Galatians 6
We are walking in today: No More Toleration, It Is Confrontation Time!! Part 10, Confrontation Can Only Happen If Your Spirit Is Clear!!!!
Teaching from the book: Unmasking The Jezebel Spirit by John Paul Jackson
cleanse throughout the Bible: H5352
naqah spelled nun, qof, hey-- to be
clean, be free from guilt, be innocent, cleanse
Exodus 23:7 Keep thee far from a false matter; and the innocent and righteous slay
thou not: for I will not justify the wicked.
Torah: Exodus 20:7
Prophets: 1 Samuel 26:9; Jeremiah 2:35; Joel 3:21
Writings: 1 Kings 2:9; Psalms 19:12-13
Genesis 44:10 And he said, Now also let it be according unto your words: he with whom it is found shall be my servant; and ye shall be blameless.
Galatian 6:1 Brothers, suppose someone is caught doing something wrong. You who have the Spirit should set him right, but in a spirit of humility, keeping an eye on yourselves so that you won’t be tempted too.
In dealing with Jezebel spirit we have to be prepared and properly positioned!! The addressing of this spirit is to be a pastor that is not only prepared with the actions of the Jezebel that are not led by the Holy Spirit but also a through self-check for wounds and points that the Jezebelic influence to gain access and persist in the destruction of the ministry. It is amazing how this thing can switch up on you if you are not aware of those subtle things that bother you and have not been dealt with will mask in what responds to that emotional pull. Thus the pastor that is addressing a Jezebelic influence will need wise council and review to determine if they will be able to avoid emotional pitfalls and reactions while correcting the person in love.
Check The Mirror
Instinctively, individuals with a Jezebel spirit will often mirror a pastor’s manner of operation. If the pastor is self-promoting, such individuals may feel the freedom to promote their own gifts and abilities. If the leader is domineering, individuals may see this as granting permission to maintain the upper hand at all times with others. If a domineering pastor clashes with such strong-willed Jezebels, a fierce and ugly battle will arise. I recommend that a pastor focus his or her attention on opposing the demonic stronghold in the person while demonstrating love toward the person. Any confrontation must be done in love in order to restore the Jezebelite. Only a loving confrontation will induce an individual to experience brokenness. He or she will need to experience godly sorrow that leads to repentance. If you face resistance by the Jezebelite, avoid the tendency to react scornfully. Remember, you are not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against the powers of darkness (Ephesians 6:12). Ask God to search your heart further--then respond with great strength and determination to help the individual repent. If you are defensive or reactive, the Jezebelite may detect your insecurity and respond with a mask of meekness meant to disarm you. Your confidence must be in the Lord. Believing that God has appointed you as shepherd over the flock will enable you to act valiantly and with compassion.
Guard Against Transference
Memories of neglect from a mother, from prior romantic relationships, or from fluctuations in a marriage can influence a pastor’s ability to communicate and confront. Jezebelites will usually sense a pastor’s bitterness or areas of unresolved wounds. Therefore, a pastor must guard against transferring unconscious and unsettled issues about a grandmother, mother, sister, or spouse to individuals operating under a Jezebel spirit. Suspicion, strife, and vain imagination about potential conflicts will tempt a pastor to eradicate anyone who seems unsubmissive. However suspicion, strife, and vain imagination are spirits of witchcraft. If a pastor is tempted to operate in these ways, such spirits may obtain a foothold in him or her. A pastor will not be able to overcome a Jezebel spirit until freed of these heart issues. Furthermore, demonic spirits may attack a pastor or leader who arrogantly or smugly attacks a Jezebel spirit. To operate in the wrong spirit is sometimes described as operating in the power of the soul. Whenever we use our soul to conquer another’s soul, we fail to get God’s needed counsel to gain victory. Only by exercising the fruits of the Holy Spirit—love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control—can the power of the soul be conquered. Remember, a spiritual touch can produce eternal change in another. Trying to use the soul in this manner will bring disaster to a pastor, his or her family, and the church. A pastor must keep in mind that he or she is dealing with dark powers. This battle is not merely with a person. The enemy’s success distorts our thinking and produces a spirit of fear, suspicion, or accusation in our hearts. The Jezebel spirit operates under the power of the soul. If you operate under the same power, you inflate the demonic spirit and it now controls both of you.
When Ministering To Others
You will need to encourage a person who has repented from using a Jezebel spirit to continue taking new steps forward. He or she must be encouraged to keep renewing his or her mind, learning to recognize and adopt God’s way of looking at things. Activities that restore feelings of self-worth should be encouraged. Frequently, these individuals have a great desire to contribute in a worthwhile way. Servanthood, with healthy boundaries, is a key to restoration. However, their serving others should not be confused with their having authority. To give them authority at this time would be tantamount to giving an alcoholic a drink. All areas of rebellion will need to be addressed. In an attitude of meekness, amends will need to be made in order to close the door to future inroads by the enemy.
Suggested Steps For Confrontation
For pastors who must confront an individual who operates with a Jezebel spirit, here are my suggestions:
1. Seek counsel about any personal blind spots or weaknesses you have from those who are spiritually mature.
2. Pray before you speak in any confrontation. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal hidden issues. If you allow the Holy Spirit to do His work, it is amazing how issues will surface that had not been previously known.
3. Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom to discern what is spiritual, by discerning what demonic spirits the individual has embraced. Ask for discernment about what is natural or from the person’s upbringing, such as harsh parental issues.
4. Avoid becoming angry at all costs! Keep calm. Do not overreact or make the issue larger than it is.
5. Do not ignore the problem! It will not disappear.
6. From the moment a problem is suspected, document all third-party information. Record dates, times, places, and what was said. Otherwise, trying to piece together tidbits of information will only lead to the person’s denial.
7. During a confrontation, always have someone in the room with you.
8. Confront each issue with grace, but with firmness and candor. Be specific. You must explain the problems. However do not make the mistake of revealing names and specific accusations.
9. Get permission from third parties to use all testimonies, along with their names, in the meeting. If you do not, the Jezebelite will deny ever having said such things.
10. Tape record the meeting. Be sure to let the individual know that you are taping the meeting. Set the tape recorder in the open for all to see.
If you follow these suggestions, be prepared for Jezebel to repent and apologize with great passion. However, do not be surprised when Jezebel, whom you thought had repented, recoils and strikes again with greater vengeance. If that happens, simply repeat the above process of confrontation. If the person will not hear you the second time, then you must remove him or her from the church.
Red Flags
Here are some early warning signs that pastors, in hindsight, have shared with me. Pastors may want to keep alert for these phrases that could indicate a storm is brewing on the horizon.
1. “I just want to be your friend.” More than likely, people who say these things will have expectations that you will never be able to meet.
2. “I just want to help you get to where God has called you.” In other words, “you cannot get to your destiny without me.” Beware!
3. “There are no strings attached to my help. I just want to serve.” However, you’ll find lots of hidden strings.
4. “You can trust me. I will always support you.” Such people will support you as long as you do what they say!
5. “You do not acknowledge my gifting.” People like this are asking you for more authority in the church.
6. “You do not understand me.” This is a veiled cry for you to spend more time with them than you have available.
7. “You intimidate me. I do not feel like I can talk to you.” In other words, “My goals should become your goals.”
8. “I have new revelation. The pastor has Old Testament understanding and I have New Testament understanding.” In other words, “I am right and you are wrong!”
9. “The Lord has given me some things that I need to share with you.” Duck! You’ll probably be receiving a harsh spanking.
10. “My last pastor did not know how to use me or my gifts.” In other words, they are saying, “Let me have my way.”
Thank you Most High for showing us in ministering to the wounded begins with us first!! That our emotions are not stirred up and the Jezebelic influence slithers off to mask and hide elsewhere and proceed in destructive operations. When those subtle areas go unchecked they will start off small and as it keeps sitting there begins to grow and now decisions are made and feelings are out of control!!
Shema Selah let us be healed from our wounds that we are not run by our emotions and make more room for this influence to operate!!
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