Thursday, February 11, 2021
Genesis chapter 1
Today we are walking in: The Creation Of Man!!
Today we look to the word- CREATE- H1254- bara’ - create, creator, choose, make, cut down, dispatch, done, make fat
The Torah testifies……………
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created H1254 the heaven and the earth.
The Prophets proclaim…………………
Isaiah 4:5
And the LORD will create H1254 upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defence.
The Writings witness……………………
Psalm 51:10
Create H1254 in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
The Creation of Man
The Spirit-man Resides within Both Male and Female.
Men can know the true meaning of their existence only by understanding who they are in relation to Yah‘s creation of mankind as a whole. They need to see how they fit into Yah‘s great picture of humanity, which He designed and then constructed when the world began.
The first thing we must realize is that there is a distinction between being man and being male, and that each has unique purposes for being. What do I mean by this? The account of Creation in the first two chapters of Genesis reveals the essential difference. Genesis 1 is a declaration chapter. It declares what Yah did in Creation. Genesis 2 is an explanation chapter. It explains how Yah accomplished His act of Creation and shows how the creation of man relates to the creation of man‘s two physical manifestations: male and female.
In Genesis 1:26–28, we read,
Then Yah said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule [“have dominion” NKJV] over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So Yah created man in his own image, in the image of Yah he created him; male and female he created them. Yah blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.”
The first thing we learn from this passage is that man was made in the image of Yah. When Yah made man, He essentially drew man out of Himself, so that the essence of man would be just like Him. Since “Yah is spirit” (John 4:24), He created man as spirit. Spirit is eternal. Man was created as an eternal being, because Yah is eternal.
It is important to recognize that we are not yet talking about male and female. It was mankind that Yah created in His image. Man is spirit, and spirits have no gender. The Bible never talks about a male or female spirit.
What was the reason Yah created mankind in His image? He didn‘t create any of the animals or plants in His image. He didn‘t even make angels in His image. Man is the only being of Yah‘s creation that is like Him.
To Be His Offspring
Yah created mankind for relationship with Himself—to be His family, His offspring, spiritual children of Yah. The nature of Yah is to love and to give. Since “Yah is love” (1 John 4:8, 16), He wanted a being who could be the object of His love and grace. He wanted man to be the recipient of all that He is and all that He has.
The fact that man was created in Yah‘s image is an awesome revelation about our relationship to Him. Yah desired children who would be like Himself. Yet He didn‘t just desire it, then walk away without doing anything about it. He conceived His desire and made it a reality. He became pregnant with what He was desiring. Once Yah conceived, He began to prepare for the ―birth or creation of man. Before there was anything at all on the earth, there was Yah, and Yah was pregnant with us.
What do we call a woman who is pregnant? Expectant. Yah was in expectation of man‘s birth, so right away He began to prepare a ―nursery for His children, even before there was any physical evidence of His offspring. Yah‘s desire for His children caused Him to create the universe in preparation for their arrival.
Let me tell you what we‘ve been taught, and it‘s not biblical. We‘ve been taught that Yah created the universe, and then He decided to make man. That‘s not the way it happened. Yah first decided to make man, and that was the reason for the creation of the world.
When I first moved into this house, I had the daycare setup before I had any daycare children. I had the nursery fixed up before the babies arrived. I remember the day my sister, Aisha, flew out and began putting up walls and decorations and I remember her surprising me when it was finished and we stood looking at the whole thing. She had thoroughly cleaned the room. We had the new pack n play’s, emoji pillows, chairs, tables, toys, high chairs, baby food, and everything else all ready. We had pictures on the walls. There were no children, but everything the kids would need and use was ready. Then we stepped back, looked at the room, and said, This is good. What were we doing? Preparing. That‘s exactly what Yah was doing in Genesis 1 when He made the world in preparation for the creation of man.
Just as a new baby is at the center of his parents‘ thoughts, mankind was and is at the center of Yah‘s thoughts. The wonder of this idea struck King David one day. He said, “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?” (Ps. 8:3–4). David asked Yah, in effect, ―Why are you thinking only about us? Although the psalm doesn‘t give us Yah‘s answer, I think His reply would be, ―Every time you see the moon and the stars, and everything else I‘ve created, I want you to know that all that exists because of you.
We are so important to Yah that He created the entire universe for us. Not only that, He created it with great care to make sure we had the best environment in which to live. Everything Yah created keeps everything else in balance. For example, when He made our solar system, He created the sun to be a light for us, and then He carefully placed the planets around it. I can imagine Yah making adjustments so that the solar system would be just right for us. I see Him pushing the earth out a bit, then saying, ―No, it‘s too close to the sun. That‘s too hot. Let‘s pull it back a little. Now it‘s too cold. They‘ll freeze. Ah, this is just right. The conditions are perfect. The baby will do fine. Then I imagine Him saying, ―Children like colors, so let‘s cause some vivid flowers to spring up from the ground. That‘s a beautiful rose; they‘ll like that. Let‘s put some colors on the fish, too. Now, we‘ve already created the sunset, but let‘s make the ozone layer run right past the light so that it changes color. Let the light come through the atmosphere and the stratosphere, so that when it hits them it will turn purple, yellow, blue, and pink. I see Him thinking about man‘s future physical needs. Now we must have a lot of food for the baby. We‘ll need some fruits and vegetables. We also need to separate the salt water from the fresh, so that the baby can drink. Now everything is in order. The nursery is ready!
I submit to you that man is the reason for the universe. I didn‘t say man is the center of it. Humanists say that man is the center of the universe. That is wrong. Yah is the center of everything. He “[upholds] all things by the word of his power” (Heb. 1:3 KJV). It is He who is the center of life. Everything He created and every movement of our being exists in Him. Yet because we are His offspring, He created the universe just for us.
When Yah finished creating the world, He called everything good. (See Genesis 1:4–25.) I believe He said this be- cause everything was ready. It was after Yah called the physical world good that He said, “Let us make man” (v. 26). What‘s so interesting about this is that the heavens and the earth were created first because of their purpose. Some people might say, ―Well, if the heavens and earth were created first, does that mean that they are more important than man? No. They were just leading up to the advent of man. Their purpose was to be a perfect environment for Yah‘s children. When my wife and I were getting the nursery ready, we had the crib, powder, and all the other material things in the room first. Did that mean they were more important than the baby? No. Those things were there only because of the baby. The same is true concerning man‘s relationship to the physical world. Ephesians 1:4 explains the order of priority in this way: “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world” (emphasis added).
To Have Fellowship with Him
Another reason man was created in Yah‘s image was to have fellowship with Him, like a close family relationship. The only reason man can have this fellowship with Yah is that Yah made man to be spirit, just as He is Spirit. “Yah is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24).
Although Yah is the Creator, He has always emphasized that He is man‘s Father. It wasn‘t His desire to be primarily thought of by man as an awesome Yah or a “consuming fire” (Deut. 4:24). Although at times it is difficult for our religious minds to grasp this concept, Yah wants us to approach Him as a child would a loving father.
Yah and humanity were made for one another. That is why, no matter how many relationships you have or how many gifts you buy for others, in the end, you aren‘t going to be satisfied until you love Yah. Yah must have the primary place in your life. Your love was designed to be fulfilled in Him.
To Manifest His Nature
Yah created man in His image so that man could also reflect His character and personality. When Yah created man, heaven and earth stood in awe of this amazing being who manifested the Creator‘s very nature and reflected His glory.
Consider this remarkable verse in Psalm 82: “I said, „You are Yahs, and all of you are children of the Most High‟” (v. 6 NKJV). This verse is speaking of mankind. It calls us “Yahs” and “children of the Most High.” Why are we called little Yahs? It is because as children of the Most High Yah, we have His nature and share His purposes. Physically, we are children of men, but spiritually, we are children of Yah.
Two foundational aspects of Yah‘s character are love and light, and man is meant to exhibit these qualities. However, man‘s being made in Yah‘s image does not mean that man can reveal these qualities apart from Him. Man was always meant to reveal Yah‘s nature in the context of being continually connected to Him in fellowship. First John 4:16 says, “Whoever lives in love lives in Yah, and Yah in him,” and Proverbs 20:27 says, “The spirit of man is the candle of the Most High” (KJV). This means that when you have fellowship with Yah, you reflect His light. You show the nature of Yah, for “Yah is light; in him there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5).
Yah also created man to demonstrate His wisdom and the goodness of His precepts. This purpose is part of Yah‘s eternal plans, and it culminated in the coming of Hamachiach Yahusha and the birth of the community:
His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of Yah should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Hamachiach
Physically, we are children of men, but spiritually, we are children of Yah. Yahusha our Most High.
(Eph. 3:10–11)
To Share His Rule
Yah said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule [“have dominion” NKJV]” (Gen. 1:26, emphasis added). Man was created to share Yah‘s authority. Yah never wanted to rule by Himself. Love doesn‘t think in those terms. You can always tell a person who is full of love. He doesn‘t want to do anything for his purposes alone. A selfish person wants all the glory, all the credit, all the recognition, all the attention, all the power, all the authority, all the rights, and all the privileges. But a person of love wants others to share in what he has.
Note that the word “man” in Genesis 1:26 refers to the spirit-being created in Yah‘s image. The purpose of dominion was given to man the spirit. This was before the creation of male and female, which we will discuss in more detail shortly. Therefore, spiritually, both male and female have the same responsibility toward the earth because rule was given to the spirit-man, which resides in both of them.
The account of Creation reveals an interesting fact that we often overlook today. Yah didn‘t create man for heaven. He created man for the earth. Yah is the Ruler of heaven, and He made man to express His authority on earth. He said, I want what‘s happening in heaven to happen in the created world; I want My rule to extend to another realm, but I don‘t want to do it directly. I want man to share My rule. The plan of Creation was this: as Yah ruled the unseen realm in heaven, man would rule the visible realm on earth, with Yah and man enjoying continual communion through their spiritual natures. Yah said to man, in essence, ―Let Me rule through you so you can appreciate, enjoy, and share in rulership and know how it feels to be ̳little Yahs.
It‘s important to realize that man was created not only for fellowship with Yah but also with a responsibility to carry out. I want to emphasize this point because sometimes people use their worship of Yah as an excuse for negligence in other areas of their lives. They say, ―I was created only to love the Most High, worship the Most High, and praise the Most High. These things are good and necessary. However, you can‘t spend all your time in the sanctuary worshiping, praising, and singing. There comes a time when you have to carry out your responsibility to demonstrate what your relationship with the Most High means in terms of living and ruling in the world.
Man has been given the freedom to exhibit creativity while governing the physical earth and all the other living things that dwell in it. The earth is to be ruled over, taken care of, fashioned, and molded by beings made in the image of their Creator. In this way, man is meant to reflect the loving and creative Spirit of Yah.
To Expand the Family Business
We also need to understand that when Yah created man to share His authority, it was in the context of man‘s relationship to Him as His offspring. Yah didn‘t create man to be a servant but to be a son who is involved in running the family business. This was His plan for mankind from the beginning. He has always wanted His children to help Him fulfill His purposes.
This means that Yah doesn‘t want man to work for Him; He wants man to work with Him. The Bible says that we are “Yah‟s fellow workers” (2 Cor. 6:1) or “workers to- gether with him” (KJV). In the original Greek, “fellow workers” means those who ―cooperate, who ―help with, who ―work together.
It‘s common to hear people say, ―I‘m working for Yahusha. If you are working for Yahusha, you are still a hired hand. When you understand the family business, then you become a worker alongside Hamachiach.
To Rely on the Father for Personal Needs
What are some of the implications of our being Yah‘s children, working in His business? First, we don‘t have to worry about our day-to-day living expenses. If your father and mother owned a prosperous business, and they put you in the business to run it, should you wonder where you will get food to eat? Should you wonder where you will get water to drink? Should you wonder where you‘re going to get clothes to wear? No, you are family, and you are going to be provided for.
If you are hired to work in the business only as an employee, then you don‘t know the company‘s true financial condition. In addition, if you want more money, you have to ask for a raise. You have to work hard to receive a bonus. You have to impress the boss so that you can get just a little increase in salary. You may also live in fear of being fired. However, if you are a son, you know just how well the company is doing.
In Yah‘s company, there‘s always plenty of provision to go around, and you can rely on that with confidence. Yahusha said,
Do not worry, saying, “What shall we eat?” or “What shall we drink?” or “What shall we wear?” For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matt. 6:31–33)
Yahusha didn‘t say, ―The boss knows that you need these things. He said, ―Your Father knows that you need these things. We can trust our Father, the wealthy Businessman, to provide for all our needs.
To Rely on the Father for Kingdom Needs
When Yahusha knew that His earthly ministry was about to end and that He would be crucified, resurrected, and then return to His heavenly Father, He
talked to His disciples about their role in advancing the family business on earth.
“I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master‟s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you” (John 15:15). What was Yahusha‘ reason for calling His disciples His friends? He said, in effect, ―The servant doesn‘t know what the boss is doing. I call you friends because I have told you everything the Father has revealed to Me.
Think about how large and prosperous Yah‘s business is. It is so big that Yah says He can supply all your needs (Phil. 4:19). I don‘t think that in this context He is referring to your smaller needs, such as a house, a car, clothes, or food. Remember that He told us we don‘t even have to ask for those things. Therefore, He must be talking about leads for further investment for the purpose of expanding the company business. He is saying, in essence, ―The company has so much collateral that My children never have to worry about materials for further investment.
I believe that if we will get busy spreading the company‘s influence and building its interests, our access to resources will be unclogged. (See Matthew 6:33.) Yah created man to be His offspring and to work in His business, and He has all the resources we need to fulfill this purpose.
To Execute His Righteous Judgment
Man was created in Yah‘s image for yet another reason: to execute His righteous judgment. In all the prophecies about the Messiah, especially in Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Daniel, you will find that this was also the main purpose for Hamachiach‘s coming to earth. It was the result of His life, ministry, death, and resurrection. All these things were connected to His fulfilling His purpose of executing righteous judgment on the earth.
The reason this is also the purpose of man is that it is Yah‘s intention that we rule the earth through the Spirit of Hamachiach. Recall that, through man, Yah desires to extend His rule from the unseen to the seen. He wants to expose His character, nature, principles, precepts, and righteous judgment to the visible world. Even though the fall of man brought humanity out from under Yah‘s purposes, Hamachiach redeemed us so we could be restored to His original plans for us. Dominion over the earth, including exercising righteous judgment, is not a temporary but an eternal assignment from Yah to man.
Because of the Fall, when we die, our spirits will separate from our bodies, and we will go to be with Yah in heaven. Again, it was never Yah‘s intention that man would work in heaven. Even though in our spiritual growth and development we will learn to have dominion over spiritual as well as physical things (see 1 Corinthians 6:3), Yah gave man the earth to rule. Since Yah‘s purposes never change, He made provision in His plan of redemption for man to fulfill that purpose.
Yah made us a promise. He said that when we come to the head office (heaven), we will stay there only for a while. There will come a Day when our bodies will be resurrected and rejoined with our spirits, so that He can send us back to finish the job. (See 1 Corinthians 15:42–44, 52–53; Isaiah 65:17.)
If you are finding it hard to take all this in, read the book of Revelation. Yah keeps on talking about thrones, reigning with Him, and ruling with Him. The reason we will reign is that Yahusha came to bring righteous judgment back to the earth. He came to bring it back to where it was supposed to be in the first place. That has always been Yah‘s purpose for man. Yah made you a manager, and He always fulfills His eternal purposes.
He isn‘t going to raise you from the dead just to live with Him forever. He‘s going to raise you from the dead so that you can get on with your work. That‘s why the Scripture says that when Yahusha returns to earth and we are resurrected, we will reign with Him (Rev. 5:10.) Reign means what? To have dominion, to administrate.
Created Male and Female
Therefore, Yah created man so that He could have someone to love, someone who would work with Him in His purposes for the earth. Yet the earth is a physical entity, and man is spirit. The earth needed someone with a physical body to live in it and take care of it. Yah knew this would be necessary, and that is a primary reason He created the male and the female.
“So Yah created man in his own image, in the image of Yah he created him; male and female he created them” (Gen. 1:27). After Yah created man, He placed him in two physical ―houses: male and female. This means that man the spirit exists within every male and every female. All of us—males and females alike—are man. The essence of both male and female is the resident spirit within them, called ―man. Genesis 5:1–2 says, “When Yah created man, he made him in the likeness of Yah. He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them [together] „man.‟”
Why did Yah take man, who is spirit, and put him in two separate physical entities rather than just one? It was because He wanted man to fulfill two distinct purposes. We‘ll explore the significance of this fact in more detail in coming teachings. For now, we need to remember that the spirit-man has no gender and that, in order to fulfill His eternal purposes, Yah used two physical forms to express the spiritual being made in His image.
Therefore, whether you are male or female, the person who lives inside you—the essential you—is the spirit-man. Although males and females have differences, they are of the same essence.
Since human beings fellowship with Yah and worship Him through their spirits, this means that men and women both have direct spiritual access to Yah and are individually responsible to Him.
“Created” versus “Made”
Genesis 1:26–27 implies that the process through which Yah created man was different from the process through which He produced the male and female. We can think of the distinction in this way: Yah created man, but He made male and female. The words for “made” in verse 26 and “created” in verse 27 are different words in the Hebrew. “Make” comes from asah, which means to form out of something that is already there. “Created” comes from bara, which means to form out of nothing. These verses say that Yah created man in His own image, but that Yah also made man. Yah used both of these words in reference to how He brought man into existence. In effect, He was saying, ―I will both create him and make him. I will create him out of nothing and I will make him out of something.
Recall that Yah created the spirit-man out of His own being rather than out of anything from the physical world. Man was not created from matter; man came out of Yah‘s Spirit. Therefore, the part of man that was made from ―nothing came out of Yah. Yah spoke him into existence, similar to the way in which He spoke, “„Let there be light,‟ and there was light” (Gen. 1:3). Yet when Yah made male and female, He used material from the physical world that He had already created.
Recognizing this distinction is critical to understanding our purpose in the world as both spiritual beings made in Yah‘s image and physical beings who carry out man‘s Yah- ordained purposes in the world. It is also essential to the male‘s understanding of who he is and how he is meant to relate to the female. We will see the practical implications of these purposes in the next teaching.
1. Men can know the true meaning of their existence only by understanding who they are in relation to Yah‘s creation of mankind as a whole.
2. There is a distinction between being man and being male.
3. Mankind was created in the image of Yah.
4. Yah created man to be spirit, as He is Spirit.
5. Man was created to be Yah‘s offspring, to have fellowship with Him, to manifest His nature, to share His rule, to expand the family business, to rely on the Father for personal needs and for kingdom needs, and to execute Yah‘s righteous judgment.
6. After Yah created man, He placed him in two physical ―houses: male and female.
7. Man—the spirit-man—resides within both male and female.
8. Yah created man, but He made male and female.
9. Yah made male and female because He wanted man to fulfill two distinct purposes on the physical earth.
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