Thursday, May 21, 2015

Torah Portion--Bamidbar/In The Wilderness

 Numbers 1:1-4:20; Hosea 2:1-22; Ephesians

We are walking in today:  Torah Portion--Bamidbar/In The Wilderness, Numbers 1:1-4:20; Hosea 2:1-22; Ephesians

Witness wilderness throughout the Bible-- H4057 midbar meaning desert 
Deuteronomy 32:10; Psalm 68:8, 78:17; Job 24:5; Matthew 4:1, 14:13; Mark 1:13; Luke 1:8, 4:1; Acts 36-39, 7:44; Hebrews 3:7-9, 3:16-18

This portions begins in the book of Numbers which is called bamidar in Hebrew for the first line of the text 'in the wilderness'.  This was translated as Numbers, possibly due to the census that was taken for the men that were 20 years old and fit for military service.  This count did not include the people in the tribe of Levi.  They were assigned to be Yahweh's servants in the tabernacle and all things related to that service.  With the designations of the numbers and assignments of the tribes the placement of their camps by banner were also given.  The tribe of Levi was divided into four groups to be the closest to set up their tents around the tabernacle, while the other tribes were also assigned positions around the tabernacle at some distance.  The purpose of the count of the children of Israel lets us know how they had swelled in number.  From the small group that came up at Joseph's instruction during the famine to now such a large number in totality and for each tribe themselves.  We have in the Torah that the first born males are for Yahweh, this dedication is then placed to the whole tribe of Levi being given to Yahweh for the first born males from the children of Israel.  Like the first born male animals were to be given to Yahweh in an offering, the tribe of Levi were given for the first born males.  They were to serve in the tabernacle and the care for the items and all upkeep.  The other tribes would support them.  This designation of the first born males is from the last plague they experienced in Egypt, before pharoah letting the children of Israel go.  So in here we have the first born males being set apart for Yahweh amongst all the people, the tribe of Levi.  The further assigning of all of the tribes to each side at a distance around the tent of meeting or the tabernacle shows the order that when they broke camp where each tribe was to 'fall into line'.  The directions that are given are detailed and are to be followed.  This organizing of the people into their camps and order will better assist such a large group traveling in the wilderness.  The wilderness we have often thought was a place that was distant and harsh place to live.  When we look to see that Yahweh is directing and orchestrating all things it shows the people as well as us that the only source we should ever depend upon is Yahweh!  Even for those of us with all kinds of resources--if Yahweh deems those resources to cease, we must never forget that He is our provider!  This time in the wilderness allowed for less distractions to learn the ways that Yahweh is teaching the children of Israel as they come of out of the slavery mindset and walk into an ownership mindset.  Remember He is giving them land once they come out of the wilderness.  What good would it do to give land to people who still have a slavery mindset?  Not much, for the mindset of the owner of manager of land is totally different.  With a shifting in their thoughts from the past to the present and reliance on Elohim to provide.  They will be ready for the land that He waters from the sky and is ever watchful over the land that is lush and rich land to be envied by many.  But it is this land that has been set apart for them, His chosen, His beloved.Fiveamprayer there is a shift in our thoughts and how we consider things.  We no longer have a need to be fearful and worried which is more of a slavery mindset--the path that El Shaddai has put us on is at His direction and He already knows the outcome!  When we come to having a ownership or manager of land mindset we are not thinking in a woe is me but look at the situation with clear thinking and following the instructions of Adonai.  To here more of this teaching click here.

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