. The Most High sent Yeshua to die for you, not for Himself. Yeshua knows His potential. He doesn’t need to find out what it is. The Most High doesn’t have any problem with His potential. He is omnipotent. The problem is that you don’t know your potential. You have been destroyed by the devil, and sin is stunting your growth. Sin clogs up our potential. It messes up the plan The Most High has for each of our lives. Yeshua came, not to die for Himself, but for you, so you could be reconnected with the Source of Life. For this reason Yeshua came into the world—to destroy the works of the devil that are holding you down. Yeshua came to uncap your well. He gave His life to restore your relationship with The Most High—to give you abundant, flowing, gushing life.


1. Hasatan destroyed man’s potential to be like his Creator.
2. Hasatan distorted man’s self-concept—his esteem for the beautiful creation God made him to be.
3. Hasatan destroyed man’s true intelligence, which is a spiritual relationship with God.
4. When satan crippled man’s real intelligence, man looked outside himself to find knowledge.
5. Sin clogs our potential. Jesus came to bring us abundant, refreshing new life.

Shema selah don’t you know that the Most High spoke to Himself about you?!?!

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