Today we are walking in: Kingdom concept of Keys part 2!!!!
Today we look to the word- KEY- H4668 maphteach-- key, opening instrument
The Torah testifies...............
The prophets proclaim..................
Isaiah 22:22
And the key H4668 of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.
The writings bear witness...........................
1Chronicles 9:27
And they lodged round about the house of God, because the charge was upon them, and the key H4668 thereof every morning pertained to them.
1. Keys are laws. They are fixed, reliable standards that never change. When used correctly, they always work.
2. Keys are principles. When Yahashua spoke of “the keys of the Kingdom,” He wasn’t talking about literal physical keys to open physical locks. The keys of the Kingdom are principles, systems that operate under fixed laws. When He gives us the keys, He gives us the principles by which the Kingdom of Heaven operates. We gain access to the systems that make the Kingdom of Heaven work. And once we learn the laws, the system, and the principles, all of heaven will be available to us.
3. Keys are systems. Every government runs on systems: the social system, the economic system, the political system, the educational system, the telecommunications system, etc. Knowledge of the systems and how they work is a key to power and influence. Control the systems and you control the government. Disrupt the systems and you disrupt the government. Destroy the systems and you destroy the nation. That’s how powerful systems are. Even more, that’s how powerful knowledge can be.
The systems of the Kingdom of Heaven are beyond the reach of those outside the kingdom and are in no danger of being disrupted or destroyed. Kingdom citizens, on the other hand, have access to those systems and can bring the influence of Kingdom systems to bear in earthly situations. That is why Kingdom citizens can rest confident in victory and success no matter what circumstances may suggest. So the most important thing any of us could do is to make sure that we are citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven.
4. Keys activate function. A car operates on gasoline. The “key” of gasoline activates the function of the car. Without gasoline, the car will not run no matter how many other keys you have. Likewise, a radio with no receiver cannot fulfill its function of converting radio waves into audible sound waves for you to hear. The “key” of a receiver is missing, and without it, the radio is only an empty, silent box. The box may be pretty, the glass clean and shiny, but it cannot fulfill its purpose because the key to activate its function is not there. To me, religion is like that attractive radio or that stylish but gas-less car that does not work. Like them, religion may look beautiful and impressive on the outside with all its regalia and traditions, but it has no keys and therefore lacks the ability and the power to activate Kingdom function.
The keys of the Kingdom activate Heaven so that we can fully enjoy our rights and privileges as Kingdom citizens. This is far more sure and secure than depending on the systems of the world for our enjoyment. On this point, Kingdom ambassador Paul counsels:
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in The Most High Yah, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment (1 Timothy 6:17).
The keys of the Kingdom allow us to enjoy all the rich and good things of The Most High Yah without measure.
5. Keys initiate action. Just as the key to a car initiates action by starting the engine, the keys of the Kingdom, when we know how to use them, initiate action in Heaven.
6. Keys are the principles by which the Kingdom of The Most High Yah operates. Not only are keys principles, but specifically, keys to the operation of the Kingdom. They give us access to the blueprints, the schematic, the flowcharts so that we can understand and appropriate the inner workings of the Kingdom of Heaven.
7. Keys cannot be substituted by feelings, emotions, wishful thinking, or manipulation. If you are locked out of your house without a key, no amount of begging or pleading or wishing will make that door open. If your car is out of gas, you can sit behind the wheel and dream and will all you want for it to move, but it will stay right where it is. Religion is built on feelings, emotions, wishful thinking, and manipulation. It is different with the Kingdom. The Kingdom of Heaven operates on keys. You can wish and feel and beg and plead all you want, but without the right keys, you will still be locked out of all the things The Most High Yah promised you because feelings don’t open doors. Keys do.
In the world’s system, you get ahead by killing, robbing, hurting, manipulating, climbing up on people, using people, stealing, gam- bling—any way you can. But in the Kingdom of Heaven, everything is reversed. To get ahead, you must do the opposite of what you do in the world. Instead of getting, you give; instead of hoarding, you release; instead of grabbing, you give up; instead of hating, you love; instead of every-man-for-himself, you show first regard to others. Yes, this is counterintuitive, but that is the way The Most High Yah’s Kingdom works.
It is this very counterintuitive quality of the Kingdom of heaven that makes it so hard for the world to understand. The Kingdom of Heaven and the kingdoms of this world operate by completely opposite principles. People raised in the world’s system cannot comprehend on their own the truly otherworldly nature of The Most High Yah’s Kingdom. This is why Simon Peter could not recognize Yahashua as the Messiah except by divine revelation.
This clash of systems is vividly illustrated by an encounter Yahashua had one day with a rich young man who was interested in getting into the Kingdom.
As Yahashua started on His way, a man ran up to Him and fell on his knees before Him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “Why do you call Me good?” Yahashua answered. “No one is good—except The Most High Yah alone. You know the commandments: ‘Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testi- mony, do not defraud, honor your father and mother.’” “Teacher,” he declared, “all these I have kept since I was a boy.” Yahashua looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” He said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me.” At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth. Yahashua looked around and said to His disciples, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of The Most High Yah!” (Mark 10:17-23).
Once we get into the Kingdom and start functioning properly, we inevitably become prosperous. Prosperity is a natural product of Kingdom living. But we must live by the standards of the Kingdom in order to prosper in the Kingdom.
This rich young man had problems with Yahashua’ conditions because they ran counter to everything he had ever heard and believed about success and prosperity. He simply was not prepared for the counterintuitive command of Yahashua to part with everything that he thought made him “somebody.” This is why Yahashua said that it is hard for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of The Most High Yah. The keys, the principles, the systems of the Kingdom are opposite to those of the world, from where they acquired their wealth. In other words, the opposite nature of Kingdom keys makes it difficult for many people to understand the Kingdom. This young man had grown up in a world where you get by taking. He could not understand the principle of a Kingdom where you get by giving.
Additionally, it is the power of ignorance of Kingdom keys that can destroy us. Scripture says:
“My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6a).
Because of ignorance of Kingdom keys, this rich young man did not know how to become richer, so he chose to hold onto wealth that literally was killing him rather than enter into wealth that could give him life. Coming into the Kingdom of The Most High Yah neither makes you poor nor requires you to become poor. But you have to know the keys.
This rich man thought he was rich, but was really poor because he did not understand the nature of true wealth. So he went away sad. A key principle of the Kingdom of Heaven, on the other hand, is this:
The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, and He adds no trouble to it (Proverbs 10:22).
Once you get the keys of the Kingdom and learn how they work, the blessing of The Most High Yah will bring you wealth without sorrow. And He can do it in an instant if He is so inclined.
Another factor in the difficulty people have in understanding the Kingdom is the danger of the fallen nature of human reasoning. Man’s rebellion against The Most High Yah resulted in a corrupted mind and conscience. The way most of us in this world pursue success and wealth and try to get ahead is completely contrary to the principles and laws that The Most High Yah designed into creation. But we are too blinded by our corrupt minds to see it. Like the rich young man, we assume that you must do certain things to succeed—climb the corporate ladder by walking on people’s heads and stepping on their hands, hurt them, use them selfishly, scheme against them, betray them, lie, cheat, steal—whatever it takes to be a millionaire before the age of 40.
Then Yahashua comes along and says, “If you want real wealth and real success, get rid of all of that. Give it back to the people you got it from and follow Me.” The attitude of willingness to part with it all is as important, and perhaps more so, than the actual act. Remember, in the Kingdom of Heaven we are stewards, not owners.
Because of our fallen nature of human reasoning, the principles and keys of the Kingdom of The Most High Yah are completely foreign to the way we have been trained to think. That is why the first word Yahashua said when He came to announce the Kingdom was, “Repent.” Change the way you think.
Principles work but are not always understood. The rich young man simply could not see how following Yahashua’ instructions would get him what he wanted. He could not grasp the principle. The keys of the Kingdom work, but sometimes even after we learn how to use them, we don’t understand how they work. They just do.
Principles are established by the manufacturer. Our Creator knows His creation. The Most High Yah knows what is best for us. But because of our fallen nature, we are dysfunctional creatures who believe either that there is nothing wrong with us or that whatever is wrong we can fix ourselves. Counterintuitive wisdom leads us to understand that the keys of the Kingdom, the principles under which the Kingdom operates, are also the keys to bringing the life, law, and culture of Heaven to earth, even when human logic or reasoning says otherwise.
1. Life in the Kingdom is really about returning to the governing authority of The Most High Yah in the earth and learning how to live and function in that authority.
2. The Kingdom of Heaven is not a secret society, but its keys have to be learned.
3. When you know the keys to the Kingdom secrets, you will never again say, “All I have is....”
4. Keys represent authority.
5. Keys represent access.
6. Keys represent ownership.
7. Keys represent control.
8. Keys represent authorization.
9. Keys represent power.
10. Keys represent freedom.
11. The keys of the Kingdom are the keys to ultimate truth, the knowledge of which brings true liberty.
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