Tuesday, March 9, 2021


Genesis chapter 1

Today we are walking in: The Male As Cultivator!!!!

Today we look to the word- CREATE- H1254- bara’ - create, creator, choose, make, cut down, dispatch, done, make fat

The Torah testifies……………

Genesis 1:1

In the beginning God created H1254 the heaven and the earth.

The Prophets proclaim…………………

Isaiah 4:5

And the LORD will create H1254 upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defence.

The Writings witness……………………

Psalm 51:10

Create H1254 in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

The Male as Cultivator

Knowing the Word of Yah is also essential for men if they are to fulfill their responsibility as cultivators of the spiritual and personal lives of their family members.

Created and Designed to Cultivate

Before Eve was created, Yah placed Adam in the Garden and told him to cultivate it. (See Genesis 2:15 NASB.) To cultivate means to make something better than when you first received it. If a male receives something to work with, he should never end up with just what he was given. When he‘s finished working with it, it should be multiplied, more effective, more fruitful. Yah told the man to be a developer, and any male who wants to be a real man will appreciate his responsibility to make everything around him better.

Some men concentrate on only their own fruit, their own accomplishments. They are just bettering themselves. That‘s called selfishness. They don‘t have fruitful wives or children because they‘ve neglected to care for them. A real man looks out for the needs of others and helps them to grow.

1. Cultivator of His Work, Talents, and Skills

First, a male has been designed to do his work in such a way that he is able to make it into more than it was originally. In the parable of the talents, the man traveling out of the country entrusted the first servant with five talents, the second with two, and the third with one. It is implied that the man said to them, ―Now, when I come back, I don‘t want to see just the money I gave you. I want to see an increase in my investment. When the man returned, and the servant with the one talent had done nothing to increase his master‘s money, he was called “wicked” and “lazy” (Matt. 25:26). If a man is still working at what he was working at ten years ago and hasn‘t improved it at all, there‘s something wrong.

Every part of society should be developing if we have real men in our presence. But too often we have destroyers instead of developers. They are tearing down our homes, spraying graffiti on our buildings, stealing, and shooting. Male-men need to come back to their purpose and stop using their strength for the wrong reasons.

2. Cultivator of His Children

A man is also meant to cultivate his children, to provide an environment for their personal and spiritual growth. Again, he can do this only if he is saturated with the Word.

Fathers should build up rather than tear down. For instance, you should never tell your children that they are stupid. Why? Those children are your seed. You need to nurture them so they will grow and blossom. Remember, the chip comes from the old block, so the block shouldn‘t criticize it. When your children do something wrong, you should firmly but gently correct them.

A father should help his children to discover their gifts and talents. He should affirm their accomplishments and tell them what they can become in life, so they can have a positive outlook based on faith in Yah. Children need to be encouraged. I will talk more about this topic in the teaching, ―How to Be a Good Father.

3. Cultivator of His Wife

Men have a special responsibility for cultivating their wives. Yet because they often have unrealistic ideas about women, they can end up neglecting or hurting them.

Most of us men are walking around with specific pictures in our minds of who we want our wives to be, and when they don‘t meet our expectations, we tend to blame them. At one point, Yah showed me that I had this attitude toward my wife, and He had to correct me.

Here‘s the way a man often thinks: he is a certain type of man, so he wants a certain type of woman. He thinks such things as: ―I am a musician, so I want her to sing. ―I‘m a banker, so I want her to know about finance. ―I am slim, so I want her to be slim. ―I want her to be smart. ―I want a woman who dresses well. ―I like long hair on a woman. Now, there isn‘t anything wrong with desiring these things. However, I want to tell you something: the “perfect” woman you are looking for does not exist.

It is your job to cultivate your wife so that she can be all that Yah created her to be. You are to help her to blossom and grow into Yah‘s woman, not tear her down because she doesn‘t meet your specifications. In addition, you can help your wife become all that you saw in her when you first met her, and which you now think is missing. You need to nurture all the potential she has. This is not to be done in a controlling way, but in a loving and giving way, which is the nature of Hamachiach. Perhaps it is your criticism that is preventing her from being the woman you want her to be. Think about it: what pressures are present in her life that are keeping her from being all that she desires and needs to be?

Let me say a word here to the young, unmarried men: what are you cultivating? When a young lady comes into your presence, she should leave a better person than she came. She may try to come on too strong, vulgar, like a prostitute. Yet when she leaves, she should walk away a lady. If someone asks her, ―What happened to you? she should be able to say, ―I met a man who told me he wouldn‘t sleep with me. He wouldn‘t degrade me. Why? Because he honors me. Cultivate these young ladies. Don‘t drag them down, and don‘t let them drag you down. A young woman shouldn‘t leave your presence pregnant. She should leave with her dignity and her virginity. Give these young women some good soil. Give them something to make them better. That‘s being a real man.

How to Cultivate Your Wife

If you are a man, Yah has created and designed you to cultivate anything you desire, including your family. So whenever a man receives a woman as a wife, he is given the opportunity to exercise his cultivation ability. A man should pray and ask Yah to show him how to cultivate his wife. He is to water her, prune her, and give her sunlight. He is to add nutrients to her life until she blossoms into the woman she is meant to be.

Now, Yah designed the male to be able to cultivate and produce a beautiful tree. Therefore, if the tree looks like an old bush after twelve years, it‘s not the woman‘s fault. The cultivator was not putting in the right nutrients and the right water. A woman should be flourishing under her husband‘s loving care. Men, don‘t go looking for someone else whom you believe is more like what you want your wife to be. You are the cultivator—cultivate your wife.

For example, if you want her to look nice, buy some nice clothes for her. Let her go to the beauty salon. Stop telling her to look good if you‘re going to refuse to pay for a hair- dresser. Stop telling her you want her to look slim when you ask her to serve fatty foods. Tell her you want to exercise together. Don‘t just wish for something and then not cultivate it. Leaders don‘t point the way; they lead the way.

Some women have been living with men who are pouring acid on their roots and drying up their fruit. Men, it‘s difficult for you to cultivate if you have poison on your hands. You shouldn‘t try to transplant a tender plant to your garden if you have acid in your soil. Make sure you have good soil before you try to cultivate.

Cultivate your wife by sending her roses. Bring her nutrients by calling her up and saying, ―Honey, I love you. Give her sunlight by telling her she‘s beautiful. Ephesians 5:25–26 says that Yahusha loved His bride and gave His life for her. He washed her with water through the Word. Verse 27 says that He did this so that He may “present her.” This means that when a man is finished cultivating, he should have something to present. ―Most High, see how I cultivated my wife? We‘ve been married only five years.

Wait until You see the next fifteen.

At the end of your life, your wife should be so close to what you first saw when you desired her that you can die with peace. You should be proud of the woman that you cultivated. Yahusha presents His wife, saying, ―Look what I have! The woman described in Proverbs 31 is amazing. “Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value” (v. 11). “Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land” (v. 23). If anyone passed by this husband, he said proudly, ―Do you see that woman? That‘s my lady over there. Many husbands haven‘t done anything for their wives. Instead of cultivating, they have taken soil away from them. Now that their wives have become run down both emotionally and physically, they are ashamed to be seen with them.

Are you ashamed to bring people to your house? Instead, you should be ashamed of yourself. And guess what? You are ashamed of yourself. According to the Word, your wife is your own flesh. (See Ephesians 5:28.) Whatever she looks like is really a sign of what you look like.

Now, a man doesn‘t always know what to do to cultivate his wife. A woman can help her husband in this. She can let him know what she needs so he can provide the right nutrients. For instance, if he says, ―Honey, you seem upset today. What happened? she can say, ―Well, I‘ve been trying to work with these old pots and pans. Every time I pick them up the handles fall off, and it‘s frustrating. If we bought some new pots, it would make meal preparation much less stressful for me. Or if he says, ―I want to be able to talk to you about my job, but you can‘t seem to discuss it, she can say, ―Well, sweetheart, sit down and tell me about it. I want to know about your job. Teach me.

How is she going to converse with you about your job if you don‘t talk to her about it, if you don‘t come home and tell her what you‘re doing, what you‘re planning, and how your job works? You talk to the young lady at the office. She knows about your job, so you think she‘s better than your wife. She isn‘t better than your wife. Your wife is better than you are. You are the one who is lacking understanding, because you didn‘t take the time to teach her.

Washing with the Word

Husbands, love your wives, just as Hamachiach loved the Ekklesia and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant Ekklesia, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. (Eph. 5:25–28)

In this passage, Paul was saying, ―Yahusha is a good Husband. A man ought to love his wife like Yahusha loved the Ekklesia. He gave Himself for her and cleansed her by the washing of water through the Word. Why? In order “to present her to himself ” (v. 27).

If a man is to do this for his wife, he needs to be filled with the Word, just as Hamachiach is filled with the Word. He needs to wash his wife with the Word, just as Hamachiach washes His bride with the Word. Now, you can‘t wash if you don‘t have any water. Yahusha emphasized the importance of the Word in our lives. He said to His disciples in John 15:3, “You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.”

He said to the woman at the well, “If you knew the gift of Yah and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water” (John 4:10).

A male who wants to be a real man—the man Yah created him to be—has to be full of the Word of Yah. There‘s only one way to get clean water: go to the Well. You can‘t wash with the muddy water of the world. When you fill your mind and heart only with things such as television or sporting events, that‘s mud. If you want water that the Manufacturer intended you to have, you need to stay connected to the well of Yah, which is filled with the Word. Yahusha is the Word.

Some men are washing their wives in mud. What does it mean to wash somebody with the Word? Yahusha is our Example: every time you have a negative experience, He comes in immediately with a positive one and washes it off. Whenever the disciples were afraid, He said, “Be of good cheer.” (See, for example, Matthew 14:27 KJV.) Every time they became nervous, He told them to remain calm. Whenever they became frightened by a storm, He told them to relax. He was always there to wash away fear, to wash away doubt. When they wondered how they were going to feed the five thousand, He told them to have faith. When they told Him that Lazarus had died, He said, ―Don‘t worry about it; he‘s sleep- ing.‖ He was always washing His Ekklesia.

What kind of man do we need today? When your wife says, ―We can‘t pay our phone bill, you say, ―Our Yah is bigger than any phone company. That‘s washing your wife. When your wife says, ―We‘re not going to be able to meet the note at the bank. They‘re going to repossess the car, and the children are going to be taken out of private school, you say, ―Honey, we serve the Yah of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Yah of my grandparents and parents. Let‘s just keep standing on the Word. It‘s going to be alright. When your wife feels a little pain in her body and begins to imagine all kinds of things, such as cancer, you have to be there and say, ―Honey, Yah is the Yah who heals you. Come here and let me pray for you.

Some men have only bad news. ―Honey, pack up. We have to move to lesser quarters. They have nothing positive to say—no Scripture, no faith. Yah wants men who will stand up in their faith, saying, ―A thousand may fall on my right, and ten thousand on my left, but in this house we‘re going to come through with flying colors. My house is covered by the Word of Yah. As for me and my house, we‘re going to be alright. That‘s a man. That‘s a washer. However, he can do that only if he is filled with the Word.

A Partner in Yah’s Creation

The male has been given the serious but exciting responsibility of shaping the lives of his family members for the better—teaching and cultivating them to be all that Yah created them to be. In this way, he is a partner with Yah in fulfilling His plan of creation. Two more assignments in which a man reflects his Creator are that of provider and protector. We‘ll explore these responsibilities in the next teaching.


1. The male was created to be the spiritual leader and teacher of his family.

2. The male has been designed with the capacity to fulfill his purpose of teaching.

3. When you teach your family Yah‘s Word and ways, you attract Yah‘s trust and friendship.

4. If a man doesn‘t have the knowledge and capacity to teach a woman the Word, he‘s not ready for marriage.

5. Yah instructs men to teach their families His commandments in these ways: (1) when you sit at home, (2) when you walk along the road, (3) when you lie down, (4) when you get up, and (5) by tying them as symbols on your hands, binding them on your foreheads, and writing them on the doorframes of your houses and gates. (See Deuteronomy 6:7–9.)

6. The male was created to be the cultivator of the spiritual and personal lives of his family members.

7.To cultivate means to multiply, make fruitful, make better.

8. The male is the cultivator of his work, talents, and skills.

9. The male is the cultivator of his children.

10. The male is the cultivator of his wife.

11. A man needs to be filled with the Word, just as Hamachiach is filled with the Word. Then he can wash his wife with the Word, just as Hamachiach washes His bride with His Word.

12. The male has been given the responsibility of shaping the lives of his family members for the better—teaching and cultivating them to be all that Yah created them to be. In this way, the male is a partner with Yah in fulfilling His plan of creation.

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