Saturday, February 18, 2023


Romans chapter 1

Today we are walking in: Kingdom Principles To Develop Your Potential

Job 34:16

If now thou hast understanding, hear H8085 this: hearken to the voice of my words.


Today we look to the word-UNDERSTAND- H8085 shama`--to hear with attention or interest, listen to understand (language)

The Torah testifies...............

Genesis 11:7

Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand H8085 one another's speech.

The prophets proclaim..................

Nehemiah 8:2

And Ezra the priest brought the law before the congregation both of men and women, and all that could hear H8085 with understanding, upon the first day of the seventh month.

The writings bear witness...........................

1 Kings 3:9

Give therefore thy servant an understanding H8085 heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this thy so great a people?


I want you to turn with me to the book of Romans chapter 1. For though they knew The Most High they neither glorified Him nor gave Him thanks but, their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. The Most High says it's about that potential, so here's what he says about what they will do about their potential. Verse 24 therefore The Most High gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one. verse 25 they changed the truth of The Most High for a lie and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator who is forever praised amen. verse 26, because of this, The Most High says I created these beings and I gave them my own image but they denied me, they didn't want to know me, they didn't have Me in their thoughts, and they became futile in their efforts, and it says here because of this action they cut themselves off from The Most High. Here’s the result. The Most High gave them over to shameful lusts, even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones in the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for other men. Men committed indecent acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. What does the Bible calls it? Perversion. Now what we are talking about is homosexuality and lesbianism. Now what did the Bible call it? He calls it, unnatural. That's important, unnatural use of something means, there is a natural use of it. Which means if you are a homosexual, you are unnatural. Not you, but your practice. You are really natural, you got sense, you're sane but you are lustful and you are unnatural in your practice. Now the point I want to make concerning this is that violation of any of these things we listed, causes that kind of behavior. Unnatural behavior. Now I want you to read, verse 30 they became slanderous, The Most High says they are, insolent, arrogant, and boastful. The Bible says, a man who has lost his relationship with The Most High will invent ways to sin. That’s a serious thing. Now many of you are so impressed with the inventions, you know a great man like Thomas Jefferson. Guess what? You are an inventor. Some of you are great inventors. You've been invented ways to sin. When you violate any of these principles, that we have talked about concerning your potential, you begin to be unnatural. Which means you cannot maximize your performance. And this is what we want to deal with. All that The Most High has done and here's the clincher, everything that The Most High has ever done, and is doing, and desires to do, is designed to make you perform at your maximum. Now this is becoming a reality to me everyday. Everything The Most High has done He is not on an ego trip. We think that The Most High wants us to praise Him, and worship Him, and obey His word in his commands, because He needs someone to rule. That's not true. He is the King of the Universe, with or without you. The Most High don't need you to rule to be a king. He was a King before you came!! He is the Creator of the universe. The He doesn't need you to be The Most High, He already is!!. It's very fortunate that The Most High decided to create us, otherwise we wouldn't be!! He doesn't need us to be The Most High, but we need The Most High to be The Most High!! Now the point I'm trying to make here is this, everything that The Most High has done, is doing in your life right now, and is desiring to do in the future, is all for one reason.The Most High wants you to maximize your performance of your potential!! He knows what he put in you, the trouble is, you don't know, your teachers don't know, your pop don’t know, your mom don't know, preacher don't, nobody knows!! Only The Most High knows what's in you. So when He tells you to do something, trust Him. If he tells you not to do something, trust Him right?! He sees what's inside you and He says if you just do what I say then this, stuff will come up to the top. We destroy our own potential when we violate these things that The Most High has said. To obey the commands of The Most High is not good for Him, the Most High's good by Himself! If you like The Most High, good for you. If you don't like Him, bad for you. He is still The Most High, whether you like Him or not. The Most High is here, real, live, living. He's been here before you came, He'll be here when you leave, so you might as well agree with Him. The Most High does not need you to obey Him for Him to feel like The Most High. Everything He ask you to do, is really for your good, not for His, because The Most High knows what you have, what you can do, what you can be, but what you are doing is stopping all of that!! Stop following The Most High because you want to be a good citizen. That's the wrong reason. The Most High says this thing's for you. If you do what I say, you'll become what you are. When The Most High convicts you, or chastises you, or rebukes you, just stand up and say thank You!! Because something was stopping me from performing to my maximum. When The Most High comes and convicts you of something just say, thank you so much Abba. That was stopping me from being the best You made me to be. You should not be running from from the hand of The Most High, you should run into it and say I don't want nothing to stop me from being all I can be!! So go ahead and rebuke, reprove, instruct, correct, whatever you need to do, just let me shine!! The Bible says, I know my thoughts towards you they are for your good, prosperity and for you to have an expected end. He says, I know my thoughts that I have toward you, don't don't tell me what you think!! I think I know, what I think about you. One, I want you to prosper, then I want you to be the best you could be--and I know what you could be. My thoughts towards you are for your good. Now, people walk around and say well, The Most High, says you shouldn't drink strong drink. The Most High doesn't know what fun is. The Most High says you shouldn't go out. The Most High never said that. We make The Most High to be a joy killer. The Most High is not a joy killer. The Bible says, I know my thoughts toward you, they are for your good. so whatever I tell you, is for your good.
Did you read that scripture?? It says that the Most High wants to give you an expected end!! An expected end is an end, that someone knows, but you don't know yet. That means, The Most High knows what you are supposed to be and what you're supposed to do. He says, now trust me. Just do what I say and follow Me. The Most High has an expected end for you and He says, my expected end is what I have already designed for you. Just do what I say. Obedience is not necessarily related to knowledge of result. Obedience is related to the one who has given the directions, who knows the end!! Because sometimes you got to obey without understanding. The Most High says, do this and we say why. And He says mind your business, I know what I'm working on, I know what I'm doing. We say, but I want to know Abba, show me why you want me to do this. But He just says mind your business, I have the expected end. You've got the obedience requirement. You need to say right now, I'm gonna obey The Most High even when I don't know why. That's a good thing to remember. Just obey Him because He's The Most High, He knows what he's doing. Obey the Word and you will get His expected end. Next, I think that most of us don't believe The Most High likes us. Think about it. How many times have you said this kingdom citizen life is so hard. With all of these things, The Most High want me to do--His precepts and principles. First John chapter 5 look at verse 3 this is love for The Most High, to obey His commands. Read together. This is love for The Most High to go to the church and sing out of the hymn books. Oh sorry. Let's read it again. This is love for The Most High, to go to the social and give money for the church. Now let’s read it correctly. This is love for The Most High to obey His commandments and His commandments are not burdensome. Wow! Read it again. And His commandments are not burdensome. Now the King James Version says grievous. You grieve me. The Most High is saying this is only because you don't understand. There's some stuff in you that isn’t coming out and I'm trying to get them out. That valuable treasure--you have so much going for you, but you don't know it!! And I'm the only One who will know how to get it out!! The commandments of The Most High are not burdensome. Now I want you to think about the last time you encountered His commandments in conviction. Now remember how you felt? Gosh it's tough being a kingdom citizen. I messed up again. The Most High says, you think these commandments that I have given you are tough? Burdensome? That they grieve you? Is it a problem to obey The Most High? I think the best way to describe the way The Most High sees His commandments is the way you get your Bachelors degree from a college. You know when Dr. Munroe, was studying in college--he had his eyes was on getting his BA. It was four years away, this was back when he was a freshman. He says, I looked like a wide eyed boy when they gave me those class assignments and all this stuff, I said man this is grievous!! Looking at the syllabus that was saying, I want you to read 600 pages for tomorrow morning--and I am thinking they are trying to torture us!! Is this to show us you have all power as professors?? Were they only doing this to prove to us that we are students and they the professors? They were making demands on our potential because they knew that we had the qualities to obtain a bachelor's degree. It is the same with the teaching of the Most High. He gives us one of His principles, like to keep the sabbath holy. Tied to that is, the observance of the seventh day Sabbath and not starting fire on the Sabbath--which many of us may not fully understand initially, but as time passes He gives us His understanding. While we are yet new to these kingdom principles, we find that if we remain steadfast--the understanding of our potential comes with our continued study of the scriptures. While it may appear that the one in authority is making you do things that seem grievous--it is to draw out the hidden potential within!!
Certainly the Manufacturer knows all of the inherent features of their product, what it is capable of doing as well as the products intended purpose! The Most High gives us His commandments that are designed to bring out the best that He put inside us!! It is these principles and precepts that cause the kingdom of heaven to operate and are not grievous to its citizens!
Rather now if you think about it, it is an advantage for me to to do this thing that The Most High says, if it is an advantage-- then guess what?? Your attitude changes toward that thing! So for me not to bear false witness or to covet--is something that is no longer someone trying to force me but rather someone trying to release me to the freedom in the Torah! Do you get what I'm saying?? The commandments of The Most High, which are His teachings and instructions are designed to release you. When we no longer see them as something that restricts us--a list of don't do this and don't do that--you will discover that it is a blessing then to obey The Most High. It is not a curse to obey His principles. The curse is actually when we do not to obey!! Now you can never function at your maximum, if you violate The Most High's conditions!! Now listen to my words very clearly and carefully. This I've been trying to deal with this potential thing--this is so crucial to every human being on earth. When you understand this, you began to appreciate that you are not what you are gonna be and anyone else who you meet are not who they will be. So your attitude changes and you begin to become a positive influence on other people. Now listen to my statement again, you can never function at your maximum performance in violation of any of The Most High's principles. Now I did not say that you cannot experience a little of your potential, what I did say, ‘is you will never be able to maximize and perform at your maximum--your full potential, if you violate the principles of the King!!’ Wow!! Because we live and move and have our being is actually not a Christian scripture this is kingdom language!! This is the words of the King of kings speaking to His citizens saying, that all men live because The Most High gave them breath so even the guy next to us at the stop light when you are driving in your car, or the woman in front of you in the grocery store when you are buying milk and anyone else that you come across was given the breath of life from the Creator and Ruler of all things!!

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