Monday, April 30, 2012

Examine Yourself.

2 Corinthians 13:5; Romans 8:16; 1 Peter 2:2; John 13:35; Matthew 12:34; Proverbs 3:12; 2 Chronicles 7:14

We are walking in today:  Examine Yourself.

2 Corinthians 13:5  Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?  Reprobate is defined to condemn strongly as unworthy, unacceptable, or evil.  Everyone on the phone this morning, needs to do a self-check and examine yourself.  When we are out of line with Christian standards we have to ask ourselves, "am I a true Christian, or am I a counterfeit?  Have I been born again, or am I putting up a front?"  Those of us who are Christians ought to ask ourselves that occasionally--it is a good idea to examine yourself, especially if there is any wrong behavior involved.  The very fact, the Apostle could ask a question like that indicates that a possible answer is what marks true Christianity.  A Christian, of course, is not simply one who joins a Christian church.  Nor does adhering to a certain moral standard in your life or the fact that you constantly read the bible--make you a Christian.  A true Christian is someone in whom Christ, dwells.  And the person in whom Christ dwells will have a certain inescapable evidence of that fact given to him or her.  Paul suggests that we ask ourselves if we have the evidence that Jesus Christ lives in us.  You may be asking how can I know that?  The answer is found in several places in scripture.  For instance, scripture speaks of an inner witness--in Romans Paul says, The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. (Romans 8:16)  That is one way you can know, there is an inner testimony, a feeling, a sense within, produced by the Spirit of God who dwells within, that you are part of the great family of God.  Scripture speaks also of desires that are born in the heart of new Christians.  1 Peter 2:2 says, (AMP) Like newborn babies you should crave (thirst for, earnestly desire) the pure (unadulterated) spiritual milk, that by it you may be nurtured and grow unto [completed] salvation.   One of the marks of born again believers is that they have a deep and sudden thirst for the word of God--a hunger to be fed, to know the truth of who God really is.  The inner change will also produce an outward change, which is not all subjective.  We can answer the question, "Is Jesus Christ in you?"  By observing our conduct because the inner change will produce a different attitude towards our behavior.  One of the striking things about new Christians is that they invariably begin to manifest a totally different attitudes towards the things that they once thought were appropriate.  In some of the more blatant forms of evil such as attitudes about lying, drunkenness or stealing--they find immediately that their attitude is changed.  That is because Christ lives in them, and the light can have no part with darkness.  Christ cannot share Belial (2 Corinthians 6:14-16).  Even our attitudes towards our selfishness changes.  We see how selfish we have been, it looks ugly and a disastrous in our eyes.  And we want to be free from it.
So this morning it is time to deal with self.  God is coming for back for the church and the church is us!  When that woman was caught in adultery, and Jesus told her accusers let he without sin to cast the first stone (John 8:3-11); which is such an amazing statement that Jesus who is a man who knew no sin--did not cast a stone at her.  He tells her once they have all left that He does not condemn her, but He tells her to sin no more.  We are to strive to commit no sins, we are to follow in the footsteps of Christ.  Do we look like Christ when we look in the mirror?  Or are we only Sunday Christians, is there God on the inside of you?!  He is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle.  This is the times of Revelation.  You don't want God to tell you, "I know you not, thou works of iniquity."  Whether you were in the right place at the right time, out of order, is out of order!  Stop judging!!  Fiveamprayer, it is time to examine yourself!  Are you walking and living right?  Lining up with His word in all areas?  Repent for those things that are not in line with His word.  What are you saying?!  What are you doing?!  Are you out of order?!  Time for a check up--self examination time!  Are you praying without ceasing?  Are you reading His word?  Are you training up your children in the way that they should go?  Time to examine yourself!  Sitting on the phone and gossiping about others, God's word says that love covers a multitude of sins.  Really when you stop to look at it, how good is your record really?  Has is always been that way, was there grace and mercy available for you to get it right and really turn from that thing?  Is not that same grace and mercy available for them?  Since when did you become god?  You created the world and all that lies within?  No?!  Well let God run His universe the way that He sees fit.  Now that you are all cleaned up, so you think you are appointed judge?  Take a look again in that mirror, there are some spots, blemishes and things in need of correction!!  It is you--that needs to be quiet and still and get right with God.  Time for a self examination!  Jesus came that we would have life and that more abundantly.  Not that we would try to lord over others our idea of 'righteousness'.  As if we were ever right, before the blood or Christ!  That is where the righteousness comes from not anything that we have done or thought up.  Go out and encourage others, be a positive voice in all that clatter of negativity.  Speak peace in a angry atmosphere.  Call those things that be not as though they were.  Fiveamprayer, let us set down our stones, that would be very hypocritical to throw stones at others when you are not without blame or fault.  This begins with you--you are accountable for your actions.  How about you take care of you and let God handle your neighbors and others.  How can the doctor operate while they are in desperate need of surgery themselves?!  Are you reflecting the love of Christ that is in you?  John 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.  Are you walking out His word by faith, or are you trying to fix this in your flesh?  Fiveamprayer, prove your own selves--less you be turned over to a reprobate mind.  You better get it together!  You better truly seek God!  He has given us power and authority--all things are working for our good!  Look to God for the cure, the fix, the repair.  Some times when the word comes we say ouch, that cut me--but it is true!  We need to examine ourselves.  What are you doing while you are out there talking about others?!  You are not God, He is the one and only!  Repent right now, tell Him I am sorry for thinking that I was god.  Forgive me for what I have said about others , I should be examining myself instead of others!  If we would get ourselves right, how much better would the world, be?!  Ask Him to wash you and give you a clean heart.  Matthew 12:34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.  Take a look at everything that you say, is it the enemy or God speaking?  Examine yourself, or God may turn you over to reprobate mind.  He is coming back--we are living in the last days of the Revelation of Jesus Christ!  You better do an examination!  It is time for a check up!  With the one and only Doctor, God!  Ask Him to put your steps in order, for Him to order your steps in His word.  We must walk in humility and crucify our flesh, there has been too much carnality.  Examine yourself!  Why do you keep seeking others for answers--you are the problem  Examine yourself!  Ask God for a clean heart, to not speak those things that are in your mind.  Let us cast down every imagination that would attempt to exalt itself against the high knowledge of God!  What are you saying and thinking?!  Examine yourself, how to respond to others actions and what has been said.  You will see that many times is is you!  Examine yourself today, let those without sin cast the first stone!  Hallelujah God!  Examine yourself!  We lift up fiveamprayer, it is time for a self exam.  To sit at Your feet and repent.  Lord give us a clean heart.  He is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle.  We lift up prayer requests those known and unknown.  We lift up those that stand in need of a lawyer in the courtroom.  We are looking to He who stands strong when we are weak.  Thank You Lord for giving us power, love and sound mind, when that lie of fear comes to shake us.  You have made all things to work together for the good of them that love the Lord.  We come to repent because we are doing a self examination.  You have called for the true worshipers to worship You in spirit and in truth!  We come to repent for all of our judgmental words and thoughts.  Lord help us to go through this day with a self examination plan.  Thank You Lord for teaching us how important it is to forgive, that we are forgiven by You.

We seal this prayer in His precious blood, by His Spirit: 
Self examination, examine yourself!

Welcome to the overflow...
Hallelujah!  Thank You God!  We just love Him more and more every day!  He is a God of correction!  Proverbs 3:12 For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.  Thank You, God!  The word is a two-edged sword, examine yourself.  Hallelujah!  Glory to Your name!  This word was for all of us today!  From the bottom to the top and the top to the bottom!  Time for a self exam, with your judgmental self.  God is giving us time to repent, 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.  Fiveamprayer, we have to turn from our wicked ways!  That is why we must do a self exam.  Stop looking at everyone else, while you are helping your sister take a splinter out of her eye, how about removing that big old tree from your eye?!  Visit us on facebook, it will encourage you!  Have a blessed day!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Fertilized By God.

Luke 6:43-45

We are walking in today:  Fertilized By God.

Luke 6:43-45 43) For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 44) For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes. 45) A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.  Do we bear good fruit?  Do we have a store of goodness in our hearts?  Or a store of evil?  I think it all depends on our own roots.  In what we are rooted in.  A tree rooted in a good and fertile soil that receives sunshine and a decent amount of rain, will bear good fruit.  It is no wonder that scriptures often talk about soil and trees in comparison  to the human heart.  The analogy has endless wisdom in it.  Our hearts are the trees, we are called to root them in God.  It is, He after all that has the best and most fertile soil.  We receive endless Son-shine from Him!  When I say Son-shine I mean the light of Jesus!  He longs to shower us with His mercy.  That we may produce much fruit.  But what happens when our hearts aren't rooted in Him?!  What happens when we take our roots out of His rich soil and place them deep somewhere else--like sin?  We suffer and we don't grow.  We don't bear as much or any good fruit.  Our roots become withered and as we search, we search in vain.  Our spiritual life, we gotta think about this--always rooted in God!  Using the right fertilizer, our spiritual life is a little like flowers.  It needs tending to, and constant feeding, watering and fertilizing.  We feed our spiritual life by going to church and listening to the word of God and being taught.  We water our spirit by reading the word of God.  Go on an get deep into it and wait on the Holy Spirit to enlighten you to the meaning of each passage that you read.  We are fertilized by the word we have taken in by constantly keeping up with our reading and listening to the Holy Spirit.  Daily reading and studying, will give you the fertilizer, that you need, in order to have that word ready when you need it.  Because there will be trials and problems in your life.  Just like that flower, if the correct balance of nutrients isn't given  to your spirit, then you will not grow and blossom into the Christian that God intended you to become.  Ask God to keep you planted in the word--daily to overcome and get the right balance of nutrients for our spirit.  God warns us again and again to produce fruit and keep with repentance (Matthew 3:8, Luke 3:8).  To produce fruit means, that the fruit of the Holy Spirit, is to be a natural outflow of the eternal God--moving things through you, by His Spirit.  So to produce fruit in keeping with repentance--means to be soul facing God.  That your life displays your fervent love for Him!  For who He is, moving out of the gratitude and love to obedience to Him!  The seed is the word of God.  Those along the path who hear, then the devil comes and takes away the word from their heart, so they may not believe and be saved.  To those on the rock, are the ones that receive the word with joy then they hear it, but they don't have no root.  They believe for a while but in the time of testing, fall away.  The seed that fell amongst the thorns stands for those who hear the word of God, but as they go along, the word is choked by the ways of the world--lies, chasing riches and pleasures--they don't get to mature.  But the seed that fell on good ground, stands for those that have a noble and good heart who hear the word of God and retain it.  And by persevering, produces a good crop (Luke 8:11-15). 
I am talking about we are fertilized by God!  Those scriptures, you will have to look up for yourself.  Some times we gotta get in the word and see what God wants to share with us!  He has planted us in fertilized soil.  We are like a tree planted by the river.  God gave us the seed this week!  Look to Him, He gives the increase of the seed.  So fiveamprayer, is the seed in you?!  He has given us the seed of the promise this week--this is no regular seed, this seed represents Christ!  God has already prepared a way for us!  He is more than able!  No matter what comes against us, He will never leave us nor forsake us!  Praise Him for the fertilizer in our marriages, children and finances.  The more you read His word, you will see His word giving  you the necessary nutrients.  We have got to know to get in His word, seeking Him and to retain it.  Some times we get worried and weak but God sent us something to strengthen us!  God is pruning and purging us--Jesus is the true vine and God is the husbandman.  We shall come forth as pure gold.  Can't no one get the glory but God! He planted us in fertilized soil.   He planted us from Genesis to Revelation.  Look to David who danced in the Psalms.  Look to the book of Deuteronomy where we see how God kept the children of Israel in the wilderness.  His word shall not come back void, it shall do all that He sent it out to do.  That soil that you draw from everyday, that is causing something to stir on the inside.  It is springing forth, shall you not know it?!  It is nobody but God!  He said this is the year that we will see.  Look to He who is well able to do more than we can ask or think!  We are to pray without ceasing, to pray and not faint.  We shall reap the harvest if we faint not!  No weapon formed against us shall prosper, we are planted by and in the Lord!  You have a promise that is a seed!  Fiveamprayer, be rooted in His word!  He knew us while we were yet in our mother's wombs.  His ways are not our ways nor His thoughts like our thoughts.  Thank You God!  As high as the heavens are high we shall be like a tree planted by the river--we shall not be moved!  Look at yourself, fertilized by God!  We can't lose with the stuff that He uses!  No man gets the credit, give God all of the glory!  Give Him glory for this seedtime and harvest!  He sent His Son to shine on us, how can we not grow?!  Look to God, He gives the increase to the seed!  Seek and we shall find!  The harvest is plenty but the labors are few, stand up and believe Him.  Know it is God's hand--in your situation.  Are you on post?  Are you watching and praying?  This spiritual warfare, the devil is trying to disguise your season and take you out.  Are you really fighting like never before?!  Are you putting on the whole armor of God?  No devil in hell can stop us!  Give God glory and praise!  Thank You for the fertilizer!  For sending Your word, the word that stands forever!  He will bring you through and out!  It was Him all of the time!  In every test, trial and tribulation, stand and hold on to the word!  The Lord is our Shepherd, we shall not want!  He places a table before us in the presence of our enemies!  Fiveamprayer, we are fertilized by God!  That is why there are so many attacks coming at you right now!  We must stand together on His word, in unity there is commanded blessings!  Fiveamprayer will not stop praying and seeking Him!  With attacks in our marriages and finances--our response is, with God for us who can stand against us?!  We are fertilized by God!  We are on  the Lord's side!  Recognize who you are and who's you are!  Fertilized by God!  He can speak a word, right into your situation!  Get into the Bible to strengthen you.  Hold on to His word!  We can't give up now!  This is the last days--you have gotta know that!  Have you soul anchored in the Lord, gripping on the solid rock of Christ.  Thank You Lord for giving a word that we can stand on from Genesis to Revelation!  For filling us till we want no more!  The devil wants to disguise our season, we shall reap the harvest if we faint not!  Keep standing on His promises, it is seed time!  God gives seed to the sower!  Thank You for fertilizing us, God!  Think about the seed going in the ground--then dirt placed over to cover the seed.  When I talk about the seed, I am talking about Christ going into the ground and they covered Him up.  He was placed in a tomb and a stone rolled over the entrance, so that He could not get away.  When the seed went into the ground, there was some fertilizer, there--He got up on the third day!  Jesus went to hell to take back the keys of the kingdom and to lead captivity, captive!  We live because He died, becoming a seed and springing forth righteousness three days later!  Thank You Lord!  Hallelujah!  Can't nobody preserve you like God!  Lazarus was preserved by God.  When Jesus called his name, he had to get up.  Every step you take, has been fertilized by God!  Come forth, fiveamprayer!  Walk out of this thing together and cross over into this Jordan.  Walk it out, don't just talk this word, live it!  We are fertilized by God!  Through Christ we can do all things!  We are more than conquers and overcomers!  Greater is He that is within me, than he that is within this world!  He told Lazarus to get up and come forth!  You have been fertilized by God!  No condemnation because we have asked for forgiveness and turned from our wicked ways.  Come up a little higher!  Spread His word, He put seed on the inside of you!  Get up and go over to the other side.  Brothers and sisters , cross over that Jordan together!  Fertilized by God!  Still I rise!  Can't no devil in hell hold me down!  Thought he had buried us with all has gone on--the devil is defeated!  What the devil meant for our harm, God turned it for our good!  There was purpose for it all--the struggles with our children, difficulties in our marriages, trying times in our finances.  Know the truth and it shall make you free!  We are fertilized by God!  We are sustained by Jesus!  God is covering us, like never before!  Lord we come to life up fiveamprayer, this morning, God bless them for what ever they stand in the need of.  He said He will keep us in perfect peace with our minds stayed on Him!  The peace in the middle of a storm, kind of  peace.  Thank You God!  You know what comes after fertilizing?  The latter rain.  We come to repent, Lord for all of the wrong we have done and even thought!  Thank You Lord for forgiving with no condemnation, casting our sins into the sea that they be remembered no more!  Thank You for demonstrating for us how we are to forgive others--that we too can be forgiven!

We seal this prayer in His precious blood, by His Spirit:  Thank You for the fertilizer, Lord!

Welcome to the overflow...
When we were getting weak, the fertilizer will anchor our souls.  Trust and believe that who the Son sets free, is truly free indeed!  He came that we would have life and that more abundantly!  Fiveamprayer, we are to know, that we know, that we know, that He has already made a way out for us!  That He has this all working out for our good!  Thank You Lord!  Take time out today to read the scriptures for yourself!  Visit us on facebook, it will encourage you.  Have a blessed weekend--take some time to rest in the Father, He has fertilized you!  Amen!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Growing Pains.

John 15:1-10; Galatians 5:22; Psalm 37:23; 2 Corinthians 10:5; Romans 12:2; Proverbs 23:7; Joshua 1:8; Daniel 2:22; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Matthew 7:1-2; Luke 23:42-43; Proverbs 13:24

We are walking in today:  Growing Pains.

John 15:1-10 1) I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2) Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. 3) Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. 4) Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. 5) I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. 6) If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. 7) If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. 8) Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. 9) As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. 10) If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.  Is it painful to grow as a Christian?  Have you ever said in the natural, that it hurts to grow up?  Or when will it all end?  How many times have you heard someone say, we must grow up in Christ or let us move on to maturity in the things of God?  Other times we may have heard these trials help you to grow.  I have heard these questions in sermons and books that it seems like a never ending process.  When I asked God, His response was. "it is."  I think I was hoping that some day I would feel I had arrived.  Because of the daily struggles caused from the pressures of life, and the trials that help to build character, I felt like I should be one of the best characters anyone could meet (just kidding).  I have been through so much, that I understand what it means to go through the growing process.  The fruit of the Spirit will be evident to those around people who allow the Holy Spirit to deal with their imperfections.  He will change them by helping them to have godly attitudes.  They will find that they are more kind, patient, loving, and selfless.  They will not be so critical or judgmental of others.  The list goes on and on.  If at this point you feel you haven't arrived, don't worry, we will cross over this Jordan together.  The journey will end when we cross to heaven's side and the Lord says, "well done my good and faithful servant.  Because you endured, took up your cross, denied yourself, and followed Me, you will enjoy the rewards of the kingdom!"  The journey may seem to be too hard, but if you allow the Holy Spirit to deal with you in certain areas, the process will be easier.  In spite of all trials, growing pains, or whatever you choose to call them, thank God there is away out!!  The way out is Jesus.  Remember on yesterday my seed is a promise.  He promised that He would make away of escape through every trial.  Is is like going from kindergarten to the first grade, and then on to middle school, then to high school, and finally to graduation day.  We don't want to be like the Israelites wandering in the desert for 40 years, going around the same mountain over and over again.  Let us tell the Lord that He has permission to teach us and we will do our best to get it right and graduate!  When you think about the fruits of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith.  The word purge is defined, to remove (impurities and other elements) by or as if by cleansing to rid of sin, guilt.  Then the word prune is defined, trim (i.e. a tree, shrub, or bush) by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems, to increase fruitfulness and growth.
You gotta think about this--this morning, as you go through your growing pains.  The word we had this morning said that Jesus is the vine and God is the husbandman, that any branch not bearing fruit is taken away.  What God is doing is purging and pruning us to make us better, wiser and stronger!  He is teaching us how to love unconditionally in your marriage, while you are experiencing growing pains.  Some of us have growing pains because we are not forgiving what our spouse has done, not letting that thing go.  For those of us having growing pains in our finances, because we have not been good stewards over what He has given us, by not giving Him our first fruits.  Don't forget that God is the Provider not the money.  He may strip it away so that you can place you trust in the correct place--no longer relying on the things that your flesh or thoughts can produce.  There is no one and nothing that can surpass God's perfect record of keeping and providing for us!  There are so many of us that are asking why do we have to go through or suffer?  Look to the only Begotten, He suffered, why not you?!  God will not put more on us than we can bear!  Look to Jesus, He is the Way, the Truth and the Life!  God has already made a way of escape for us!  Will we turn to His word to find out exit strategy?!  You do know that this life is open book, yes it is better to study and have it written on the inside, but for those that have not gotten there yet--there is no shame in diving into the word of God to get what you need!  He inspired it, and had it written down just for you, to speak to you, comfort you and  to direct you.  We serve the living God and His word is alive also!  No matter how many times you read a scripture over and over in different times and seasons and there is something that you take away.  That you can grasp on to, that will pull you up out or take you to higher ground!  We are experiencing growing pains, because God is stretching us to take us to another level.  As children when we would hit growth spurts we would often experience growing pains and then none of our clothes would fit within the next few weeks.  We are coming up out of our old clothes/old ways into the good clothes and way of our God!  God is moving us to the place that we need to be in!  Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. Fiveamprayer, time for a self-check--are you doing what God has told you to do, in His word?  God is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle, you know that we are the church!  He is shaping and molding us to make us stronger.  Pain is apart of the process.  We have to grow up in Christ, fiveamprayer!  No more milk, it is time for meat!  We need to grow up and see we are living in the last days of the book of Revelation.  This is about working out your own soul salvation. We each have our own relationship with God, and have to go before Him to give an account.  We want to hear well done, My good and faithful servant.  Growing pains may continue, we must not cease in our study of His word or prayers, for our marriages and health.  Fiveamprayer keep standing and looking to God.  Who the Son sets free is free indeed!  The righteous are never forsaken!  We are to pick up our cross and follow Christ.  He has planted us in His word.  Are you holding on  to His word or your flesh?  Line up with His word like never before!  It it time to burn up your flesh, before you flesh causes you to burn in that eternal flame!  Let us walk in the spirit man, some of these growing pains are from our own imaginations.  God's word has directions for that:  2 Corinthians 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.  Time out for just accepting everything that shows up.  We must purge our minds from all that is not from God!  Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.  The enemy comes to attack us in our mind, planting seeds of doubt and fear.  Fiveamprayer, cast it down!  We are to be the head only, never the tail, lenders and never borrowers.  We must walk in the authority that He has given us!  God clean up our hearts and wash us in the blood!  Get it right--so that we can serve You!  He knows our hearts. Think of David who fell many times but he repented, but he is known as a man after God's own heart.  We need to be like David and repent for out wrongs, not trying to hide from God--fixing it ourselves.  That is another reason why the heat is on and we are squirming in what we are in.  Come to the Father and repent and He will get you taken care of!  Fiveamprayer, we must even repent for the thoughts that we think--Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.  God we come to You today to repent for what we have done and thought that was not in line with Your word.  We cast down every imagination that would exalt itself against the high knowledge of God.  Lord cut off pride, unforgiveness and fear--You did not give us a spirit of fear--but of power, love and sound mind!  Wash us Lord, that our old ways are no more, that we fully take on the new creature that was purchased by the perfect blood of Christ.  Many are sitting in church, stagnant, not hearing a liberating word.  We have to really get into His word from Genesis to Revelation!  We want more of You Lord and less of us!  Fill us with Your Spirit!  Many of us are dying, due to no water in the churches!  Christ gives us living water that we will not thirst for the things of the world any more!  We have to get more and more of His word on the inside, that it can rise up when we are not able to speak for ourselves!  We are supposed to each work out our own soul salvation.  God tells us that if we seek Him, we shall find Him!  Some of us are only looking to be spoon fed on Sundays.  If you don't get into the Bible and hear what God wants to speak to you!  No more of this ask God what I should do.  You have to seek Him for yourself.  Just like if you were to pick up a package they will ask for ID, so if your name and the package don't match they will not give it to you.  We each need our own relationship with the Father, you can't just keep going on the blessings of those around you.  You are to be a blessing as well, how can you allow the blessing to flow through you into someone else if the Father doesn't have a close relationship with you?  Fiveamprayer we are to know who He is for ourselves!  He is Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Tsidkenu, Jehovah Nissi, Emmanuel, the King of kings and the Lord of Lords!  We want to know Him and be known by Him!  How do you get to know someone?  Spending time with them and talking with them frequently is a great start--just enjoying their presence.  Spend some time with the Father, He is waiting for His wayward son or daughter to come back home.  He has open arms and heart to receive you!  He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Look to Him, He makes all things possible!  Growing pains.  He is trying to get you right--He is looking for a church without spot or wrinkle.  We are the righteousness of God, He has to cut off those things that are not bearing fruit so that you can grow.  That is why they cut back plants in the natural, the dead portions will take up the nutrients and the healthy/viable portion will be undernourished.  But once cut back or pruned they begin to flourish!  Fiveamprayer, get ready to flourish with a influx spiritual of nutrients--we are spiritual beings wrapped in flesh.  Time out for playing church and all of those sugar coated messages.  Yes we have the joy of the Lord but what is gonna save our souls?  What is gonna set us free?  How do we deal with trials?  The answer, only God's word!  Go ahead and find a word for yourself that speaks to you and what you are in.  Read that scripture out loud so that God's word is in your atmosphere and being planted in your heart because you are reading it and hearing it also.  We are to watch and pray.  We are called to meditate on His word, day and night, as God told His servant in, Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.  Hallelujah God!  Growing pains are the only way to grow, with your unforgiving and prideful self.  Growing pains, asking why am I going through this test, trial, tribulation, it is to make you stronger, better, wiser!  In all of our ways we are to acknowledge Him.  He is directing our path.  He is the Author and Finisher of our faith!  He knows the beginning from the end and the end from the beginning.  He has already written our story, a long time ago.  We need to go take a look in the mirror, the enemy is us!  God is trying to clean us up--out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.  It is not some thing that we can hide.  Although many try to hide it but it will surface, eventually and come out.  Thank You God for giving us discernment so that we know who we are dealing with.  In every growing pain we must seek Him like never before!  God is trying to fix you heart--Jesus is the vine and God the husbandman, those that don't abide in Him are cut off.  Look to God He is the one that is in control of this whole thing anyway.  Tell those you are hanging around with the truth.  Knowing the truth shall make you free!  Tell them what thus says the Lord!  Stop walking around in bondage and set you brothers and sisters free by the word of God.  Stop telling them that it is ok, and sugar coating things!  A lie is a lie even it if is a pretty lie.  We are not children of the liar, the devil--we are children of the Truth, the Living God!  Daniel 2:22 He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.  2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.  We must turn from out wicked ways!  Stop giving out sugar coated-answers and baby formula.  We all need to grow up and eat meat!  There are children dying, even in the churches.  Hallelujah God!  When Jesus came He said that He did not come to put together, but to separate.  If you are not on God's side, you won't see the kingdom.  Don't you want Him to say well done good and faithful servant?  Ministry is not only in four walls, it is outside the walls too!  Stop putting God in a box, take the limits off!  He said to preach His word in and out of season!  That we are to take His word out to all nations!  Don't be afraid, preach it!  It is God's word, He is the one responsible for backing it up, you did your part sharing the gospel.  Get somebody free today, who is going through growing pains.  Care enough to give them the truth!  We are the church and we also assemble as a congregation.  Clean yourself up, wash in the blood and stop judging!  God is the only judge!  Matthew 7:1-2 1) Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2) For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.  Fiveamprayer, let us walk in the fruits of the spirit, love, joy, peace, gentleness, longsuffering, goodness and faith.  We are of the vine of Christ, are you bearing good fruit?  Or will you need to be pruned?!  Hallelujah Lord!  We lift up fiveamprayer this morning, there is someone going through growing pains.  Set them free with Your word!  Help them to pass this test that they don't go around the mountain again.  Wash them in Your blood, Lord.  Have those that are around them give only Your word.  Are you operating in the fruits of the Spirit?!  You can tell what kind of tree you have by the fruit it bears.  We lift up prayer requests those known and unknown this morning.  We lift up bereaving families, the Tate family who experienced the loss of their 18 year old son in a rollover accident.  The Rutherford family for the loss of a brother who was killed.  We know that absence from the body is presence with the Lord.  God send the Comforter to these families.  We lift up the family of one fiveamprayer's own who was sick in his body and not able to attend church, and was faithful to call in at 5am, was found dead in his apartment on yesterday.  Who is bringing a word from God?  He was looking to the hills for his help, his help came from the Lord!  We lift up bereaving families everywhere.  We lift up that Pastor's mother who was shot in the parking lot.  Keep the families, Lord that they are comforted.  Lord we come to repent, we have got to get some things right!  Lord take our pride and unforgiveness, clean us up.  We come to repent this morning and God's response, no condemnation.  Jesus has already died for our sins.  He cast our sins into the sea that they are remembered no more!  Thank You Lord for teaching us how to forgive.  Help us to forgive others that we too are forgiven by You.  We have to get it right and get it together!

We seal this prayer in His precious blood, by His Spirit: 
Thank You God for the growing pains!

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We got more wisdom, knowledge and understanding--in all thy getting get understanding!  Praise God!  Hallelujah!  Anybody have some growing pains this morning?  Hallelujah!  Guess what, God is getting ready to wash us in His blood!  Wash us on one of those old wash boards.  He is gonna wash us and clean us up!  He will present us clean before the Father!  Growing pains, that is all this is!  We are going to another level in God!  We can't stay here, stagnant.  For His Glory, it is just growing pains.  Life by Design, it is just growing pains. God is taking us to a new level in Him!  His mercy endures forever!  His mercy endures to all generations!  Without His mercy we would be consumed!  Thank You for Your grace and mercy!  Have mercy on us Father! 
Luke 23:42-43 42) And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. 43) And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.  Don't get to the end and hear God say, I know thee not--there is a flip side to, well done thy good and faithful servant.  But Lord, we cast out demons in Your name.  I never knew thee, thou workers of iniquity.  The truth will make you free!  Take time out and truly seek God in His word.  Walk through these growing pains while studying His word!  Who He loves, He corrects!  Proverbs 13:24 (AMP) He who spares his rod [of discipline] hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines diligently and punishes him early.  Sometimes you need a rod to clean you up.  A Holy Ghost whipping for all of us today.  It's all good, it is all God!  We are His children, who else could or should correct us?!  Hallelujah God!  Don't look around, look straight ahead, this message is for you!  Thank You Lord!  Visit us on facebook, it will encourage you, have a blessed day!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Seed Is A Promise!

Genesis 3:13-15, 1:29; John 1:1-3, 1:10-14

We are walking in today:  My Seed Is A Promise!

Genesis 3:13-15
13) And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. 14) And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: 15) And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.  After the fall of man, God promised a seed.  A seed that would bruise thy head and he will bruise thy heel.  God was speaking to satan, just after the fall so it is satan's head that will be bruised and satan shall bruise the heel of the seed.  The question then is, who or what is this seed?  What is the purpose of the promise seed?  To find the answer we have to start at the beginning of time at the creation of the heavens and the earth, when God created man.  Man was created to have fellowship with God and to rule over the earth as God's agent.  In all of God's creation, only man was created to have fellowship with Him.  God and Adam would meet on a regular basis and fellowship together.  He commanded them in the garden to be fruitful and to multiply to fill the earth. In the garden of Eden, man was supplied with everything that He needed.  Genesis 1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.  We all remember the story of Adam and Eve and the fall in the garden of Eden.  There is some good news in all of this, God promised a seed--Jesus Christ who would not only pay the price for the sin, so that man could again be in fellowship with God, but He would provide a new spirit man and eternal life--fellowship with God.  This promise seed will destroy the works of the devil  and provide a way for man to have fellowship with God by giving, man a new spirit, which we call being born again, spiritually.  As we proceed through the old testament, it gives many details on the line of the promised seed.  We can follow that promise seed from Genesis to Malachi.  The old testament gives many details  of the seed that was to come and who He is!  The promised seed, in Genesis 3:15, became flesh and blood--John 1:1-3 1) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2) The same was in the beginning with God.
3) All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
  As, God for told of His death, burial, and resurrection--all this was to pay the penalty of sin and to bring man into right standing with God.  John 1:10-14  10) He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. 11) He came unto his own, and his own received him not. 12) But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: 13) Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. 14) And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.  The word became flesh and dwelt among us!  The promise is a seed, Jesus Christ is the seed.  The good news is that God has provided promise seed.  Those that are of the old testament and had great faith, in the promised seed were saved.  Those today who have faith in the promise seed, Jesus Christ also are saved.  And also receive a new spirit.  One day we will receive an incorruptible body because of the promised seed. 
I don't know about you but I am excited that it is seedtime and harvest.  He gives increase to the seed.  He comes back to tell us today that, your seed is a promise.  He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us!  He got up with all power of heaven and earth in His hands.  He went to hell and took back the keys!  God has promised us, we have to walk it out!  We have a seed of promise!  Look at Isaac, he was a child of promise!  Keep getting up early seeking Him first!  Speak to God about it, tell Him thank You, for the promise seed.  The seed that had to go into the ground to cleanse us from our sins, then to rise again, springing forth with righteousness!  Fiveamprayer you know that the Lord delivers us out of all of our afflictions.  God is true, let every man be a liar!  Keep standing on His promises, they will come to pass.  Seedtime and harvest.  It is the seed that has gone before us making the crooked things straight!  The devil is under out feet, we have restored dominion and authority!  Tell yourself this morning that my seed has a promise!  Look to God to make all things possible!  Thank You Lord for sending us Your daily bread.  We will collect seeds of promise.  Look at all that Christ has done to put us back in right standing.  That we are able to have a restored relationship.  We shall reap the harvest if we faint not.  We must watch and pray.  He is our Lily of the Valley and the Bright and Morning Star!  Let us be not weary in well doing.  Lord we ask for Your forgiveness due to not trusting You.  Thank You Lord that we are forgiven with no condemnation--teach us how to forgive like You!

We seal this prayer in His precious blood, by His Spirit: Thank You God for sending a seed of promise!!  Thank You God!

Welcome to the overflow...

They that hunger and thirst for His righteousness shall be filled.  Though our beginning was small, our latter days are greatly increased!  That is the kind of God that we serve.  You can walk in liberty, because Jesus held captivity captive.  Be steadfast and unmovable.  The word of God is not a book full of rules, it is a bag full of seeds from God.  On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!  Thank You and have a blessed day!  Visit us on facebook, it will encourage you!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Seedtime and Harvest.

Genesis 8:22; 2 Corinthians 9:6; Galatians 6:9; Hebrews 10:23; Isaiah 55:10-11; Mark 4:26-27

We are walking in today:  Seedtime and Harvest.  

Genesis 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.  Too many Christians are still trying to reap, when they have never sown.  Or they are trying to reap a generous harvest when they have sown sparingly.  Then still others that don't understand why they reap sparingly every now and then without realizing it is because they sowed sparingly, every now and then.  Yet the word of God, clearly states that if we want a continuous and generous harvest--then we are going to have to sow continuously and generously--despite whatever state we are currently in.  And we will never change our circumstances until we begin to operate according to the law of sowing and reaping.  This is one of the main reasons why they never see one of God's promises manifested in their lives.  Again and again, they attempt to stand in faith and believe God for a generous harvest yet, they have never sown the amount of seed necessary to obtain that kind of harvest.  2 Corinthians 9:6 But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.  Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.  Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)  Seedtime and harvest, what have you been speaking--what have you planted?!  We are expecting God to give the increase, but are you planting good seed?  He creates the fruit of our lips!  The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed which when sown, grows into a big tree that produces shade and the birds rest in it's branches (Luke 13:18-19).  To every man is given a measure of faith.  If you have faith in God, everything that you desire and declare out loud shall be done--in the name of the Lord (Mark 11:22-25).  The secret is first to seek the kingdom of heaven, that is the key.  Luke 12:29-31 29) And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. 30) For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. 31) But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you.  Are you giving Him your first fruits?!  Your very best?!  In other words, do you praise Him?  Give Him thanks daily?  Are you forgiving those that have hurt you?  Are you giving freely and joyfully, sowing and giving tithes into His kingdom?  When you give the best of your talents, time and your money--all things that God has provided to you, unconditionally, you will see miracles!  You see, it has all to do with the seedtime and harvest. 
Isaiah 55:10-11 10) For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: 11) So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.  Now is the time, He gives  seed to the sower, fiveamprayer!  His word will not come back void, it will accomplish all that it was sent to do!  So that means that those who sow, have received it from God.  He is our Jehovah Jireh, He gives seed to the sower!  Fiveamprayer has seed and we will sow as God has directed us!  The seed of talent, time and tithe, His word, the Holy Spirit--His power working on the inside of us!  He is leading and guiding us to all righteousness!  As soon as you give back a portion of what God has given you, saying, "I trust You, that all I need is found in You, Lord!"  That the seed that He has given us to plant will produce a tree bearing fruit with more seed inside each fruit on the tree!  Look to God, He gives the increase!
You are gonna have to get this one because it is seedtime and harvest.  What God has put on the inside of you, must come out and produce, that which He has given you.  That talent and time, sow that, as seeds unto God.  Are you using your ministry as God directs you?  Are you speaking seeds of life over your children?  Are you speaking seeds of life in your marriage, in your finances?  Seedtime and harvest does not cease.  In the natural, people are planting right now for the expected harvest in October.  We have to suit up for this war, we are in.  Stand against the enemy, fiveamprayer!  There is no weapon formed against us that shall prosper!  We have the power of life and death in our tongues.  It is time to plant seeds of joy and forgiveness.  Plant His word in this season!   Speak His word in this season!  To win we gotta know God's word and be suited up for battle.   The enemy is still seeking who he may devour.  Seedtime and harvest.  Pull up those weeds of doubt and fear, prepare the ground to receive this good seed!  God has given us power, love and a sound mind.  We have got to hold on for our change--it is gonna come!  We will reap the harvest if we faint, not.  Come on fiveamprayer, we are to walk by faith and not by sight. 
Mark 4:26-27 26) And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground; 27) And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how.  See how the man in the scripture did not know how the seed once planted will spring forth.  We don't have to know how, but trust that it will!  Look to God it is He that gives the increase.  Due to our obedience to His word.  That is what God is holding up, not our behavior or worthiness!  Thank You God!!  Amen!  We would always miss that mark if He used us as the measuring stick, as Pastor Taffe says, even on our best day--we are not worthy!  Thank You God for covering us in the blood and when You look at us, You see Jesus, the perfect only Begotten of the Father!  We must sow in a time like this!  We must seek God while He may be found!  He is coming to show us His glory!  Seek Him with your talents, time and gifts!  Trust God, He will give the increase!  We are to truly have a relationship with Him!  Thank You for blessing us and keeping us Lord!  Thank You for every test, trial and tribulation You have brought us through.  No man gets the glory!  God gets all of the glory!  Give Him your first, your best!  Get in your Bible and seek Him!  This is seedtime and harvest.  Plant that good seed like never before!  Look to God, He gives the increase!  He gives seed to the sower!  What are you sowing?  The more that you give, the more He gives back to you.  You can't beat God giving!  He is pouring out overflow blessings from the windows of heaven!  We are so blessed that every time we turn around, there is another blessing!  All of this because you spoke God' word, into someones life.  He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.  He gives seed to the sower.  Fiveamprayer, are you sowing His word?  We are not to focus on what the world says is the outcome, speak what thus says the Lord.  Tell them what God says about it.  He will do all that He has said!  What are you sowing?  God gives seed to the sower!  No more sowing doubt and fear--time for a self check!  We will reap what we sow, you can not mock God and sow out of order and receive things done in decency and order.  You will have what you say!  Sow the word of God to reap the 1,000 fold return.  Look to the garden and see His word springing forth, springing up all around!  All you need is faith the size of a mustard seed, as you continue in this walk to learn and grow, your faith will grow too!  What are you sowing over your children, ministry?  You will reap what you sow.  Get into that supernatural garden and sow to be more faithful, to trust that You are directing us to our expected end!  Sow some seeds of forgiveness.  God, You are the potter and we are the clay.  Sow your life, fiveamprayer!  Not our will but Thy will be done!  God will order our steps, He is the only one who brings the harvest!  What are you sowing, you know that the devil is listening too.  We come to life up fiveamprayer, let them know to sow and You will give the increase!  It is harvest time!  We lift up prayer requests those known and unknown.  We sow seeds for healing, by His stripes we were healed.  Fiveamprayer watch for an increase in healing!  Forgive us Lord for not speaking Your word in all situations!  Thank You for forgiving us with no condemnation.  Lord teach us how to truly forgive, that we can speak seeds of life in the lives of those who have wronged or hurt us!  Thank You for being God that says a just man fell seven times and got back up.  We know that we can keep trying until we get it right.  He that has begun a good work will continue!  Thank You Lord that we are not unfinished work, still being shaped and refined and molded--never abandonded!!

We seal this prayer in His precious blood, by His Spirit:  It is seedtime and harvest, we sow seeds of Jacob,
Genesis 32:24-26 24) And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. 25) And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him. 26) And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.

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Hold on fiveamprayer, for your 1,000 fold return, we will see double for our trouble!  God we want more and more of You and less and less of us!  More of Your grace and mercy!  Heaven and earth shall pass away, His word remains forever!  We need the word in a time and season as this!  To God be the glory!  He will create the fruit of our lips  What are you speaking?  Look for harvest like never before!  We will reap what we sow.  What are you sowing?!  Speak the word of God all day today.  We are to remind God of what His word says.  God will respond to His word.  He is watching over it to perform it.  Remind God that you remember His word, that you know that His word is true.    God knows that every word He has spoken will be put forth and come into existence, God does not do idle talk!  Take time out to read the scriptures and visit us on facebook, it will encourage you!

Musical Selection
Fred Hammond, Lord of the Harvest
Fred Hammond, How Do You Love That Way

Monday, April 23, 2012

God Will Give The Increase!

1 Corinthians 3:6-9; Romans 10:9-10; Mark 11:22-23; Matthew 12:33; Romans 4:17; Numbers 23:19; Romans 3:4

We are walking in today:  God Will Give The Increase!

1 Corinthians 3:6-9 6) I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 7) So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. 8) Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. 9) For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building.  We expect God to do so many things for us, that He has told us to do for ourselves.  God spoke the world into existence--we are created in His image and likeliness.  What does that mean?!  It all starts with the lips and the tongue.  He has told us that He creates the fruit of our lips and that life and death is in the power of the tongue!  God tells us to open our mouths, when it comes to our salvation.  Romans 10:9-10 9) That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10) For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.  Through the word of God, the process of salvation begins with the speaking of words.  In the victorious life of the believer this will continue as he or she learns how to use their mouth to speak the word of God for their salvation.  Jesus said, 'peace be still', to the raging sea, it obeyed Him by calming down instantly.  God didn't tell the believer to climb up the rough side of the mountain, He said for us to speak to the mountain and believe in our heart, that it shall move.  Mark 11:22-23 22)And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. 23) For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saithFiveamprayer, speak God's word--He will give the increase.  Plant and water and He will give the increase.  If you plant it, and nurture it and guard it, the law of the harvest demands that it must spring forth.  Let us do our part in the natural and watch God rain supernatural increase--He does it every single time!  The Bible is not a book of rules but a bag of seeds, know that you are planting?!  Just like the tree is known by its fruit, we must know the seeds that we are planting!  When the tree springs forth from that seed it will bear fruit, inside that fruit--more seeds bearing the same!  Matthew 12:33 Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit.  What kind of seed are you planting?!  We can not plant disruption and drama and expect to reap peace from that tree!!  Who's word are you speaking, what seeds are you planting, every time you open your mouth?!  God has told us that we will have what we say, what are you saying?!  Are you holding on until the word comes back to deliver on all of His promises?  Or are you getting in self and trying to handle things on your own?  You tried that last time and remember how well that went!  Some of us are still in recovery from the last time we, "tried to take control".  Look to He who never fails, does not sleep nor slumber, is always on time and really early because He has it already prepared for us.  With His long-range vision from eternity to eternity, there is nothing that catches Him by surprise!  Fiveamprayer, what ever it is that you lack, is the very thing that you must sow.   Romans 4:17 (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.  Trust is not trust when there is nothing on the line.  No risk or perception of missing out--that there is no safety net.  Either God has got this all under control, or not!  Surely trying things your way has not netted any increase of the good things!  Many times it is just more need and confusion.  Our Father is not the author of confusion--He does all things in decency and in order!  As Pastor Thomas spoke on Sunday, how much more does God's word mean to you when you are down in the pig pen, like the prodigal son?  That you would be able to hold on to that word--the word of God that will bring you up out of that thing that you are in?!  By holding on to that word, that the Holy Spirit brings back to you, you will be able to follow the light of the word out of that dark situation that you probably put yourself in.  Look at that!!  His word reaches for us even when we put ourselves in our own messy situations!  How He loves us!  Fiveamprayer, we are never too dirty for the Father to keep reaching for us, for that seed of the word that He has planted on the inside of us to spring forth and bring us back to sanity--recognizing God as the true and loving Father who is being oh so patient with us!  God's word has so much power that it will bring us back when we are lost.  Hallelujah!  Thank You Lord, we have a locator build in on the inside of us to redirect us back home!  Thank. You. God!!  Look to God, He gives the increase!
You know this morning, while I am thinking about it, all you have to do is speak a word!  Speak God's word!  Wait for God to give the increase!  He has already worked it out for out good!  It is already done in the supernatural.  We are to speak those things that be not as though they were.  Fiveamprayer, speak to those things in your tests, trials and tribulations.  We can say peace be still and watch the calmness come over you.  Speak the word of God, He gives the increase.  We must be doers of the word, not hearers only.  Speak His words, out of your mouth!  God gives the increase!  We must speak His word in season and out of season!  Many are planting seeds right now, knowing that what they plant will soon spring forth.  We have the power of life and death in our tongues.  And that He created the world with His words.  That power has also been given to us.  We can speak, no weapon formed against us shall prosper.  We can speak that this too shall pass.  This is the year of revelation, why are you not speaking?!  He is Jehovah Jireh, He is our provider--He is the God of reconciliation, He is able to restore your marriage.  God gives the increase!  We are to pray without ceasing.  We shall reap the harvest if we faint not!    We must stand on His word--living on this planet we all are.  That is how it was created with His words, the world came into being.  Keep calling on the word of God!  Reading in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation--we are the seed of Abraham, a man who at one point was resigned to leave his inheritance to his servant.  Then God comes to say that if he could count the stars in the sky that he could count his children!  Look at it now--father Abraham with so many children--they are not able to be counted!  (Genesis 15:1-5)  God is always there leading us!  Open your mouth and speak what God's word says!  Praise Him like never before!  Don't sit there quiet!  We are coming out and crossing over!  God is delivering us!  Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah Tsidkenu--He is omnipresent!  Jesus tells us to cheer up, He has already overcome the world!  Pick up the word, and start planting seeds in your life!  Speak those things that are not as thought they were!  When we see lack, in our lives, we can tell the devil he, "is a liar"!  Our God provides!  When we see chaos in our lives, we have a distorted view, our Father is not the author of confusion, it is the devil that supplies confusion.  Every need has been met.  He has already prepared a way out!  It is all working for our good!  You have got to speak the word of God, not just any old word.  Watch Him give you the increase!  He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.   Speak a word over you own life!  Now is not the time to sit quietly.  All things are possible with God!  Greater is He that is within me than, he that is in this world!!  We have dominion, power and authority!  Hallelujah God!  We are waiting on God for the increase.  It is already done in the spirit.  We have to speak Your word!  We lift up prayer requests those known and unknown.  We sow Your word of healing like never before, by Your stripes we were healed!  We are watching for the increase of healing to be made manifest in the natural.  Forgive us Lord for not speaking Your word.  We have spoken everything else--fear, doubt and lack.  Forgive us Lord--cast our sins into the sea that they be remembered no more!  Thank You Lord for teaching us how to forgive others, that we too may be forgiven!

We seal this prayer in His precious blood, by His Spirit: 
God will give the increase!

Welcome to the overflow...

No matter what you are faced with, God will give the increase!  He will give you double.  He will give you a 1,000 fold return.  I'm talking about blessings on top of blessings, so much so that there is not room enough for them all!  He is opening up the windows of heaven and pouring out blessings on us!  This is what You said, God, it is in Your word!  We are standing on Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?  Certainly He makes good everything that He has spoken.  God is so good, He does not speak idle words, nor will He later change what He has already spoken to His favor.  Every word that He speaks, has spoken and will speak is to be an everlasting word, that it will not need to be replaced nor will it be found to be faulty.  You can not compare God to man, where man would lie, God is only the truth!  We can stand and believe His word--He is our Shepherd and we shall not want.  Fiveamprayer do you believe it?!  God is opening up the windows of heaven and pouring out a blessing on us!  We are the apple of His eye!  We must sow in a famine to reap the harvest!  Fiveamprayer, faint not, God gives the increase!    Thank You God for the increase!  We must plant, guard, and nurture that seed you have trusted to God--speak His word.  Try that for a change!  Speak God's word, that is what we are to bring back to Him!  What other word can stand and always be true?!  That is why we can count it all joy that weeping may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning!  Speak His word over your life!  Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers them out of them all!  Speak the word of God!  It is His word that shows up to bring us out!  God only responds to His word, nothing else is true!  Romans 3:4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.  God does not recognize you when you are speaking what the world speaks!  That is not what He has taught you!  Speak His word, God gives the increase!  Time out for speaking all of that non-sense!  Thank You Lord for giving us a word that will stand every test!  Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven!  Speak His word, He gives seed to the sower!  Time to plant like never before!  Hallelujah Lord!  Thank You for the increase!  We are really asking for more and more of God!  With Him we can do all things!  He give peace that surpasses all things!  The perfect peace of our mind, stayed on Him!  Look to God, He will multiply us!  He is the God of multiplication!  Get into His word and start planting seeds from the words that you speak!  He will give the increase!  It will spring forth!  It is time to get your seed into the ground!  The word of God is not a book of rules, it is a bag of seeds!  No weapon formed against me shall prosper!  The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want!  Get ready for God to increase you!  Take time out to read these scriptures today.  Visit us on facebook, it will encourage you!  Have a blessed day!

Friday, April 20, 2012

God's Great Exchange.

Isaiah 43:1-5; 2 Corinthians 5:21; John 16:33; Mark 10:45; Psalm 34:1; John 3:16

We are walking in today:  God's Great Exchange.

Isaiah 43:1-6 1) But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. 2) When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. 3) For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee. 4) Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life. 5) Fear not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west.  Since you are precious and honored in His sight and because He loves us, He will give people in exchange for you.  God is giving nations in exchange for our life.  As we set with God on yesterday, in a one on one--God's great exchange began to happen.  One of the biggest exchanges was the one on Calvary.  It assures us of God's complete forgiveness because He has carried our guilt away forever!  It gives us His pure rule of goodness and righteousness. Which is perfectly in sync with the Father's holy will.  You better thank God for the exchange!  Exchange is defined as an act of giving one thing and receiving another.  Wow!  Aren't you glad there is an exchange going on!  Jesus made the exchange, Jesus paid the price.  It is now up to you!  God intended from the very beginning that His family would be blessed. God created us to be righteous, health and wealth in every area of our lives!  Jesus said, He came that we would have life and that more abundantly!  Abundant life is one of righteousness, health and prosperity.  Jesus paid the price for our righteousness, by becoming sin and suffering it's penalty.  Jesus paid the price for you to walk in total victory in every area of your life.  He paid the highest price that was ever required of any man, His life!  He gave it all!  He gave all, and all He gave in exchange for us!  What a great exchange!  2 Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.  John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.  Mark 10:45 For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.
I don't know about you but I am excited that something happened on Calvary!  He has already done all things, for us!  Already made a way, delivered on His promises made!  We are to walk in it, to get to it.  This great exchange!  The enemy doesn't want us to know what is going on!  Fiveamprayer, there is an exchange going on!  Way back in Genesis, He blew into us the breath of life.  Take a look in the mirror, you have been looking to see who the enemy is, it it you!  We should see the image of God.  But we keep walking and doing things the way the world does.  Turn to God and make an exchange!  There is no weapon that is formed against us that shall prosper, make an exchange!  You have got to know that there is an exchange going on in your life!  He told us to be of good cheer, He has already overcome the world!!  This is great news for those of us that are feeling out of control and lacking power, look to God--He has this all figured out!  He knows the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end!!  There is nothing too hard for Him!  Jesus paid it all, a debt that no man could pay!  The devil is still a liar, the victory is already won!  We are His chosen, God's righteous people.  We have to know who we are in Christ.  He created us, in His own image and nothing shall harm us!  We can go through the fire and come out not smelling of smoke.  He has always made provision for us!  The great exchange happened a long time ago.  All that we need, is already made.  Don't worry about the tests and struggles, we are more than overcomers!  More than a conqueror.  He told us that we are weak You are strong!  We lift up fiveamprayer, thank You for leaving us with the Comforter.  Be still and hear a word from God.  He will guide you in the way you need to know.  Let me tell you there is an exchange going on!  Hold on, this is the appointed time--our set time for favor!  It is time for breakthrough, He told us that this is our year of authority!  This time will let you know what you are made of.  Don't you know that the greater One lives on the inside of us?!  For every test, trial and tribulation, the enemy is trying to steal, kill and destroy.  God has gone before us--we are to believe it to receive it!  All things are possible with Christ.  That is where our strength comes from, Jesus.  We are called blessed and highly favored.  We must remember who we are!  God loves us so much that He set up our blessings ages ago. Get ready there is an exchange going on!  We are made victorious over death!  We know who our Father is.  Going through hell and come out not smelling of smoke.  Keep standing and believing Him.  Think about the definition of exchange that we are giving up something and getting something else in return.  In our case a great treasure--access back to the Father!  This is what Adam lost in the garden so long ago.  Jesus died that we could receive salvation and everlasting life.  He got up on the third day with all power of heaven and Earth in His hands.  Look at the exchange that has gone on!!  We are now children of the King!  We were chosen by Him!  Don't let your singleness, your marriage or your finances--anything in your life come against what God has already has for us!  At the alter, while crying out to God, the Holy Spirit fell and there was an exchange.  There in the exchange--there is changing going on.  You will no longer be be the same!  Because of this great exchange, we don't have to die anymore!  He reminded us in the one on one--don't question or doubt God.  It is God that is covering us in those tight situations.  God covers all situations that He puts you in.  Stop trying to figure it out!  There is an exchange going on!  The word says that He will pour out His Spirit onto all flesh.  God's great exchange, why do you fear or doubt?!  Everything was nailed to the cross at Calvary.  That is why we are free from condemnation.  Ask Him for for forgiveness and go on. Put your mind on God, instead of worrying about your issues.  Look to Him, He is the holy One!  God gave gave Egypt as a ransom, what an exchange!  You could not make it on your own!  God had to step in or you would be lost.  He stepped in, right on time, and saved you!  God will not put more on us than we can bear!  We are strengthened because God has made an exchange with us!  No more than we can bear, God has taken over.  Be still and know that He is God!  He already suffered and here we are murmuring and complaining.  No more of that!  We will hold our peace and let God fight our battles! Be still and be quiet!  Fiveamprayer, we need to get out of the way--God is trying to bless us!  God's great exchange, He will take it from you, just lay it aside.  Every weight that would so easily beset us.  He gives joy for our suffering, His peace that surpasses all understanding, for the hell that has broken loose in our lives.  Fiveamprayer, lets do an exchange!  Let go and let God, for real.  Turn things over to Him, tell Him, nevertheless they will be done.  Exchange our pride, God.  Fix us Lord!  We lay it at Your feet. Walk in His peace, love and joy.  He is saying, give it to Me.  Stop trying to figure it out--only God  can do this.  Lay it down--once and for all, don't pick it back up.  He gives peace for our torment; joy for drama; reconciliation in our marriage but we have to forgive!  Time for an exchange, fiveamprayer!  Look to God, He will keep you in perfect peace!  We must lay aside every weight that besets us!  Cast you cares on Him!  We must give Him everything!  He has given us such a great treasure!  We have peace because of the great exchange.  We have joy, fiveamprayer, your gave it all over to Him!  Thank You God!  Go to God all weekend, making exchanges.  His will for our will--make an exchange.  Our unforgiveness for His forgiveness, make an exchange.  Thank You God, all the stuff we need to exchange.  Who the Son sets free, is free indeed!  Some of us are walking in pride, being selfish, our own understanding, self-righteousness--lay it all down.  Lord we need an exchange, our lives for Your glory!  We are to be a living sacrifice.  We gotta exchange some stuff!  We have been worried about bills and our marriage--now is not the time to take your eyes off of God!  Exchange that worry for His peace.    It is exchange time!  Hold on, you have been waiting for too long to give up now!  Hallelujah God!    Thank You Father!  We had a one on one on yesterday!  Then today make an exchange!  Psalm 34:1 I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.  Let us exchange our mummers for praise!  Make an exchange right now!  That we take on His understanding, not our own.  It is God who directs our path.  Order our steps Lord, in Your word.  Make an exchange God!  Jesus paid it all--all to Him we owe!  Lay aside every weight, we must let go and let God!  Make an exchange--Hallelujah God!  In our one on one, many of us have asked for things, that God said we already have.  We are to give up some stuff, that He is able to fill us to the overflow.  Thank You God.  We lift up fiveamprayer have them to make the exchange.  He is trying  to bless us!  For His Glory, make the exchange.  Life by Design, make the exchange!  We lift up prayers requests those known and unknown.  Have them to make an exchange, we can not hold on to it--we are not able to work it out anyway.  Hallelujah God!  We come to repent for still walking in unforgiveness. Let us exchange and forgive like You have forgiven us as we forgive others!  That You are the God who cast our sins into the sea where they are remembered no more!  God can't cast it if you won't let go of it!  Give praise to the holy One, who sealed us in the blood--John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

We seal this prayer in His precious blood, by His Spirit: 
Genesis 32:24-26 24) And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. 25) And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him. 26) And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.

Welcome to the overflow...

Let it go, so He can bless you!  Exchange some stuff so that He can bless you.  We are to lay aside the things that beset us.  Cast it down at His feet, let it go--don't pick it back up.  Jesus already did it, made a way for us and provision is waiting on our arrival.  It is already done!  Take time out to read the scriptures for yourself.  Visit us on facebook, it will encourage you.  Thank You Lord of this great exchange!  Have a supernatural weekend!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

One on One.

John 4:3-8; Genesis 32:27-28

We are walking in today: 
One on One.

John 4:3-8
3) He left Judaea, and departed again into Galilee. 4) And he must needs go through Samaria. 5) Then cometh he to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. 6) Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour. 7) There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink. 8) (For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat.)  Pastor Taffe shared this on Sunday--this setting of scripture, Jesus had a need to go through Samaria, on His way back to Judaea.  The reason why becomes apparent when He begins speaking to the woman at the well.  God is coming to see about you on purpose, even sending away those that would hinder the conversation, you see the disciples were sent to the city to buy food, verse 8.  So there is Jesus waiting at the well, then the woman comes up to draw water.  God is right there waiting to cross our path, to speak to us!   Fiveamprayer, we have to realize that God is heavily invested in us!  He gave His only begotten Son to redeem us back to Him!  So He is constantly reaching towards us, sending His word out to us.  Having random people speak into our lives.  He is taking every opportunity and option to get into a conversation with us.  All for the expressed purpose of healing us and restoring our relationship with Him!  This time that we have spent in this world has caused us to live out of order, thinking that we are avoiding drama but are we doing more than existing?!   Jesus came that we would have life, and that more abundantly.  This woman was not living, she was hiding in plain sight!  Jesus comes to speak to the woman to set her free--because God sees right through to the heart of the matter.  For us on the surface, she is just not doing well in her relationships--five marriages and then now she is living with a man.  Jesus does not stop there, He goes deeper.  There is so much more to us than the surface!!  Take some time to read the whole chapter of John 4, you will see that she recognizes that Jesus has answers to her heartfelt question, "where are we to worship?"  She even tells Jesus about the Messiah that He will come and tell us all things...This woman is not unfamiliar with the word of God nor is she not looking for ways to please the Father.  Even in her present situation--she did not stop at the idea of the living water, that she would not have to draw water, but continued on in conversation.  A conversation that seemed unlikely to be a blessing nor would it manifest anything--at the onset, she was startled to find that a Jewish man would even speak to her, a Samaritan woman not only that but to ask her for a drink of water.  God wants to have a one on one conversation with us.  Getting all of those presumptions and polite procedures out of the way.  What is the real issue, and will you confess what it is?  This is similar to the conversation that Jacob has with God as they wrestle all night in Genesis 32:27-28 (AMP) 27) [The Man] asked him, What is your name? And [in shock of realization, whispering] he said, Jacob [supplanter, schemer, trickster, swindler]!    28) And He said, Your name shall be called no more Jacob [supplanter], but Israel [contender with God]; for you have contended and have power with God and with men and have prevailed.  That you can look to God as the means to deliver, heal and restore you!  Thank You God for being so loving and kind that you would not put all of our business out in front of everybody!  This whole conversation takes place between just them two.  At the close of the conversation, the disciples walk up.  Fiveamprayer, there is something inside of you that God has placed there for the drawing of men unto Him.  Won't you go have a talk with Jesus and let Him, heal that issue that is causing you to be out of order, or walking just a little bit out of line.  All the while you are thinking that you are making it better, you are really isolating yourself.  We know that being isolated is not the best place to be unless you are alone with God.  Don't let the enemy trick you, that you are not able to go around other people, that you are less valued.  Jesus died for all of us, that salvation is for all who believe!  Look at the Samaritan woman going back into that same town, the town that had ostracized her, to tell them about Jesus.  What healing must have took place in that conversation for her to turn around to tell those that may have mocked her and treated her poorly about the Messiah, the Christ!  She was walking in that deep down healing that she was able to forgive truly and let it go.  That is what a one on one conversation with Jesus will do!  There is no other place for this kind of true healing and restoration.  Look to Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of your faith!  Yea and Amen!
Now that you know that the blessing is on you, it is time for a one on one with Jesus!  We can cast our cares on Him for He cares for us!  Tell Him, fiveamprayer, that He has given us power and authority, the devil is under our feet--but I need You to straighten out some things in our lives!  Thank You Lord for going before us to make the crooked places straight!  Show us which way we are to go, Lord!  We are no longer leaning to our own understanding, the faulty understanding from the world.  It is time for a one on one!  We are thirsty, Lord, fill us to the level of our hunger and thirst!  Go and have a one on one conversation with Jesus about your marriage, your children, your finances, your singleness!  Guide us Lord, we need a word from You!  Nothing else will do!  We need an answer from God, though the storms are coming, He says peace be still.  There is strength for us in the storm.  We serve a God that can hide us and help us to walk that thing out!  The joy of the Lord is, is our strength!  I need Thee, oh I need Thee!  Every hour, I need Thee!  Fiveamprayer, look to God to fix this situation!  We need a one on one, with You Lord!  Sometimes we get weak--strengthen us Lord!  Turn it all over to Jesus, go ahead and have that one on one conversation with Him!  You know that the devil is under our feet!  Why are you even paying attention to those lies?!  We have the power of life and death in our tongues!  Sometimes we get weak and weary, the word tells us to be not weary in well doing!  We shall reap the harvest if we faint not!  Cry out to God, ask Him to lead you to all truth!  He is faithful and compassionate.  We need you God to fill us!  We want to see Your face and Your glory!  I don't need anything else!  We need to talk to God--we need a one on one with Him!  Just me and the Lord!  Look at the Samaritan woman, Jesus tells her all about herself.  She walks and really takes a hold of His forgiveness to run back to the people in the town to tell them the good news!  Thank You God for forgiving us like You forgave her!  Will we run back to tell others about Your goodness, like she did?  We have gotta seek Him for ourselves!  This is your personal relationship with the Father.  It is the strength of your relationship with Him that you are able to stand and hold on in that storm.  From having that one on one conversation with Him you are able to be healed and restored back to Him.  That is why He must needs to go right there, across your path.  To speak life and truth into our lives!  Thank You Lord, we may appear invisible to others but never to You!  Thank You God that You keep reaching for us!  Fiveamprayer, God has a word for you--to restore you and help you walk out whatever you are in!  There is nothing too hard of our God!  He knows everything and He is not backing up, He is coming closer, won't you have a one on one conversation with Him?!  Have that one on one about your marriage, children, singleness, and finances.  Let he who has hears, let him hear!  We need to be quiet so that we can hear from Him clearly!  Be still and listen in His presence.  Now is the time to hear Him like never before!  Hallelujah God!  We cast our cares on Him, for He cares for us!  Led us to the rock that is higher than I.  Some struggles you don't have to struggle with, all alone.  Go into that one on one with God,  your help has just arrived!  Thank You God!  The only way we can walk in the blessing that is on us, all the good that He has for you--let it go and forgive.  No more resentment or bitterness, let them go and free yourself.  So many of us are walking around in prisons of our own making--walking around bound because you don't want to forgive and let go of offense.  We can't just go into God, in just any old way.  Wash your heart and go in and have a one on one with God.  Don't be fearful, God did not give you a spirit of fear!  Fiveamprayer, the blessing is on you!  Don't loose it--walking in unforgiveness or puffed up in pride.  Have a one on one with God, go into your prayer closet.  We lift up fiveamprayer this morning, someone is screaming in the spirit, "fix it God!"  We lift up prayer requests those known and unknown, have them, go have a one on one with You.

We seal this prayer in His precious blood, by His Spirit:   It's me, it's me, oh Lord that is in need of a one on one!

Welcome to the overflow...
I need to talk to You. Lord!  We are like Jacob, we won't let go until You bless us!  It is time for a one on one!  Get your heart in a place where you can pray.  Go into your prayer closet and have a one on one with the Father!  Visit us on facebook, it will encourage you.  Take time out to read these scriptures for yourself.  Sometimes we have to encourage ourselves!  Tell God you are the woman at the well, I need a one on one, God.  Have a blessed day!