Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Greatness of the Lord God Almighty!

Psalm 76, Deuteronomy 6:16, Numbers 20:1-12, Deuteronomy 28:9, Exodus 19:5, 1 Peter 2:9, Hosea 1:1-10

We are walking in today:  The Greatness of the Lord God Almighty!

Don’t put the word of Yahweh to the test. If God says it, you don’t have to worry about whether it’s going to come to pass or not. You don’t have to help Him. You don’t have to second guess Him. If He said that He is going to do something--He is going to do it. Difficult situations may arise, but if you take them to God, He will tell you exactly what to do just like when He told Moses to speak to the rock and it would bring forth water. However, Moses didn’t follow God’s instruction to the letter. He became frustrated and called the people rebels and “hit” the rock. God will give you power when you walk in obedience. He gave Moses the power to split the Red Sea! It’s amazing what Adonai will do in our lives when we walk in obedience. However, we have to understand that there is obedience and there is perfect obedience. There is following the word of Elohim to the letter and when we don’t do that, it shows a lack of trust in Him and a lack of faith. When we stop and think about what He tells us to do, we cloud the waters and get in the way. We have to understand that when our enemies stand against us, they are really standing against God because we belong to Him and the Lord God will always handle His business. Sometimes we are set to be blessed and set up for God to move in our lives and then we ourselves, get in the way which causes the move of Yahweh to be slowed because then He has to come back and teach us who He is, and teach us how to have faith in what He says, and then He can do what He wanted to do for us in our lives. It’s very important that when God tells us to do something that we do it not just because of ourselves, not just because of the promise, but because the promise is going to effect the people who are around us in our sphere of influence. There are people who are watching and learning from us. We are teachers even if we aren’t speaking to others about Him, but by the very way that we live. There are times when God want to exalt us in front of people but we allow circumstances and situations to frustrate us and when we go before people in a state of frustration or in a state of disobedience to God, we not only make ourselves look bad, but we make Him look bad as well. People blaspheme the name of the Lord, not because the Lord does anything crazy, but because the people who call themselves the people of God do crazy things. We are the ones who get ahead of the Lord God. We are the ones who say things to people that God doesn’t say in His word. We are the ones who alienate people because of the sin that they find themselves in because they are more forward with their sins. We are the ones who alienate homosexuals. People blaspheme the name of God because of us, even though God puts us on a stage where we can bless people and show them His glory.  How else are you going to get an audience when you are ready to give God’s word, unless you love on people? We have to be careful to do whatever He tells us to do so that when we are put on the stage in front of people, His Name will be lifted up and glorified so that people will think that God is worth exploring, investigating and hearing from!  Fiveamprayer, allow His glory to be manifested in your life in a way that the people in front of you will see it and it will draw their attention! Let Him establish you because you imitate His ways!! Listen to His voice!! Be motivated to do what He called you to do so, that He will be glorified!!  Amen!!  Hallelujah and Glory to His Name!  To hear this again click here.

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