Saturday, November 4, 2023


Genesis chapter 4

Today we are walking in: DOMINION: THE KINGDOM WAY OF LIFE

Genesis 1:26

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.


Today we look to the word-DOMINION- H4475 memshalah--rule, dominion, realm, rule, dominion, realm, domain

The Torah testifies..................…

Genesis 1:28

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

The prophets proclaim...............…

Jeremiah 34:1

The word which came unto Jeremiah from the LORD, when Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and all his army, and all the kingdoms of the earth of his dominion, H4475 and all the people, fought against Jerusalem, and against all the cities thereof, saying,

The writings bear witness.............

Psalm 103:22 - Bless the LORD, all his works in all places of his dominion: H4475 bless the LORD, O my soul.

his dominion. H4475


They also have proven that when you listen to something seven times over you remember 98% of it. So it will be important for you to read this teaching over and over and listen to this seven times and if you do that it will go into your subconscious mind which the Bible calls your heart, that is where it is stored. So seven times makes you one with what you hear. When you take notes you remember 68% if you just listen and don’t take notes then the chances are you’ll only remember 38 or 40% so the choice is up to you. I want to speak on the subject of the philosophy of servant leadership. The kingdom, philosophy of servant leadership, and I want to begin with a few statements that we’ve been talking about for the past 10 months. I have been speaking on the subject of the kingdom for the last 10 months and will continue to do so for the next year or so because there’s so much to cover but I want to speak this morning on zeroing in on the leadership philosophy of kingdom life. In other words, understanding the importance and the value of servanthood in the kingdom. It’s kind of a paradox when you use the word, king and servant, because in our mentality, those two words don’t make much sense together, so we take a look at that concept that seems to be a contradiction, a king and servant. It becomes clear when you understand exactly what is meant by the concept of kingdom servant leadership. First point, I want you to make in your notes is that Yah created Man for rulership and not for religion. This is very important to remember that Yah‘s motivation for creating man was not because Yah wanted a creature to worship him in a religious experience. As a matter of fact, religion was invented by sin. Now I paused for you to get the point. Religion is a product of the fall of Man. If you read the Bible prefall, that means Genesis, chapter 1 and two, you will find no religion in those chapters, and yet in those chapters Yah says this is very good, which means where there was no religion. Yah considers it very good. Religion was created in Genesis chapter 4, when the first human Activity of building an altar was invented or created or initiated by who? Cain and Abel. Which means that Adam and Eve based on the historical biblical record there’s no record of them singing in the garden, praying in the garden, fasting in the garden, there were no prayer meetings, and all the activities we do. As a matter of fact, in the garden of Eden, there was no apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher, and yet Yah says this is very good. So religion is not Yah‘s original plan for men. Religion is Yah‘s contingency plan to get us back in genesis one and two. In other words, Genesis, chapter 1 and two is Yah‘s perfect will, chapter 3 is Yah‘s will that went bad, and from chapter 3 of Genesis to revelation, 21 is Yah’s program to get us back in chapter 1 and two, which is a chapter without religion. Therefore, what was Yah after in genesis chapter 1 and two? That is what Yah wants to get. It is very clear what Yah was after and is very clear and genesis chapter 1 verse 26 my favorite chapter and verse and here’s what it says in verse 26, and Yah said let us make a species called Man It is a plural word. Why? He said let them have our image in our likeness. Image means moral and spiritual, nature and character. Very complicated Hebrew concept. The word image means to have the moral and spiritual nature and characteristics of a thing. So when Yah said, let us make man in our own image, he had to use himself as the material because the man had to have his nature and his moral and spiritual character. So Yah couldn’t create humans out of dirt or gases or molecules from around him he had to use the material that had his spirit, moral and character. Nature itself so that’s why Yah created man out of his own spirit. The next statement says, and let us make this creature in our own likeness. Likeness doesn’t mean to look like Yah it means to function like Yah. Write that word down that lightness means function. So Yah said, let us make a creature a species that looks like us, in nature and characteristics, but also that functions like us. So if you want to know how you’re supposed to function as a man, a human being, you’ve got to study Yah. If you can analyze how Yah functions, then you will know how you are supposed to function. Now let me say one thing about function. If a product doesn’t function the way it was designed to function, then it is called malfunctioning. So when a human doesn’t function, the way Yah functions, you are observing a malfunctioning human. Let me give you another example of how that works. How does Yah function? Well, one way Yah functions is very obvious is by faith. Write that down. Yah functions by faith. So what is faith? See if you know what faith is, you will know how to function because you’re supposed to function the way Yah functions because if you don’t function the way Yah functions then you are malfunctioning and when you malfunction what happens? Then you self-destruct. When a car, or a toaster malfunctions, it burns up, it disintegrates, it destroys itself. That’s why when Man became a disobedient creature he began to malfunction, he began to work against his own nature with his faith. A whole lot of definitions of faith. How does Yah function. Paul says it is the substance of things hopeful, and the evidence of things that you can’t see. In other words, faith is believing what you, you have not seen yet to the point where you believe it until you see it then how does faith operate? Faith operates by 2 things: love and by speaking. That’s why Yah is love and that is why his faith always works. Faith works by love. So right away as a human being you know that you cannot function if you have hatred. Any human that has bitterness, anger, hatred, malice, deceit, all the things that are opposite to love that human malfunctions. That’s why the Bible says bitterness dries up the bones. That term, there is an old term for cancer. The bone is the factory of blood and when the bone dries that means you got blood problems that means now you’re getting into cancer conditions which means that bitterness literally destroys a person physically. Why? They’re malfunctioning. That’s why the Bible says walk in love. I like what Yahusha said. Hamachiach did not leave love as an option to his followers. He says this is my commandment. Why? It is for your own protection, and since you might not do it, I’ll command you to do it. As a matter of fact, love is so important for the functioning of the human spirit that Yah even tells you to love your enemies. Why? You function by it. You want to see a frustrated person getting sick and fat and disappointed and eating too much and all messed up let their love life fall apart. See people get it all twisted when their relationships are messed up why? Because they are no longer walking in love so now they become sick. You need love to function. So you need to forgive everybody right now so that your faith can work. You function like Yah. Faith also functions by what? Speaking. That’s how Yah functions everything Yah did what? He spoke it. When you read Genesis chapter 1, the entire universe was created by Yah‘s words. “and Yah said” verse 9, “and Yah said” verse 11, “and Yah said. In other words, the whole first chapter, all those verses, Yah spoke and things happened, and then Yah says, let us make Man just like us. That means everything you are and everything you have and don’t have you said…. That’s why the Bible says if you are weak don’t say it. He said let the weak say I’m strong. Don’t ever say that you are tired, say that you are strong. You are just like your father and you are strong. Faith is saying it until it manifest, which means the first time you say it you might not feel it and the Bible says let the poor say I am rich. you say it until it comes. You see you shall have whatsoever you say, why? You function just like Yah. The same way Yah created the world with words you create your own world with words. So Yah created you just like him, but the next statement inverse 26 is critical. It says, and let them have dominion. The word dominion is the reason why Yah created you. He created you like him for the dominion. So Yah created you to dominate. The word dominate means to govern, to rule, to control, to manage, to lead, to have control over and to master. It’s an important word. Let me try it again. The word dominion means to govern, to rule, to control, to manage, to lead, to have authority over something. I’m going to say it a third time because this is the key to serving leadership. Dominion is the key to serving leadership. I’m going to repeat what dominion means. It’s going to make sense at the end of this teaching and this week you will be blessed by understanding this concept, the word dominion is to govern, to rule, to control, to manage, to lead, to have authority over and to master something. In other words, Yah says, let them have rulership, mastery, government ship, authority, control, over and leadership over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air and the cattle of the field and over all the earth and over everything that creeps upon the ground. Isn’t that beautiful? In that list can you list those things for me quickly. Fish of the sea that’s the fish right it down. The birds of the air, cat of the field that means all the animals of the field. Then he says over all the earth that statement refers to everything that grows in the earth, plant life. Then the last statement says everything that creeps up upon the ground. Now, why is that an important thing? Because You see the word creep means to crawl on all fours. Every animal crawls along the ground. Even the ones they’re trying to make your cousin. Now what is important you see is because evolutionist believe that we are products of monkeys and apes. Now maybe you are but look at me you know that I ain’t come from no monkey. Monkeys are jealous when they see me, I am supposed to dominate everything that creeps. Every animal must walk on all fours according to the scripture. If I’m going to dominate them, they must walk on all fours. So when you look at the monkey which they say is, you’re close cousin not mine but when you look at them may get up on two legs for a minute, but he can’t walk like that when it’s time to walk he hast to touch the ground With his hands in other words, all four have to touch why because I have to dominate him. So if you want to know who and what you’re supposed to dominate, let me give you the answer very simple. I want you to check your neighbor look at your neighbor look at them real good do you see any feathers? No How about scales and fins? Any scales and fins. Check their shoes or any roots or who’s growing out of them? See if they walk around on all fours no they don’t they walk upright, right? Which means that that human is not on that list. Man was given dominion mandate, but not over one another, and this is very important. What does the dominion mean? Dominion means to govern, to rule, to control, to lead, and to manage and to master. Now, when we think of the word leadership, we think of leading people, Mastering people, dominating people, controlling people. Matter of fact, most people who say they are leaders are controllers. They try to control people and according to Yah, humans are off-limits to control. So let’s talk about what this means then. It means then that leadership has to do not with people but with something else, and that’s why we have got to talk about servant leadership. What does Yah mean by when he says to have dominion? Third point is important. Whatever Yah calls for he provides for. Now what that means is whatever Yah created something to do he designed it with. If Yah created birds to fly, then he designed the birds with flight on the inside. That’s why birds do not attend flight school. It is built-in. Fish were designed by Yah to swim so fish never go to swimming classes. Swim is built into the fish. Seeds were designed by Yah to produce trees. You will never see a tree going to a class on how to grow a tree from a seed. A seed naturally has a tree on the inside all it needs is what? The environment. You must understand the value of getting into the right environment and atmosphere. So your bird cannot fly. If you get it locked away in a cage in your house that’s 2‘ x 2‘. In other words, something like your job. Some of you were designed to do some great things but you are trapped on a job, which is like a bird that is restricted or a fish is not designed by Yah to be in your house in a little bowl that you could watch. A fish is designed to be in the ocean to enjoy the unlimited vastness of the sea and here you are trapped in this bowl like some people are trapped on their jobs. I want to say something, but I’m afraid to say it but I’m going to say it even though I’m afraid to say it I’m going to take a chance and say it and that is some of you may have even trapped yourself in a marriage. That’s why the Bible says, be sober before you get married. If you are not married, you are in the ocean and you can dream as big as you want and go as far as you want but sometimes if you get married to the wrong person they become a birdcage. I would recommend before you get married that you talk to the perspective lucky person and say to them before we proceed any further, can I please advise you of how high I plan to fly just in case you have any ideas of building a cage around my life. I’m an eagle and if you are a pigeon, I’m going to need to go somewhere else. If you are an eagle, do not marry a pigeon. A pigeon cannot fly where eagles can fly. Whatever Yah calls for he provides for. This is important. That means when Yah said, let us create a creature who will have dominion that means, leader ship, rulership, power, control, mastery, we want to Have a teacher that can do all of those things which is why Yah had to create you out of his own materials, because you have to possess the spirit of dominion and power and authority, and mastery and rulership and govern ship. In other words, birds don’t become flyers; they're born with it, they just wait for age. Fish don’t become swimmers, they're born to swim. They just wait to grow up. Humans don’t become rulers or leaders; they're born with this. You just have to wait for the season. To everything there is a season and to every purpose there is a time. In other words, trapped in every single one of you right now is a hidden leader. You have been trapped also by your environment, by your conditions, by people's opinions, by a culture by all by kinds of traditions and and matter-of-fact most people die, never leaving the cage of their society. What a tragedy. That’s why the Bible says don’t believe anyone’s opinions of you. Paul says let Yah be true and every man a liar. In other words whatever they say, “you cannot make it” they are lying. you will never be somebody, “they are lying “. The only person you should believe is the manufacturer. You can do what the manufacturer says you can do, and anything less is a lie. That’s why HaSatan is the father of lies because he’s afraid to tell you the truth about yourself. if Yah said it whether you believe it or not that settles it. That means you’ve been built with leadership. This also means that Yah created man to dominate everything except the image of Yah. Don’t ever forget that. Yah created man to dominate everything on the earth except the image of Yah. Let me make a comment here. I want you to read for me please Genesis chapter 1 let’s go back there read verse 27 and women I want you to read it twice. Over the past six or seven weeks on our national television news all over the world we’ve been introduced, some of us, to a nation called Afghanistan. It is being led by a group of religious zealots who call themselves the Taliban. Taliban means actually students. These are men who are students from a school of Islam. They have an extreme belief. One of their beliefs are very clear and that is women are not equal to men in value and in authority and substance. Now you better listen carefully. So what you are seeing on national television all over the world is a human being dominated by another human. Let’s read what Yah says about these humans. Genesis chapter 1 verse 27. So Yah created man in his own image, in the image of Yah created he him male and female created he them, and Yah blessed them, and said unto them; Be fruitful, multiply, and replenish and subdue the earth and have dominion. He said it to who? Both of them, which means both male and female were given the same assignment of dominion over fish and birds and cattle and trees, and all things that creep. Which means that both male and female were equally assigned by Yah to be rulers, governors, leaders, managers, and masters of the earth. But we see women being treated less than animals. Yah says in this Bible that a woman’s hair is his glory but here the Taliban is saying to cover it up. Yah says a woman is to be treated as a delicate vessel, protected and covered and guarded, and carefully cared for, but the Taliban says that they must be behind them like a dog, and cannot study, and cannot get a education, and cannot develop themselves, cannot expand their brain, cannot develop their intellect, they cannot get any kind of progress and that is what is opposite to what the Bible teaches. Why is this important? Because leadership is not dominating people. Let them have dominion. A wife is a man. The word man is the name Yah gave to a species. Let me just read something for you just to seal this thing. Turn to chapter 5 of Genesis, verse one. This is the account of Adam’s Lion: when Yah created men he made him in the likeness of Yah; verse two, he created them male and female and blessed them, and when they were created, he called them Man. I rest my case. Man is the name of the species. So inside of a wife is a man. A spirit that is the same image as a male, same value, same ability. What Yah did was he wanted to release Man to fill the whole earth so he put all of Man in one body called Adam. The word Adam is not a name. Write it down. Adam means dark earth. It is not a name. It is a description. The man is the spirit being, but the body that Yah put him in. He called it dark earth. Adam. As a matter fact, throughout the Bible, both women and men are both called Adam, because they are both dark earth. Dark earth is quite logical, because the location of the garden of Eden, as you may know, proven so far is northern Africa and the earth there looks something like mine, so like me now that makes sense scientifically too because if you put all the colors in the world in one bucket and you stir it, it’ll end up with Black so got established black with everybody in it. Is that simple clear? No racism just scientific, spiritual fact. So from one man act chapter 17 verse 24. Write it down from one man Yah made all the nations of men, the word nations means ethnos. All the ethnic groups came from one man. Yah had everybody in one body so we have one body with everybody but now Yah wants everybody to come out of the one body. The only problem is that the one body cannot produce more body, so Yah goes inside the one body and pulls out another body and made that body a female why? Because now the male and the female can get together and produce more bodies so that more man can come out. That’s why Yah didn’t create Steve for Adam because the purpose for creating the two genders is to produce more dirt houses so that more man could manifest on earth, and two men cannot produce more dirt houses. This is not a mystery. Now they are trying really hard to do this, men are trying, they are trying sex change by a surgeon, but they cannot perform this miracle. Breaking your wrist and walking with a ponytail and earrings doesn’t make this happen, brother. If you do not have a womb, you are not qualified. It is that simple. I do not understand the arguments that people go through. The purpose for the two genders is to produce more dirt houses so that the man that was trapped in Adam could come out and fill the earth. Two females cannot produce dirt houses. Let me throw that in in case you think I forgot. So lesbianism is not the plan of Yah. so, if you are involved, stop it now you sinner and abominable one. Say it with me, purpose over pleasure. Yah is more concerned about his purpose than your personal pleasure. So Yah created them male and female and he blessed them, and he told both of them to have what? Dominion. This is Yah‘s purpose and plan. So built into every woman is a powerful leader, and built into every man is a powerful leader. Other words, every male and female are both leaders with the same ability. So you cannot treat a woman less than a man in value. I am so frustrated when I see those photographs on television of women walking around like ghosts and Islam, and what I cannot understand is that when you read the Quran, which I have, matter fact, I would encourage all of you Christians to buy a Quran And read it. It is nothing but the Old Testament. so I do not understand, and I am trying to figure out how they could have Genesis in the Quran and missed that. They love women so much they have more than one of them. How come you like something so much and you hate it. If you study the word of Yah, the portion of the Quran that belongs to the Bible, it does explain that he made both of them male and female, and he blessed both of them and told them to have dominion together over the Earth. I don’t understand the problem. So Man was created by Yah to dominate everything except the image of Yah. If a woman can be dominated by a man, then that means she is not the image of Yah. That’s logical, it makes sense. That means a woman has feathers, she has scales and fins, and she creeps along the ground and she is a beast. A woman is the image of Christ. A woman is the image of Yah manifested in a beautiful, female body in Yahusha name. That’s why when the Bible says the body of Hamachiach there is neither male or female. Some of our own Christian leaders cannot get that one. What a tragedy because we don’t understand leadership. This point, I want to make clear. Man fell from dominion and not from heaven. You cannot go to a place you did not fall from. The Bible does not begin man in heaven. It begins man on earth. Adam fell from dominion, his responsibility over the earth, he lost that. As a matter of fact, he subjugated the kingdom. He was supposed to rule someone else, and we know who that is. It is an unemployed, cherub HaSatan, who lost his position because he himself didn’t understand true leadership. True leadership is not usurping authority over your authority. True leadership is finding your role and playing it under the authority you’ve been placed under serving your gift to that authority and HaSatan made a big mistake. He decided to be the boss and he got kicked out, and then he came to earth and tempted you with the same thing. Would you like to be like Yah he says? Now the only difference between HaSatan and you is that you were already like who he was saying you should be like. See he was desiring something he could never be. He was tempting you with something you already were and it worked. Write this down. The ultimate sin is self doubt. The ultimate sin is self doubt. What kind of statement is that? If you study the temptation, Genesis chapter 3 that was the ultimate sin. They doubted who they already were. Yah said in chapter 1 they were like him in his image, and his likeness, and his nature and his character already and here comes Satan saying, you really are not like who he says you are so they doubted Yah said they were in order to attempt to become who they already were. Scientist and psychologist have concluded that the number one problem of humanity is not money, poverty, sickness, or anything. The number one problem of humanity is identity crisis. We don’t know who we are so we’re trying to be everybody else. We keep doubting our own ability, our own value, our own nature, so we keep putting on other people. As a matter of fact, some of us are solo, we become like animals trying to be like animals. That’s why Yahusha came. Yahusha came to give us back our self image. Now he couldn’t give us back our self image unless he could show us what it looks like. So the Bible says Yah became flesh and dwelt among us and we were able to hold. Behold, means to look, to see his glory. What is glory? Nature. So we could see ourselves. That is why we love Yahusha so much. The people who follow Yahusha in the New Testament 2000 years ago these were all kinds of people. Rich, poor, pagans, everybody, religious people. Everyone followed him why? They liked what they saw why? Because they saw themselves. They saw what it looks like to walk on water and dominate the earth, or to speak to trees and they die or to speak to fish and they Fill the net or to literally stop a storm. They saw the human spirit controlling the earth and they said I like that so they followed him everywhere he went to the point where they almost starved the death and he took three loaves and two fishes, and he multiplied them, and they even saw How he controls Adams. They said, I like this man, no, you like yourself. You’ll get that after I’m done. You like what you saw that looks so natural why? Because it is. That’s why when you cast out a demon you take authority over the spirits that are not supposed to be here. Yah is not impressed with you when you cancel the demon. Yah is not impressed when we take authority over the germs of tuberculosis or take authority over AIDS or take authority over any type of sickness in your body. Yah is not impressed or shocked when you bind and loose and cast out disease and infirmity. Matter of fact, one day he told the disciples go out and do it and they went out and they did it and they cast out demons and they raised the dead and they healed the sick and when they came back, they said to Yahusha give me five as they are holding up their hand And said look what we did and Hamachiach says do not rejoice because these things happen. What is the big deal? This is normal for you. What to rejoice over is that you have reconnected to heaven and now your name is back in the book. That’s the real thing you should rejoice over. You are back in touch with your manufacturer. He spoke to a tree, and they became shocked. He said, why do you worry about speaking to a tree? You can speak to mountains. In other words, you have fallen so low that being natural is exceptional. I’m going to say that one more time. He said you have fallen so low from who you really used to be that being natural is exceptional. Speaking to a tree shocks you, and you have the power to speak to a mountain. I want you to see the mountain of all your bills in front of you right now, speak to the mountain and tell it to move and go into the seat. Now that takes a Yah kind of faith. Go, in the name of Yahusha, by the authority of my image go. The mountain is moving. Now the challenge comes is that you have to say that every morning. You have to say it until the mountainous history. You have the power to do that. Whatever he calls you for you can do. This last point. Trapped in every human spirit is a hidden leader and every man is searching for that dominion again. It is a very important statement at the end here. Every human fell from dominion and that is what they’re searching for. You always look for what you lost. Isn’t that right?You only look for what you lost. Let me tell you something and this is going to blow your mind. Humans are not looking for heaven. You know you don’t really want to go to heaven. Heaven is not the motivation. The number one problem with earth right now is heaven. The world trade towers were destroyed because of heaven. Heaven kills people. Because you told me that if I kill myself then I’m going to go to heaven, so I kill myself just to get there. Heaven is dangerous. Heaven is causing the problems on earth. So why is he a problem? Heaven promises us what we are looking for. Follow me, what are we looking for? Dominion over our environment. The reason why you hate earth is because the bank owes you, owns your car, the bank owns your house, the bank owns your kids tuition and the bank owns the clothes on your back. The bank owns your future, and you are a prisoner on earth and they control what you do, where you eat, where you live, you are not dominating, you are dominated and you hate this place. The bills control your life, the boss controls your life, the company owns your life and you are unstable and insecure. You hate earth and then on top of that here comes sickness and you can’t get rid of it and the doctors can’t fix it and the medicine can’t cure it, and here on a planet, where nothing is under your control, and you were built to control it so there’s a promise of a place which says when you go there that there’s no more sickness, there’s no more bills, no more problems, no more pressure, no more fears and then you want to go there because you are looking for a place where you feel that you are in Dominion. That’s why you love heaven. Heaven promises you dominion. The only problem with heaven is that the Bible never promises you Dominion in heaven. Do you remember the way you felt the last time you paid off a bill? when you made that last payment you were skipping out of the bank you got in your car and you turn the window down for the first time and you said hello everybody and felt so good. You felt free and you felt a taste of dominion. Let them have dominion, and that is what every man is searching for. That's why you want to die and go to heaven and there is nothing up there for you. Yah gave you dominion over the Earth and that is what we have lost. You are supposed to be a ruler over earth. Write that down please. Ruler over earth. Write it down. Ruler over earth. turn your Bible to Psalms chapter 115. I want you to read verse 14. What does it say? May the Most High Yah increase both you and your children. I like that. May you be blessed by the Most High, the maker of two places, heaven, and earth. Next statement. The highest heaven does not belong to you. Oh, sorry, the highest heaven belongs to the Most High. And the earth he gave to Man. Yah cannot return to you what he never gave you. You cannot redeem what you never had. You cannot repossess what you never possessed. You are a leader over earth. So heaven is attractive because it promises us what we’re looking for on earth, and that is dominion. That is why I close with this understanding and these words. The kingdom is man’s pursuit, because the kingdom promises you dominion again. King means ruler Dom means dominion and so what you are really looking for is what you lost. Every human being is looking for the same thing. Matthew chapter 11 Yahusha said these words he says, from the days of John the Baptist until the kingdom of heaven has not been forcibly advancing and forceful men of violent men seek to lay hold on it. That statement is an interesting statement. Yah says the kingdom of Yah was prophesied by the apostles, and by the prophets, and by the law givers, and then John the Baptist introduced it, and he himself brought it. Yahusha Christ. He said up until John they talked about it. That means John was the last person to tell you the kingdom was coming back to earth, the ability for you to rule again, is coming back. When you read the old testament there are glimpses of kingdom life, and these are the people we call heroes. A biblical hero is a woman or a man who kind of fell into kingdom life for a few minutes and then they fell back out. That is what a hero is. Moses is a hero, what did he do? Moses tapped into kingdom life. He spoke to a rock and water came out, he spoke to the sky and food came down. He took a piece of wood and stretched it across water, and it opened. He was experiencing what? Dominion over the planet. Everyone was saying wow, but Yah was saying that is normal. we are all trying to find dominion over our circumstances. Hamachiach says up to John they’ve been trying to find it, but he opens his ministry like this in Matthew chapter 4 verse 17 and from that time Yahusha began to preach repent for the kingdom of heaven has returned. The ability to dominate the earth is here again. He is a great king.

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