Monday, April 27, 2015

The Complaining Tongue--Change Your Words To--'I Won't Complain!'

Psalm 142:1-2; Philippians 2:14; Exodus 16; Numbers 11-14, 16, 21; 1 Corinthians 10:9-11; John 7:12, 7:32; Philippians 4:8; Jude 1:16; Hebrews 11:6; James 5:9; Isaiah 14:12-14; Numbers 27; Philippians 4:14-15, 4:8; Matthew 20:11; Luke 5:30, 15:2, 19:7; Proverbs 10:19; 1 Thessalonians 5:11; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Acts 16:1; 1 Peter 4:9; John 6:41, 6:43, 6:61; 1 Corinthians 10:10; Matthew 18:15-17, 5:23-24; 7:3-5; Galatians 6:1

We are walking in today:  The Complaining Tongue--Change  Your Words To--'I Won't Complain!'

Witness throughout the Bible: H6682 tsĕvachah outcry or shout
Numbers 11:1-3; Psalm 144:14; Job 9:26-29; Acts 6:1

When we are unappreciative we can easily find ourselves in complaint.  This does not seem like it does nothing more than be noise pollution to those with in earshot.  We have to realize that complaint shows our lack of trust and appreciation for the provision that Yahweh has given us.  He knows all things and we must be patient--His response and fulfillment of His plan.
When we use complaint with people for a benefit for the correction of a situation such as an incorrect order at a restaurant.  You could put on facebook how you have received poor service and the other offenses or speak to the manager to let them know so that it can be corrected and possibly prevent someone else from having the same problem. 
Let us not be found in constant questions of every area of our lives, that can lead to murmuring which can be contagious amongst others and breeds even more discontent in a community.  We have seen this in the wilderness with the Children of Israel.  We have also experienced this with others who work overtime to pull you into their discontent and dissatisfaction to gain 'allies' for their offense.  If this is something that can be dealt with--do just that deal with it so that it can be resolved and keeps the air clean without setting the stage for more discontent in others.  To hear more of this teaching click here.

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