Thursday, January 15, 2015

5 Smooth Stones--Genesis 22 The Akidah, The Binding of Isaac

Genesis 22

We are walking in today:  5 Smooth Stones--Genesis 22 The Akidah, The Binding of Isaac
​Witness wandering throughout the Bible:  ​H8582 ta'ah to err, wander, go astray, stagger, to wander about (physically)
Genesis 20:13; Numbers 14:33; Deuteronomy 27:18; Isaiah 47:15; Jeremiah 14:10, 48:12; Amos 8:12; Job 12:24, 38:41; Psalm 55:7, 59:15, 107:40, 119:10
This section of the scripture is called the the Akidah, the binding of Isaac and is associated with Rosh Hashanah the beginning of the new year according to the Yahweh's appointed times.  This is currently seen in the Jewish calendars since the rest of the world follows the Gregorian calendar.  Keep in mind that the days of the Lord God Almighty are His days for His people which includes all who with  the children of Israel who follow His practices and instruction.  The blowing of the shofar on the new year is also known as the Feast of Trumpets, when they are to be blown.  The shofar is made from the horn of an animal usually a ram to be blown to announce feast days, the charge into battle, to announce the new moon,  and in the loud blast heard in the falling of the walls of Jericho.  Why is this important?  The Greek mindset would miss this connection of the shofar from the ram that was caught in the thicket.  The shofar was to mark something of importance.  The beginning of the new year--Rosh Hashanah was on September 25, 2014 began the year 5775 and the next new year would be on September 14, 2015 beginning 5776.  The count of the years according to Yahweh's lunar calendar is the count of time from Adam and Eve until today.  
The obedience of Abraham to take his only son of promise to the top of mount Moriah is showing us the foreshadow of the obedience of Yeshua who was obedient unto death.  There is confusion seen from the Greek mindset that Yahweh would not ask Abraham to sacrifice his child, for that was a pagan practice.  Reading the scripture shows that Isaac was to go up on the mountain with Abraham and that Yahweh would provide for Himself the sacrifice.  So why would he go up to offer a sacrifice and yet not take a animal sacrifice with him?  This was to be a test of obedience would Abraham be selfless with his only son of promise?  The elements of the Akidah are repeated in the sacrifice of Yeshua.  They both carried wood up the mountain.  They were both at Mt. Moriah which is the location of the temple mount in Jerusalem. Both Isaac and Yeshua were innocently bound to the wood for the sacrifice.  With the ram being caught in the thicket by it's horns relates to the crown of thorns that was placed on Yeshua's head.  Also the actual sacrifice was done with this same ram.  By Isaac being returned to Abraham is a picture of Yeshua being resurrected from His perfect sacrifice many years later.   Both are sons were promised by the word of Adonai, and found to be obedient in all of His word.  Are you trusting in Yahweh to provide in your obedience?  Fiveamprayer, will you do all He has given you to do?  Have questions on this teaching or would you like to contact us? or text to 720.432.016  To hear more of this teaching click here. 

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