Monday, May 25, 2015

Being A Character, Or Finding His Proper Character?

Mark 1:16-20; John 8:31, 13:13-15; Luke 14:26; 1 Corinthians 2:11; John 6:44; 1 Corinthians 2:7-14; Ecclesiastes 3:9-11; 1 Corinthians 15:23-28; Revelation 3:21, 5:10, 20:4; Romans 10:2

We are walking in today:  Being A Character, Or Finding His Proper Character?

Witness language throughout the Bible: H8193 saphah lip, speech, shore, bank, brink, brim, side, edge, border, binding
Genesis 11:1, 11:6-7, 11:9; Jeremiah 5:16; Zephaniah 13:9; Psalm 81:5, 114:1-2; Acts 2:6

Building our character, but what is it?  Character is what we are in the dark, you know when no one is looking or could see--what is your behavior?  What are your fundamental rules of engagement?  How do we interact with others?  We have what we are taught or learned from others--only with direction from an infallible source can direct or correct us to be in proper actions.  The actions deemed proper by the community or authority.  The instructions that we have left off, the Torah will teach us about His character Yahweh.  How He sees His people and how they are to interact with each other.  Do we make conscious efforts to choose the right choices?  That is a major point in building of our character.  We are free to choose but will we choose the right choice?  This progression from one choice to the next choice allows for development of our character.  This is allowed for us for we have the scales removed from our eyes to accomplish this.  Otherwise we are not free to choose for we do not have the ability to 'see' each choice.  Our mind has to be more than open to the truth but actually be in action to move towards the truth throughout our actions and decisions.  Can we say in our daily lives would we be seen as Christ-like?  Or is that only our perception?  Now we all have various opinions but this review according to scripture would we actually line up with the way that He lived while walking on the Earth?  The development of character is very important and must be seen and viewed as a ongoing process that we would not fall backwards in getting into other practices or habits.  Hold fast to the instructions of Yahweh but be careful not to set others at opposition by having this action placed in higher standards than care for those in the community.  A charge that some of the pharisees were accused of by Yeshua when He saw how they upheld the commands over legitimate human needs.  Don't forget that the 613 instructions are for us to know how to treat those in the community as well as our relationship with Yahweh.  To hear this again click here.

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