Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Indiscreet Tongue--Cover Them That You, May Not Be Uncovered!

Proverbs 2; Philippians 2:5; Proverbs 10:19-20; James 3:6; Proverbs 2:1; 1 Corinthians 13:2, 9:20-22; Luke 17:1-2; John 14:13, 16:26

We are walking in today:  The Indiscreet Tongue--Cover Them That You, May Not Be Uncovered!

Witness indiscreet throughout the Bible:  having or showing readiness to reveal secrets or things that should remain private
thoughtless--Psalm 19:8, 116:6, 119:30; Proverbs 1:22, 1:32, 14:8, 27:12
careless--Matthew 12:36
hasty--1 Timothy 5:22

Fiveamprayer, our current society is very focused on telling the secrets of others.  That is often what prompts you to click that youtube link or read that magazine in the grocery store.  Those things that need correction by Yahweh, are not for us to run about discussing it with others!  Don't forget that we too have things we prefer for everyone not to know--yes those skeletons in your closet.  I am sure you would like these things not to be a common place discussion amongst your friends or even people who don't know you.  We have to consider we--mankind have been made in His image.  The mistreatment we have towards any man is also disrespect towards Yahweh Himself.  We have to be aware and very careful of our judgement or sharing that which is not for us to share.  Can you imagine that people have suffered under torture to not tell secrets, yet when operating in an indiscreet tongue will actually go out of their way to share the secrets of others?!  We have gotten very far from His directions of that good and right way to go--the Torah!  How far removed are we from our sins and errors in the light of others downfallen state?    The same mercy that they are seeking, you may be seeking it yourself some day.  You would not like to hear that the mercy that they could not get from you is not available for you now that you are in need.  We have been on this tongue fast, for this 30 day study to be able to speak as the King would have us to speak.  Our words have power either life or death.  All that we utter we will give an account, let me type that slowly---Every. Word. We. Speak. We. Will. Give. An. Account!  We have to be mindful and ask for repentance for our missteps and focus on walking in the foot steps of Yeshua!  Don't you know that we are being cleaned up to enter into His presence like never before!  Go back to the beginning, the children of Israel were in preparation for the giving of the Torah and the Holy Spirit, both happened on the same date Shavout and Pentecost years and years apart!  Both come from His throne and in His presence, we are to be presentable before the King both inside and out.  We have to get cleaned up on the inside this is not as simple as changing clothes, but mindset, word choice and conduct.  Do we walk as He walked on the earth?  Has this shown you yet, that we can only succeed with Him?  Ask Him to walk with you.  Ask Him to show you how.  Will we be seen as His reflection?  Are we keeping or revealing?  Protecting or damaging?  Did we appoint ourselves as judge?  However you judge others will be used to judge you!  Now when that spotlight is on you--you find out how hot and bright that light is that you had in their face, while under the same scrutiny.  Consider and ask forgiveness for being our of order and taking the King's place for what you feel was incorrect--He will handle it--your response is not needed.   But what you can do is to pray for their correction at the hands of Yahweh!   The correction is never prompted by us---ever!  Only Yahweh is without fault and blame!  Take your mouth off of people!  Don't share the downfall of others--pray for them!
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