Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Self-Absorbed Tongue, Pay Attention To Others Concerns

Philippians 2; Genesis 2:7; Deuteronomy 15:7; Proverbs 18:21; Esther 5:11

We are walking in today:  The Self-Absorbed Tongue, Pay Attention To Others Concerns

Witness selfish  throughout the Bible:  the self absorbed is a person that has a concentrated focus on their own thoughts and actions and the desire to share this with others
Psalms 119:136; 1 Corinthians 13:4-6; Galatians 5:19-21; Philippians 1:16-18; James 3:14, 3:16

Fiveamprayer we have all experienced situations where the person you are speaking with is not giving you room to share your insight.  It feels like a monologue instead of a conversation.  And in the end you walk away feeling as if you could not get in a word edgewise.  Yet as we talk or speak with others, we will find how much we have done this same thing to others.  Do we disregard others and speak out of turn?  Can we really listen to others fully before we respond?  Do we have a monopoly on the content of the conversation? What percentage was focused solely on you?  When we truly learn how to have genuine conversations with others they will walk away with a connection, correction, understanding that the yielding to the Holy Spirit will minister to both your hearts.  Cease from idle conversations just for the sake of speaking.  Don't desire to shift the focus back on you when the other person is speaking--this shows a lack of care for their concern.  We are to be able to take our cares to each other for safe keeping.  When we are not able to share and receive in genuine conversation, can lead to isolation.  Do we review our own motivations to find what is our intention behind that which we speak or share with others.  Fiveamprayer,  be careful in your desire to relate to others in their situation that we take over the conversation in our desire to show that they are not alone but the real question is are you listening?  There is some comfort that we are not alone in that experience but that is not always the time to share that information.  Hold your tongue to hear and listen to what they have to say.  Wouldn't it be great that once you are done speaking that the other person had to pause to consider what to say?  That they were not getting there response ready instead of listening with full intention?  We have to be wise in who we speak to and when would be a good time to speak.  The time of picking our words and when and how to speak will do away with much of our idle talk.  Remember that we are responsible for all that we utter.  With this better understanding we have and continue to receive, we will pause and reflect on what will be said.  To listen to more of this teaching click here. 

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