Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Torah Portion--Exodus 1:1-6:1 Shemot/ Names

Exodus 1:1-6:1; Jeremiah 1:1-2:3; Acts 5-9; Isaiah 7:14; Romans 9:11; Luke 9:22-23

We are walking in today:  Torah Portion--Exodus 1:1-6:1 Shemot/ Names

Witness resist throughout the Bible:  H7853 satan to be or act as an adversary, resist, oppose
Zechariah 3:1; Matthew 5:39; Luke 21:15; Acts 6:10, 7:51; Romans 13:2; 2 Timothy 2:8; James 4:7, 5:6; 1 Peter 5:9

The title for this portion, Names which has all the names of the sons of Jacob that entered Egypt, joining their brother Joseph there.  In the closing out of Genesis, Jacob gives his blessing before going to sleep with his fathers, tells his sons what is to become of them in latter days.  This section of the text also introduces the later generations of Israel and the beginning of life of the great leader Moses.  As he is found at Mount Sinai while he was in exile, to being sent on assignment to deliver out his bloodline (who in their increase in number and  the current pharaoh not honor what Joseph had done), but feared the people and put them under harsh slavery and restriction.  At the burning bush he hears from Yahweh Himself to tell the people that He is I AM that I AM, also He gives His name YHVH, His name to be an memorial.  The importance of names is seen throughout this section, from the sons names by Jacob and their order and placement in the linage of the people of Israel and most importantly, Moses' introduction to Yahweh on the mountain.  This conversation sets apart His name from others that are called gods but are only motionless statues.  The giving of the four letters that spell His name in Hebrew is called the tetragrammaton and has over the years has come to have various pronunciations--Fiveamprayer, our focus is not on the pronunciation but the obedience to His word!  We will be known as He is known--by our actions!  Titus 1:15-16  (CJB) 15 To all who are themselves pure, everything is pure. But to those who are defiled and without trust, nothing is pure — even their minds and consciences have been defiled. 16 They claim to know God, but with their actions they deny him. They are detestable and disobedient; they have proved themselves unfit to do anything good.  Moses is sent to rescue out his people out of Egypt, which was a place of provision in a famine and later becomes a place where they were being harshly dealt with.  Yet, His promise stands--the people were delivered according to what He promised to Abraham, He remembered the people in their groaning and crying.  It was in His mercy that they were delivered from the house of bondage!  Thank You Yahweh for You are the Great I AM and there is nothing too hard for Thee!  He is the Great and Mighty One! There is no other like Him in all of the universe!  We must be mindful of this that we can ask for an encore--in this shemitah year we are being delivered out from the house of bondage!  Yahweh, heard our groaning and cries, while He continues to teach and correct us at every turn.  All praises to Almighty God, our Elohim is and has His hand on us!  Amen, amen, amen!  To listen to more of this teaching click here.

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