Wednesday, January 6, 2021


Proverbs chapter 31

Today we are walking in: The Woman's Origin

Today we look to the word-SUBMIT- H6031 `anah, to humble oneself, submit

The Torah Testifies………….

Genesis 16:9

And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Return to thy mistress, and submit H6031 thyself under her hands.

The Prophets Proclaim…………..

2 Samuel 22:45

Strangers shall submit H6031 themselves unto me: as soon as they hear, they shall be obedient unto me.

The Writings bear Witness………..

Psalms 18:44

As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me: the strangers shall submit H6031 themselves unto me.

The Woman Was “Taken out of Man”

Third, the woman is unique because she was taken out of man.

The Woman’s Origin

First Corinthians 11:8 says, “Man did not come from woman, but woman from man.” According to our Manufacturer, man was taken out of the soil, but woman was taken out of man. The implications of this are striking and significant. Something that has been taken from something else has the same components as that from which it was derived. Adam wasn’t ignorant of who the woman was. He said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” (Genesis 2:23). She was part of him; she was like him. He said, “She shall be called ‘woman’” (v.23). Why? “For she was taken out of man” (v.23).

The female is what she is because she came out of what the male is. Remember that man is spirit because man came out of Yah, who is Spirit. Therefore, humanity must stay connected to Yah in order to have spiritual life. In the same way, since woman came out of man, she needs to stay connected to man in order to live the life she was created to live. Any woman who decides that she is an island unto herself is going to become a volcano before too long.

A man really can’t get upset about what a woman is. He can’t forget the material of which she is made- the same material of which he is made. Because of this, she should be valued and loved by the man.

Husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Hamachiach does the church-for we are members of his body. (Ephesians 5:28-30)

Paul said that if you take proper care of your body, it shows that you love yourself. A husband is to love his wife as he loves himself, as his own body. However, too often we fail to apply this principle in marriage, and in the general relationships of men and women. Males and females are of the same essence and therefore should respect, honor and love one another. Yahusha reinforced this principle when He said that one of the greatest commandments is “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 19:19). If we really understood this truth, there would be more patience, understanding, and forgiveness among men and women.

The Woman’s Position

“Man did not come from woman, but woman from man” (1 Corinthians 11:8). The entire eleventh chapter of 1 Corinthians is talking about the position of men and women and about the male-female relationship. It’s talking about authority.

Some people feel that Paul was being a chauvinist when he made the above statement. Rather, he was referring to the creation of male and female. He made an important distinction between the spiritual position of men and women and the male-female relationship. In doing so, he used a spiritual example because he did not want his statements to be misinterpreted.

Some people feel that Paul was a chauvinist.

Paul was saying, in effect, “Look, some of you women think that I am trying to put you down or say that you are inferior. Therefore, in order to make myself clear, let me explain to both men and women the true nature of authority.” In verse three, he said, “Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Hamachiach.” So first we see that the man has a head to whom he is responsible. He is under the headship of Hamachiach. Verse three continues, “And the head of the woman is man.” The woman also has a head. She is responsible to the man. The verse concludes, “And the head of Hamachiach is Yah.” Paul was expressing this idea: “If you think you don’t like being under somebody else’s authority, you will have to tell Yahusha to move out from under Abba's authority. Until you become better than Yahusha, the best thing to do is to stay under your authority.”

A woman may be smarter, have more education, work a more prestigious job, or make more money than a man. Yet for the man to fulfill his role, she needs to submit to him. Submission is an act of the will, a choice. A woman should submit to a man, not because society says so, but because of her purpose. In this way, she enables her husband to be a leader.

There is an evil spirit abroad in the world today in which nobody wants to be under anybody else. This satanic spirit has taken over our society. Yet Yahusha Himself gave us our model of authority and submission when He submitted to His Father. Philippians 2:6-8 says,

[Yahusha] being in very nature Yah, did not consider equality with Yah something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death-even death on a crucifixion stake!

Even though Yahusha is equal to Yah, He submitted Himself to the Abba and to the Abba’s plan. The prophet Isaiah talked about both the deity and humility of Yah the Son. He said, in essence, “You aren’t going to believe this report. A Son will be born, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty Yah.” (See Isaiah 9:6.)

We might well ask, “But Isaiah, you just said, ‘For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given’ (v. 6 NKJV). What do you mean that this Child, this Son, will be called Mighty Yah? How can He be Yah and Son?”

Isaiah’s answer would be, “He is Yah, but He took on the position of Man and Servant for the sake of your redemption.”

Purpose necessitated the position. The purpose of Yah was redemption. The Yah-head said, “Somebody has to go down and submit to us in order to bring about the salvation of man.” So the Word of Yah, who is Yah Himself, said, “I’ll go. I know I am an equal in the Yahhead, but for this purpose of redemption, I will be made in the likeness of man and will submit.”

Yahusha is not inferior to Yah; They are equal. But for the purpose of salvation, He submitted Himself to a position in which He could fulfill the requirement of salvation. Similarly, a woman isn’t any less than her husband; however, for Yah’s purposes, it is her position to submit.

Do you know why marriages and relationships and society aren’t working? It is because people are refusing to accept their positions. What if the tires on your car decided they wanted to take on the role of the steering wheel? The whole car wouldn’t be able to move. This is the stalemate that our society is in. Everybody wants the same position. Nobody wants to trust anybody.

Many of you women have had your hearts broken in the past by unsympathetic and domineering men. Yah has compassion on you. He has made provision for your hurt through the grace and blood of Yahusha Hamachiach and the healing power of His Ruach Hackodesh. Yet your hurt can’t change Yah’s original design for males and females. He can’t alter His design based on your ideas of what a relationship should be, even though you have had painful experiences.

Some of our problems are the result of our own ignorance. The reason things haven’t worked out for some of us is that we made the wrong decision in the beginning.

You have to understand your position. First Corinthians 11:5-6 says,

Every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head- it is just as though her head were shaved. If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head.

Paul was using an illustration to explain the concept of position. A woman should have her head covered, just like a man should have his head covered, just like Hamachiach should have his head covered. Head covering doesn’t ultimately refer to hats or veils. Wearing a hat is good, but it doesn’t make you any more righteous. Paul was talking about the nature of authority. He was saying, “Look, the man is under Yahusha, and Yahusha is under the Abba. The woman is under the man, and the children are under both of them.” Woman was taken out of man, which means that man is her covering by virtue of the way she was created. There is no way to change this. Every time we try to change Yah’s purposes, we cause ourselves problems.

Your position has to do with your purpose and design.

Our positions have nothing to do with how we feel about them; they have to do with our purpose. What is your purpose? That determines where you are placed. “For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man” (1 Corinthians 11:8-9). Yah created man and placed him within the male and female. Then He subjected the male to Hamachiach Yahushua, and the female to the male. If we do not understand our positions, we will function in ignorance, and the results will be pain and destruction. People perish because of lack of knowledge (Proverbs 29:18).

I suggest to you men that you have no right to have your wife submit to you if you yourself don’t submit to anybody else. You are exercising illegal authority if you are demanding submission without being submitted. As a matter of fact, you can’t really discipline your children if you’re not disciplined yourself and that goes for both men and women. Stop believing you can discipline your children when you show no discipline yourself.

The male-man needs to be under authority before he is able to exercise it properly. It’s impossible for you to say you are the head of a home when you aren’t submitted to anyone else. The head of Hamachiach is Yah, and the head of man is Hamachiach, and the head of woman is man. Any man who is out from under Hamachiach is not really a qualified authority. The most dangerous man to marry is a man who isn’t submitted to The Most High Yah, who believes he is the ultimate boss and won’t answer to anyone. If a man has to answer to, then his wife has someone to whom to appeal.

A woman might not be able to get through to her husband. Some of you are married to such males. They are so stubborn, their heads are as hard as rocks. But if a man is submitted to Yah, you can deal with him from the top down.

Remember what Esther did? She wanted to effect a change in her country, but she was afraid to go to her husband, the king. So she went to Yah, and Yah gave her wisdom about what to do. He gave her a plan, and the plan worked (See Esther 1-10.) You can appeal to the one whose authority the man is under. That is why it is good to have a husband who is responsible to Yah.

“A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of Yah; but the woman is the glory of man” (1 Corinthians 11:7). Paul was saying that once the man is covered with Hamachiach, his marriage is under authority. However, the woman then needs the man to cover her. First Corinthians 11:9 says, “Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. For this reason, and because of the angels, the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head.”

What do messengers have to do with this? You could substitute the term “spirit world” or “spirit realm” for the word “messengers.” Paul is saying to the female, “When you start functioning in the kingdom of Yah, you must be careful, because even the messengers will look to see if you are under authority before they will submit to your request. Because of the messengers, because the spirits, you must submit to your authority. Why? If you don’t, the spirits will not submit to you. They won’t do what you ask, and you will lose your spiritual authority.”

Submission activates heaven.

If you are a female, and you want to do a work for Yah, all of heaven is ready to work for you. Yah says, “All right, we’ll do spiritual work, but how are your relationships in the natural realm?” Any woman who goes on a missionary journey saying, “I don’t need the community; I can do this by myself,” isn’t going to find any messengers supporting her. She can pray, wear a hat, and carry a big Bible. It won’t mean anything to the messengers. The messengers are looking for your authority. They will ask, “Who are you under? How can you tell us what to do when you yourself aren’t under anybody?” Submission activates heaven.

Consider the examples of Hamachiach again. How did He submit Himself as a man? When He went to John the Baptist to be baptized, John was in charge. Yahusha told him, in effect, “John, you have to do this. You’re the one on the scene right now. I understand authority, so you need to baptize Me.” John said, “You should baptize me!” Yahusha answered, “No, because if you don’t baptize Me, the messengers aren’t going to cooperate with Me, so that I can fulfill what Yah has ordained.” (See Matthew 3:14-17).

Now, if Hamachiach submitted because of heaven, who do we think we are? You may be independent, famous, a fantastic business person, and doing very well. However, if you aren’t going to submit to anyone, I have problems with you, because heaven doesn’t trust you. Don’t ever believe that you can run off and do Yah’s work without being in submission. Don’t ever run away from a ministry and do your own work because somebody made you upset. The messengers are watching. You can actually remove Yah’s protective covering from yourself when you move out from under your authority. This principle applies to both males and females.

Everyone should be connected with a local community or ministry because of the need for submission. I know people who say, “My pastor is a TV preacher.” But a person can’t have a relationship of spiritual submission with a TV preacher. At five o’clock on a Tuesday afternoon, when you need the Pastor, the TV program isn’t on. Who is your pastor then? Covering is a key to Yah’s resources. If you’re covered, He’ll bless you.

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