Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Unmasking the Spirit of Unforgiveness

 1 John 3; Revelation 2:18-21

We are walking in today:  Unmasking the Spirit of Unforgiveness

Teaching from the book: Unmasking The Jezebel Spirit, by John Paul Jackson

1 John 3:17
If someone has worldly possessions and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how can he be loving God? - CJB

Revelation 2:18-21
“To the angel of the Messianic Community in Thyatira, write: ‘Here is the message from the Son of God, whose eyes are like a fiery flame and whose feet are like burnished brass: I know what you are doing, your love, trust, service and perseverance. And I know that you are doing more now than before. But I have this against you: you continue to tolerate that Izevel woman, the one who claims to be a prophet, but is teaching and deceiving my servants to commit sexual sin and eat food that has been sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to turn from her sin, but she doesn’t want to repent of her immorality. - CJB

Lawlessness a spirit that has no restraint or control and does not want to be governed by law--rebelling against any type of system that has authority. Especially rebellion against Yahweh's word, as in the man of lawlessness- 2 Thessalonians 2, the lawless crucifiers of Yeshua Hamashiach.

Acts 2:3
This man was arrested in accordance with God’s predetermined plan and foreknowledge; and, through the agency of persons not bound by the Torah, you nailed him up on a stake and killed him! - CJB

Yahweh is omniscient, existing all at once past, present and future. The leaders path is known, appointed and established by Yahweh. Whether one is an agreement or not with a leader, under the influence of the Jezebel spirit. The respect of authority is still Kingdom protocol. Approaching properly the influence, Pastor or Elder should be done and handled by scripture and the leading of the Ruach HaKodesh.

1 Timothy 5:19
Never listen to any accusation against a leader unless it is supported by two or three witnesses. - CJB

Matthew 18:15-18
Moreover, if your brother commits a sin against you, go and show him his fault — but privately, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won back your brother. If he doesn’t listen, take one or two others with you so that every accusation can be supported by the testimony of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to hear them, tell the congregation; and if he refuses to listen even to the congregation, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax-collector. Yes! I tell you people that whatever you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven. - CJB

Yahweh is the judge of all and will allow the influenced leader to continue. Until a replacement, leader is appointed and judgment is fullfilled. Lest we empty the bowl of judgment ourselves and live with our own actions. For taking the seat of judgment that belongs only to Yahweh. Thinking our judgments are gifts bestowed by glory for the use of the Kingdom--a deception of Pride and idolatry. Yahweh is sovereign and His will is omnipotent.

Matthew 7:21-23
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, only those who do what my Father in heaven wants. On that Day, many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord! Didn’t we prophesy in your name? Didn’t we expel demons in your name? Didn’t we perform many miracles in your name?’ Then I will tell them to their faces, ‘I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!’ -CJB

2 Thessalonians 2:7

For already this separating from Torah is at work secretly, but it will be secretly only until he who is restraining is out of the way. - CJB

The mystery of deception often being unaware of lawlessness, due to the deceitfulness of the Jezebel spirit. The mystery of lawlessness shrouds deception to the influenced. Their actions show the total disregard of any authority. Due to the spirit of self-will and righteousness. The influenced mind is rooted in a demonic stronghold. Believing their evil intent of correction, is actually holy and the sanctioned will of Yahweh.

This builds on this idea of relativism. Ethical truths that are defined by individuals groups, circumstances in situations. Basically, each person defines their own rules as to be truth. Is the rule of thumb in society today. The kingdom of lawlessness against the established Kingdom of Torah, Yahweh's teachings and instructions. One more popular than the other, when truth is shown in the heart of man goes back to lawlessness. There can be no respect of any type of authority. Arrogance and dissension begin to grow amongst the body against leadership. The Korite and Jezebelite would see the end results of their rebellion and backbiting undermining Yahweh's appointed leadership. These initiates cloaked in deception as well as being deceived--spread slander and mistrust of the ordained leadership causing more rebellion and lawlessness to spread.

Yahweh has appointed leaders and knows their hearts and actions has he knows ours. We are to pray and fast for the leaders appointed. All authority has been established by Yahweh good or bad. He is sovereign.

Roman's 13:1-4
Everyone is to obey the governing authorities. For there is no authority that is not from God, and the existing authorities have been placed where they are by God. Therefore, whoever resists the authorities is resisting what God has instituted; and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers are no terror to good conduct, but too bad. Would you like to be unafraid of the person in authority? Then simply do what is good, and you will win his approval; for he is God’s servant, there for your benefit. But if you do what is wrong, be afraid! Because it is not for nothing that he holds the power of the sword; for he is God’s servant, there as an avenger to punish wrongdoers. - CJB

Dangerously stepping into a whole world of curses--going against leadership and walking in the root of unforgiveness. While having aught against your brother, opens up a door to demonic possessions of this Jezebel spirit. Stemming from disagreement with leadership. We are to walk in His Kingdom protocol. Woe to the person who causes slander, rebellion and deceit due to their beliefs in eagerness to be in control, seeking their own leadership appointment outside of the will of Yahweh.

Unforgiveness will cause lawlessness, the root of hurt and rejection coupled with whatever else demonically is attached, opens the door for this demonic influence. Walk in forgiveness because of offenses will come and the reward is great to let go and love your brother.

Teshuvah to the kingdom and follow the ancient paths then you will find rest for your souls. The teaching and instructions of the Torah is not a book of laws, they are His instructions for us to live! Yahweh's intended life for us all. The spirit of lawlessness deceives many.

Jeremiah 6:16-19
Here is what Adonai says:“Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths,‘Which one is the good way?’Take it, and you will find rest for your souls.But they said, ‘We will not take it.’ I appointed sentinels to direct them:‘Listen for the sound of the shofar.’But they said, ‘We will not listen.’ So hear, you nations; know, you assembly, what there is against them. Hear, oh earth! I am going to bring disaster on this people; it is the consequence of their own way of thinking; for they pay no attention to my words; and as for my Torah, they reject it. - CJB

Search your hearts and see if the problem that you're having a good leadership? Or is this showing the operation in the lives of you or leadership, the Jezebel spirit?  Time to look into the mirror, it could be operating in you. If not, only be led by the Ruach HaKodesh. There are several guidelines to follow when attempting to approach the leaders in lawlessness.

1. Our heavenly Father is infinitely wise and insightful. His knowledge is complete and extends to the past, present, and future

2. Yahweh establishes all authority in its position.

3. Yahweh allowed the decisions to happen that place your pastor in your church, knowing exactly what he or she would do.

4. Having infinite awareness, Yahweh is not surprised by what your pastor is, or is not, doing.

5. As all-powerful, Yahweh can cause your pastor to stop any course of action, should the He choose. He could visit your pastor and tell him or her to stop if He thought it was important to do so.

6. Perhaps if Yahweh is not correcting your pastor, then he may be using the situation to work in your life, as well as in the life of your pastor.

7. Assuming that Yahweh is working in your life and in your pastor's life, then it would be wise to remember the words of Yeshua.

Matthew 5:7
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. In showing Mercy for your pastor you will receive Mercy from Yahweh.

8. To challenge pastoral authority (except for the four issues of moral failure, financial impropriety, teaching heresy, rage or uncontrolled emotions) is to act preemptively as though you are Yahweh. These consequences of such Behavior may be grave.  To hear this again click here.

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